- Details
- Written by AndEl
What is Breema®
Breema® is a simple, natural form of touch and body movement supported by universal principles. The aim of Breema is to bring us to a tangible experience of presence that becomes our foundation for a new dimension of health, consciousness, and self-understanding.
Breema provides a unique approach to experiencing body-mind connection. It offers a profound understanding of the underlying unity of all life that is expressed in a dynamic and practical philosophy, the key to which is found in the Nine Principles of Harmony. The practice of Self-Breema exercises and Breema bodywork is a living expression of that philosophy through the vehicle of the body.
The nonjudgmental atmosphere created by our use of the Principles is deeply nourishing and enables us to let go of conditioned patterns, so that we can connect to new and more natural ways of moving, thinking, and feeling. Breema’s Principles can be integrated and applied in any profession and in all activities of daily life, helping us bring greater harmony to all our relationships.
About Breema Bodywork and Self-Breema
Breema bodywork and Self-Breema exercises use nurturing touch, tension-relieving stretches, and rhythmic movements to create physical, mental, and emotional balance. Breema’s commonsense wisdom guides the practitioner to support the body’s instinctive healing energy, nurturing vitality instead of focusing on symptoms of illness or imbalance.
The Breema philosophy and its Nine Principles of Harmony address the essential nature of life, the deeper meaning of health and how to actualize it, and the means of gaining practical, self-verified knowledge that can lead to an understanding of our unique potential as human beings.
Every aspect of Breema, including the form of the movement, the atmosphere, the practitioner-recipient dynamic, the practitioner’s quality of touch, and the purpose and effect of the sequence or exercise, is a perfect expression of those interrelated principles.
By applying the principles and supporting body-mind connection, Breema facilitates a taste of presence in the body that becomes the foundation of a new dimension of Consciousness.
Breema Bodywork
In Breema bodywork, one person gives while the other receives. Sessions takes place on a padded floor, with practitioner and recipient comfortably dressed. The fully-supported movements include firm yet gentle stretches, precise and gradual leans into the muscles, nurturing brushes and holds, and a wide variety of playfully rhythmic movements.
Unique in its inherent expression of the Nine Principles of Harmony, Breema eliminates the need for any force by the practitioner. Instead, it uses the natural mechanics, rhythm, and relaxed weight of the practitioner’s body to create a precise and dynamic balance that is profoundly comfortable, enjoyable, and beneficial for both recipient and practitioner.
The Nine Principles
The Nine Principles of Harmony make Breema bodywork unique. They distinguish it from all other methods, even those which include movements that appear to be similar. Yet, the principles of Breema are universal. They can be applied to other techniques and methods of bodywork, health improvement, health maintenance and, in fact, to any activity in life. You can begin, in your own way, to apply those principles with which you find an inner resonance. If you find the principles inspiring, you will eventually want to support your study by participating in a class or workshop, because both practicing and receiving Breema bodywork are extremely helpful for deepening your Self-understanding.
Body Comfortable
When we look at the body, not as something separate, but as an aspect of a unified whole, there is no place for discomfort.
No Extra
To express our true nature, nothing extra is needed.
Firmness and Gentleness
Real firmness is always gentle. Real gentleness is always firm. When we are present, we naturally manifest firmness and gentleness simultaneously.
Full Participation
The most natural way of moving and living is with full participation. Full participation is possible when body, mind, and feelings are united in a common aim.
Mutual Support
The more our Being participates, the more we are able to support life and recognize that Existence supports us. Giving and receiving support take place simultaneously.
No Judgment
The atmosphere of nonjudgment gives us a taste of acceptance of ourselves as we are in the moment. When we come to the present, we are free from judgment.
Single Moment/Single Activity
Each moment is new, fresh, totally alive. Each moment is an expression of our true nature, complete by itself.
No Hurry/No Pause
In the natural rhythm of life energy, there is no hurry and no pause.
No Force
When we let go of assumptions of separation, we let go of force.
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