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5 Ways to Keep Your Sanity During Mercury Retrograde

5 Ways to Keep Your Sanity During Mercury Retrograde

We’ve all heard of it…the dreaded time when Mercury goes retrograde. Gulp!

However, what I’m here to tell you may shock you. You see, Astrology is an amazing tool to help you understand how the energies above affect you down here on earth. As you know, there are certain cycles where the energy feels confusing and ungrounded. During those times it’s not uncommon to react emotionally and dramatically affecting both your physical and emotional body.

Fact: Mercury will be retrograde from October 21st until November 10th, 2013.

Common reactions:
“Ahhhh, OMG, I hate when this happens!”
“My computer is going to break!”
“My boyfriend broke up with me last time!”
“My car broke down!”
“The sky is falling, the sky is falling….”

Sound familiar?

Since all this frazzled energy is a major cause of disturbances in your mind, body, and soul here’s a brief description of what’s really going on behind this so called Mercury Retrograde.

Mercury is the messenger of the zodiac and its energy rules your thinking, speech, communication, technology, and transportation. When this planet goes retrograde it appears to be moving backward. However, it’s not actually moving backward, but from our PERCEPTION here on earth it appears as if it is which disrupts the smooth flow of communication. Think of a cable wire with a hole in it.

As our perception gets skewed it’s not uncommon for things to go a little haywire.

Here are the 5 ways to keep your emotional and physical body balanced during this time:

1. REceive and be Open

As your perception shifts it’s an OPPORTUNITY to receive new information. You may learn something about a person that you might not have been open to hearing during the time Mercury was direct. Take it in, but don’t act on it. Wait until Mercury goes direct to communicate your concerns or new findings.

2. REconnect

When a planet goes retrograde it’s an indicator that something from the past is going to be revisited and with this people from the past often emerge. The past is the past and I’m talking past lives here too. Think about a real soulmate coming into the picture to help you on your journey. I don’t know about you but that sounds nice to me!

3. REdo, REpeat, RE….

This is a good time to go back and REview old projects that you haven’t finished or REvisit something that you’ve been putting off for a while now. It’s about REassessing, REdoing, REarranging….anything that you can put a “re” in front of is a good way to keep your energy grounded during this time.

4. It’s all about the R & R

When Mercury is retrograde it’s not a great idea to sign contracts or to start something new because the energy is as such that you may be missing some information, not seeing all the fine print, or you may be signing something that’s not for your highest good. That being said, if you’re feeling confused and overwhelmed it’s a good time to just stop and allow yourself a celestial nap! Shift your gear into cruise control and take a breather. I realize that life still goes on while Mercury is retrograde, however, this is one of the times that you’re allowed (without feeling guilty) to pause, REflect, and take a mental break. Your soul will thank you for it.

5. Go within instead of without

Mercury retrograde is often a time of heightened intuition and can open you up more than you would like at times. This makes it an opportune time to REconnect with your heart center through meditation and learn to REconnect with your higher self. You can read all the self-help books you want, however, at the end of the day the answers lie within you. The outcome: by the time Mercury goes direct you’ll be ready to take on the world with a whole new perspective.

So there you have it. Yes, there may be some confusion and some electronics may break down during MR, however, think of it as a green light from the Universe to take a step back and REassess any situation. Trust that whatever happens during this retrograde period is opening you up to a greater perspective and vision in life.


Feel free to REpost as the Universe encourages it!

Danielle Paige

This article was written by Danielle Paige. Danielle is an Intuitive Astrologer, healer, and spiritual life coach who blends her trained astrological background with her intuitive abilities to help clients understand their energetic blueprint (i.e. who they are at the core) so that they can live a more fulfilling life. She specializes in helping clients understand their love life, how to balance and resolve their karma, find what their true purpose is in this lifetime, and so much more! She is also a contributing writer for JMag, Jdates online magazine and is the go-to Astrologer for Marilu Henner on the Marilu Show. For more information and guidance on your path you can contact her through her website: www.healingpaige.com

A few words about the person behind PurposeFairy – Luminita D. Saviuc
When nobody’s watching, I pretend I’m a moon sprite; transcendent, effervescent, ever curious. Yet my birth certificate says I’m a human born in Romania.
Source Here


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