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Starseeds: A Galactic School for Souls

Starseeds: A Galactic School for Souls

A School for Souls

Galactic Federation discovered Earth when pre-human species were barely surviving.

They upgraded these species to a modern human form and dispersed a variety of human races across the planet.

They have remained here to assist ever since. First as the sky gods and angels who arrived openly in crafts to assist as teachers. Eventually they began incarnating as humans to experience everything humans experience.

With continued oversight by Galactic Federation and safeguards in place, Earth became a dedicated school where souls from many worlds came to experience challenges in duality that lead to soul growth.

Every human lifetime is recorded by the akashic and by going inward to connect with our soul in meditation we can access wisdom gleaned from these experiences. This process of awakening spiritually by overcoming obstacles promotes soul growth for all beings.


There is no soul trap. Reincarnation is a process maintained by God-Source throughout the universe. It happens naturally for all beings who aren’t Elohim or haven’t been upgraded by Elohim.

The natural process of soul incarnation is utilized by higher beings such as Galactic Federation to steer souls into genetic incarnations at the moment of conception.

Native souls always reincarnate on their own planet. If a native race or species goes extinct, God-Source directs the soul to another location in the universe.

The Haven of Light

Earth-native souls receive guidance and healing between lifetimes by Galactic Federation in a created space called the Haven of Light. As we approach the Shift, more Earth souls are remaining in the Haven of Light, waiting to be born as 5D humans instead of immediately reincarnating.

Akatu – Earth Native Souls – “The Galactic Federation Were Messengers Of Light And Their Intention Was To Raise The Frequency Of Those Living On Earth To Sustain Themselves In A Far Greater Capacity. When Death Came By Body, The Galactic Federation Created A Beautiful Haven In Nonphysical To Welcome Each Soul In Love. Understanding Their Creation And Those That Loved Them, They Learned Of The Source That Created All Life.”

Spirit Guides

Both starseeds and Earth-native souls have Guides. Guides are soul family to starseeds and were friends and family to Earth-native souls in previous lifetimes. We all have one lead Guide who never leaves us. Additional Guides can come and go throughout our lifetimes. 

Neioh (The Experience Of A Spirit Guide) – “Your Guide Is Chosen By You As A Soul In Origin. Most Of The Time, Your Guide Will Be A Close Friend Or Family Member. You Meet And Discuss The Variables That Could Unfold. You Create A Story Together That Will Allow Optimum Growth With Wisdom And Expanded Consciousness.”

Uploads and Downloads

Starseeds may arrive with specific talents or skills, intuition to work in a certain area, or ambition to achieve a particular goal. These can be given from birth (Uploads) or received at certain points in our human lifetime (Downloads).


Uploads are what you came here with. These are aspects you felt would be necessary in your personal choices. Uploads are accessed in many ways and can be triggered by heart-felt activities like art, dance, making love, loving animals and nature, and so on.

You can access your uploads in meditation. This will be followed by a new sense of renewal, with changes in eating habits, exercise, less judgement of others and a sense of who you are.


Downloads are given by Guides and the Soul Group and are encoded to be received as we need them. Downloads increase the strength and number of DNA strands. They also go to your chakras, energy body and cells of your physical body including the brain.

You may not be aware of a download, but you might feel a vibration or tingling in your head or body. Downloads can be encoded to be revealed for a future purpose, like sending information to you at a specific moment.

Other downloads are to further awaken you and spark interests in health and well-being, disclosure, and guide you to your higher self.

Neioh (Receiving Downloads) – “A Download Is An External Activation From The Galactic Federation, Friends In The Higher Realms Or Other Higher Beings. Frequencies Are Sent To Open Chakras, Change Hearts, Increase Light, Give Information Or A Number Of Other Helpful Gifts. The Individual Will Note A Change In Creativity, Interests And Sleep Patterns. 

Some Downloads Are From Crafts In The Area. Great Numbers Of Starseeds May Receive Downloads Simultaneously. The Frequencies Empower The Person And A Fresh Direction Is Noted. New Ideas And Information Finally Make Sense.”

Family of Taygeta


Judith is Kab’s mother in this lifetime, and she is the human incarnation of Aya, Kabamur’s mother on Taygeta. Both Judith and Kab have incarnated together in this lifetime to share with the world about Pleiadians and about the coming Shift. Judith has fully activated clairvoyant abilities; remote viewing, astral travel, multi-dimensional sight, visions of past and future, interactions with Fairies and Angels, and ongoing telepathic contact with Pleiadian Guides. Their Taygeta family is at the forefront of operations relating to Earth’s coming Ascension.
“Kab” is the human incarnation of Kabamur, son of Elder Ikai of Taygeta and Aya, and brother of Laka, Neioh and Akatu. He has incarnated with Aya to share Pleiadian Messages and awareness of the Shift in the last days. Kab is one of many that will serve as Ambassadors when Pleiadians are introduced to humans following the Shift to Sheen.


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