Starseed Series: Starseeds, Walk-Ins And Lightworkers
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Demystifying Starseeds, Walk-Ins And Lightworkers
Questions regarding starseeds, walk-ins, and lightworkers often arise. This explanation aims to offer insights into these concepts without referencing personal perspectives or experiences.
Souls fall into two distinct categories based on their origins: those originating solely from Earth and those with prior connections to other star systems. They are referred to as Earth souls and starseed souls, respectively.
The distinction lies at the soul level, separate from one's physical lineage. Being identified as a starseed doesn't imply extraterrestrial intervention in one's birth. Instead, it signifies an individual soul's unique history.
The term "starseed" serves as a broad classification. Specific starseed souls are further categorized into distinct groups or soul families, based on their previous associations with various star systems. This forms the basis of the starseed series.
While other starseed origins, such as those linked to Mars, Maldec, Vega, and Andromeda, have been discussed, they haven't been observed in the context of Akashic Record Readings. Therefore, the discussion avoids these specifics for the time being.
Some souls may have traversed two star systems before arriving on Earth. Typically, one of these influences predominates the soul. These secondary originations are termed underlay and overtone, based on the primary influence. For example, one might exhibit predominant Blueprinter traits, with the underlay of Mission Realmer, although the latter might not be immediately evident in daily life.
While theoretically plausible, encounters with souls connected to three or more stars have not been witnessed or recorded within this context.
A walk-in denotes a singular occurrence of a soul shift rather than an ongoing transition. It signifies a complete change of the soul within the physical form, where the individual becomes the new soul entity. It's important to understand that this shift doesn't entail losing one's true soul or someone else taking control. The individual is now the current soul entity, which might be unsettling for some.
Various types of walk-ins exist, irrespective of whether they pertain to starseed or Earth souls. For instance, consider a scenario where an individual previously housed a Pleiadian soul until the Pleiadian exodus approximately ten years ago. When the Pleiadian soul departed, another soul volunteered to step in. Without a soul, the body ceases to function, and it's deemed preferable to prevent the loss of a viable body.
The replacement soul could be an Earth soul or another variant of starseed soul, such as a Sirian soul. This transition constitutes the walk-in, leading to an abrupt shift in personality. In this case, the change is particularly evident since Pleiadians possess distinct characteristics as souls.
An intriguing instance of a walk-in is the Ascension soul shift, where an upgraded version of the same Higher Self or oversoul assumes control. This new soul operates at a higher vibrational dimension.
While walk-ins of various kinds may occur at any age, including childhood, Ascension soul shifts tend to predominantly manifest in adults. The youngest documented case of an Ascension soul shift was approximately eighteen years old. Most individuals experiencing Ascension soul shifts seem to be well into their adulthood.
Lightworkers are defined as souls evolving toward the Source, the origin of loving light energy sustaining life. They encompass both Earth-based and starseed souls on this evolutionary path.
The term "lightworker" can be misleading as it suggests labor or duty. A more accurate descriptor could be "light being" or "positively evolving souls."
In contrast, darkworkers are souls moving away from the Source. Discussing darkworkers often creates fear in some individuals who associate mentioning them with becoming one.
Following a recent post, there were harassing emails implying a personal shift towards darkness, which is a misunderstanding. The speaker firmly asserts their commitment to the light, acknowledging, as an Akashic Record Reader, that recovering from death is easier than engaging with dark forces.
Darkworkers, in opposition to the Source, attempt to acquire life energy by stealing it from those around them, often through deception or manipulation of others' identities.
While some define lightworkers as individuals engaged in healing or charitable work, this perspective doesn't align with the Akashic Record Reader's understanding. Through their practice, they've observed darkworkers infiltrating such roles, taking advantage of vulnerable individuals seeking healing services to siphon their energy.
It's crucial to discern a person's true nature by observing the energy flow rather than relying solely on job titles or labels. Not all individuals in lightworking roles are darkworkers; most are likely genuine lightworkers. However, this highlights the importance of understanding the actual energy dynamics at play.
Continue reading here: Starseed Series: Darkworkers
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