2025 Pisces New Moon Secrets You Need to Know
- Details
- Written by Kathy Biehl

February 27, 2025
4:44 PM PT / 7:44 PM ET
February 28, 2025 12:44 AM GMT
9 Pisces 40
Tender, bittersweet and boundary-blurring currents run through the Pisces New Moon.
It’s the last we’ll experience with Neptune in the sign. And he’s getting a send-off that befits his boundlessness.
In the sign of Pisces, the typical New Moon properties of new seeds, fresh starts and next phases come without need of logical thought or planning. This is the last of the water signs, connected to the unseen and unspoken and otherworldly – and to all of existence. It’s the realm of magic and poetry, of mermaids and dreamers, of mirrors and illusion. It connects us to forces that transcend mundane existence (artistry, love, compassion, awareness of the divine), as well as to ones that unmoor us from physical reality (deception, mental illness, substance abuse).
These characteristics are off the charts. Your sensitivity to the rest of humanity could be greater than ever. Your connection to higher guidance could be greater than ever. Your creativity could be as well. And so could your spaciness.
How would you like to fold more flow and flexibility into your life? More spirituality? More glitter and fairy dust?
You could dream a softer, gentler, kind world into existence. The mojo is there.
The Moon is getting pumped up by a square to Jupiter, the traditional ruler of Pisces. Jupiter is an indulgent, “more is better” influence, which causes whatever it touches to mushroom.
The square inspires dreaming bigger, enlarging your vision of what’s possible, and believing in outright magic. Set goals that are intangible, more emotional or spiritual than financial or worldly, and perhaps of service to something bigger than your life.
The waters are encouraging both voicing these energies and putting form to them. Those influences come from the company Neptune is keeping, which also includes the signpost to the future. Neptune is conjunct Mercury – hence the communication piece, Saturn – hence the mastering and structuring piece, and the North Node. Dream it; speak it; claim it; you are creating your path forward.
You have a while to dream it into being. This conjunction is part of Neptune’s prolonged goodbye party – a two month affair, appropriate given his 14 years in his home sign.
The party began over the first weekend in February, when Venus met with Neptune and the North Node. That was a contemplative, quiet weekend, tinged with the sorrow of the plane/helicopter collision that plunged into the Potomac River. What was happening in your life? Lots of binge-watching, perhaps?
That contemplative quiet is resurfacing now, with impulses to do more with it. That time is coming. The New Moon gathering is teeing up the end of March, when retrograde Venus joins the Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and the North Node in an astonishing mega-conjunction at the end of the sign – just before Neptune leaves the waters for the fires of Aries.
So dream as if you have all the time in the world because, in a sense, you do. We are suspended between the past and a future unlike any we have encountered, suspended in boundless, all-connecting waters along with the rest of humanity.
Believe in miracles. Embed them in your New Moon wishes.
Re-blogged on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Kathy Biehl.
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