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2024 Libra Lunar Eclipse: Your Path to Transformation Revealed!

2024 Libra Lunar Eclipse: Your Path to Transformation Revealed!

March 25, 2024
12 AM PDT / 3 AM EDT / 7 AM UT
5 Aries 7 / 5 Libra 7

“Easy peasy” are not words that normally come to mind heading into an eclipse. In the scheme of this year’s eclipses, though, March’s lunar event is surprisingly chill.

It’s a full moon in Libra, with regenerative and stabilizing powers and only an undercurrent of discomfort. Unless you have placements at 5 degrees of cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn), it will probably feel only a little more intense than a garden variety full moon.

And even if you do have early cardinal placements, this lunation is not likely to rock your world (unlike its firecracker-enhanced solar eclipse in April).

A lunar eclipse escalates and amplifies the emotional dramas of a full moon and laces them with revelations, chapter endings and significant departures. This month’s event in Libra puts relationships in the center of the action.

The Aries/Libra polarity pits the individual against the partner, or the union. The individual is getting the advantage, and a power-up, too, during the current eclipses. They’re revising relationship rules (our internal ones as well as those we have made or presumed with others). They’re encouraging all of us to stop worrying about or waiting for other people and do our own thing.

Relationship revision is the focus of this stage, halfway through this eclipse cycle, which runs from March 2023-2025. Approach current developments as a pivot point.

We’re at a moment of reflection and re-evaluation, and the aftermath will not be business as usual. Revelations are showing what’s really been going on outside your awareness or field of vision (or within you). They’re identifying where renegotiation is needed, and especially where goodbyes are in order. Some of those goodbyes will take care of themselves; others may need an assist.

Deep and lasting revisions and endings come relatively easily, with the Moon in the opportunity aspect of a sextile to Pluto, agent of unavoidable, evolutionary change. Sure, some stinging may be involved, but Pluto does surgery with a sharp and efficient scalpel, instead of the Libran butter knife approach, gentler but ultimately more prolonged and painful.

Links to Pluto open access to the rumblings in our psyches. Connecting to your own truth is possible, though it may require some courage and internal candor. Pay attention to your gut, or hunches, or feelings of something being off-balance.

If a sensation or suspicion won’t turn off, that’s important information. Two influences are driving it. One is the sextile to Pluto. Pluto aspects run 24/7. You can’t evade them by taking a nap or trying to jam the signal. They’re ever-present, when you go to sleep and when you wake up, and running through your dreams as well. They are also steering other people, so…be warned.

The other influence is subtler but equally unavoidable. The semi-sextile from Mars to the Moon is a nagging, annoying irritant. The cause isn’t obvious, but the sensation is persistent, urging you to look for and at the source. This is also affecting other people, so…be warned.

The upshot: it’s time to act on undercurrents that have been swirling for a while – from dissatisfaction, disconnects and drifting apart to power imbalances and restrictions on being yourself.

The general vibe favors arrangements we can stick to, and preferably ones we actually desire. Libra’s ruler Venus, goddess of love, is barely past a conjunction with Saturn, planet of structure, commitment and adulting. Stability and staying power are in demand.

And if a situation is stifling us, we’re apt to shake it off (or see it removed from our lives). Venus is sextile beneficent, expansive Jupiter and the other cosmic change agent Uranus, quick-change artist, awakener and liberator. She’s in charge of this link, since they are in her earthly home of Taurus.

This means huge, quick, sudden disruptions, breaks and breakthroughs are possible, and they’re all for our ultimate good. (The title of a short story collection by Grace Paley sums up the potential: Enormous Changes At the Last Minute.)

Some of the change and some of the benefits may show up in a month, when Jupiter and Uranus complete their conjunction at 21 Taurus on April 20.

And while volatility is part of any eclipse – and any aspect to Uranus – this one still falls on the gentler side. It feels more like ribbons untying and fluttering on the breeze. Let them float away.

And voice your needs in the connections that stay. The other person may be more open to switching up the ground rules. It does not hurt to ask. And it may help.

Re-blogged on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Kathy Biehl.

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Kathy Biehl

I am a professional astrologer, psychic and Tarot adviser who helps individuals and business owners make decisions and better understand (and laugh about!) themselves, their options and the people in their lives. I have pursued astrology since junior high, read the Tarot since high school and studied formally at the Houston Institute of Astrology and in workshops with leading astrologers across the country.  

I am a tested and verified member of Best American Psychics, which gave me its 2018 Awesome Accolades Award! (Plus, Psychic of the Month for January 2020 and December 2013 and Psychic of the Week for February 14, 2022, January 25, 2021, December 2, 2019, and June 18, 2018.) I am also a tested and certified member of the Certified Psychics Society and trained in mediumship at the Institute for Spiritual Development. In addition to teaching Tarot, astrology, empathic energy management and related metaphysical topics, I teach, design, lead and produce guided meditations for relaxation and personal growth.

I bring to my counseling my diverse life experience as an attorney, a small business owner, a performing artist and a writer.

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