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- Written by AndEl
What is Myomassology?
Myomassology is one of the most comprehensive forms of massage therapy.
It is a combination of various ancient and modern massage techniques such as Swedish massage, Shiatsu, acupressure, reflexology, aromatherapy, Reiki, craniosacral therapy and herbology. It combines these massage techniques with modalities such as Yoga, Tai Chi, diet and nutrition to offer a fully integrated holistic treatment process.
How does Myomassology work?
Myomassology combines muscle massage with deep tissue massage techniques to ease, relax and strengthen the muscles and joints and to release blockages at the myofascial level. The effectiveness of the treatment is enhanced by using techniques such as aromatherapy, acupressure, reflexology and herbology.
Myomassology also pays close attention to the spiritual aspect of healing and employs techniques such as Reiki and Chakra balancing to ensure that the body and mind are brought into harmony with the universal life force.
During the first Myomassology session, the therapist will first analyze the patient’s medical history and physical condition to determine the treatment process to be followed. Once a diagnosis has been made, a tailor-made treatment plan is formulated based on the specific needs of the patient.
The diversity of modalities incorporated within Myomassology ensures that therapists are able to adapt treatment methodologies to a suit a wide variety of ailments.
What are the benefits of Myomassology?
Myomassology is very useful in treating muscular aches and pains. It can also be adapted to treat conditions involving chronic pain. Myomassology techniques can also help restore full range of movement to joints and muscles that have restrictions. It can also help to improve posture and daily movement. Myomassology also has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and promotes the flow of lymph and blood. This ensures that all the cells of your body receive sufficient oxygen and nutrition and helps you to feel energetic and full of life.
In addition to these physical benefits, Myomassology can also help to reduce the stress of daily living. It allows the mind and body to relax and induces a deep sense of wellbeing. Energy balancing techniques that are intrinsic to this therapy ensure that the body and mind are gently goaded towards a harmonious coexistence with the universal life energy.
Not only is Myomassology an excellent form of therapy for treating numerous ailments, but is also a good form of preventive therapy. It can help individuals lead a positive and healthy life and stem the debilitating effects of stress and old age. Regular sessions of Myomassology can help to ensure that you stay disease free and live a productive and healthy life.
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Myomassology ...
Myomassology is a type of massage which integrates massage techniques from many different disciplines. In addition to bodywork techniques, myomassology also integrates energy work and alternative medical treatments, along with nutritional and physical education. Each myomassologist approaches the technique slightly differently, customizing treatment for the patient to ensure that he or she receives the best care possible.
This style of massage was a natural outgrowth of Swedish style massage which developed in the 1970s. Massage therapists who learned the basic Swedish technique sometimes wanted to offer more to their clients, and they started integrating techniques from other disciplines. Over time, an all-encompassing style of massage which came to be known as myomassology arose. Numerous massage schools offer training in myomassology, and therapists can also pursue training independently.
Pretty much any massage style is acceptable in myomassology. In addition to Swedish, most therapists also offer deep tissue, reflexology, and craniosacral massage, along with energy work techniques such as reiki and aromatherapy. The massage therapist may include nutrition education, movement work like yoga, and various herbal remedies in the treatment, although the provision of nutritional information is restricted by law in some regions.
In a typical myomassology session, the therapist meets with the client to discuss the client's physical issues, and any sources of emotional trauma the client is experiencing. After meeting with the patient, the therapist steps out so that the client can disrobe and climb onto a massage table. During the session, the massage therapist uses a variety of massage strokes and techniques to creating a flowing massage session which addresses specific muscle aches and pains, a desire for general well-being, and any particular issues the client may be experiencing.
After the myomassology session, the client will be given “homework” which might involve a series of regular stretches, dietary changes, exercise recommendations, and so forth. If the myomassologist is licensed to do so, he or she may provide medicinal herbs, essential oils, and other products which could be beneficial to the patient.
This style of bodywork relies heavily on a continuing relationship between therapist and client. At least two sessions a month are usually recommended, with some people going once a week, and long-term commitment to myomassology is strongly encouraged. Potential clients may want to try sessions with several practitioners to find one which works for them, and they should ask about discounts for bulk purchases of sessions, as many massage therapists offer these as a form of incentive.
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