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Planetary Valentine's Dance!

Planetary Valentine's Dance!

Imagine a dance. The gatekeeper is Pluto at the entry to the first garden.

This outer garden has all light colors, yellow, white, lavender, and pale greens and is called the Aquarian garden. As we approach the ballroom, we then enter into another garden, filled with luscious greens, browns, yellows, reds, and magentas called the Piscean gardens. These are what greet you as you come to the dance at the Aries ballroom.

Venus arrives at the Aquarius entry garden, and then quickly skips through that light and bright garden into the luxuriant Pisces garden, where she feels like she could be forever. Saturn was the first to greet Her, with the two swirling around, beauty dancing with mature understanding, accompanied by Neptune enveloping the entire garden in an atmosphere of Love.

After dancing with Saturn and bathing in the Love of Neptune, the arrival of the Sun brings illumination to the entry garden with Mercury close behind, hurrying to the dance. They pass the gatekeeper and join in the Aquarius garden.

However, as these new guests are meeting in the outer garden, Venus is gliding away. She is the first to reach the Aries ballroom, quickening the dance into that new beginning while slowly turning to look back at the gardens. She sees that Mercury has quickly moved through the Aquarius garden and now has begun to dance with Saturn and Neptune in the green Pisces garden.

Venus waltzes into the ballroom, and glides to a slow 180 turn to look back upon her grand entrance into the dance. She begins to slowly sway around and around in the ballroom, with each turn moving into the center of the room where the new ruler awaits her.

Just as She stops in the middle of the room and has a new look at the luxuriant green Pisces garden, she sees Mercury coming toward Her in the ballroom, eager to move together and apart, touching and not touching, with each remembering their last dance almost a year ago in April.

It was an exciting dance then, with Mercury a whirling dervish in the 18th sector of the Aries ballroom. They continued to see each other, with the dance taking them to the Cancer encounter leading each to a new direction in June. After that, they didn’t see each other until now, dancing together again in the 9th sector of the Aries ballroom.

And now they dance, around and around, with each turn in the Aries ballroom taking them back a step closer to the Pisces garden, where the Sun is illuminating the rich colors and textures, empowering and blessing Saturn and Neptune as they too prepare to find their way to the threshold where the Pisces garden and the Aries ballroom meet.

Venus is the first to dance with the Sun while looking back to the inner garden. They come together in the 3rd sector of Aries, promising each a role to play in helping all who come to the dance to see they are avatars representing an ideal of everyone. Just after they dance, the Sun comes together with Mercury again, this time at the 5th sector of the ballroom.

As the Sun continues to the center of the ballroom, Venus steps back into the luxury of the Piscean garden, followed quickly by Mercury. While Venus loves the Piscean garden, Mercury is not as familiar with that garden as Venus, preferring the order and symmetry of the Aquarius garden.

Mercury and Venus dance together, touching and not quite touching, in that Piscean garden until Mercury stops and turns toward the ballroom again, and begins to move away from Venus, who prefers to remain in the Pisces garden as long as She can.

She will linger in that garden until May, and then dance anew in the Aries ballroom. By then Mercury will have danced as long as it can, and will move on to other fields to join the Sun there. Mercury and Venus will not see each other again until late January 2026, where they will come together to dance in the 15th sector of the Aquarius garden.

Welcome to the dance going on February, March, April and May 2025 in the Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries sectors of your charts! Happy dancing, all!

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2025 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2025 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
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Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith written persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

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