Metaphysical Tetrahedron
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- Written by AndEl
Physical Qualities of the Tetrahedron
The Tetrahedron, also called the Triangular Pyramid, is the first of the five Platonic Solid shapes. It contains 4 triangular faces, 4 vertices and 6 edges. The simplest of the Platonic Solids, the Tetrahedron means "with four planes".In the case of a Tetrahedron, the base is also a triangle, so any of the four faces can be considered the base.
Tetrahedron - Fire Element
Metaphysical aspects of the Tetrahedron
The Tetrahedron represents the Fire Element and is linked to the Solar Plexus, which is the center for personal power, acceptance, and a natural balance between the physical and the spiritual. Each side sits flat, no matter how it is turned, making it the perfect symbol for balance and stability.
This Platonic Solid has unlimited uses for healing, manifestation, grid and/or energy work. The most common application is to focus the energy into each of the three corners, which will combine into one powerful, concentrated stream that flows upward to the top point.
Suggested Metaphysical Uses for the Tetrahedron
You can try this yourself. Build a small manifestation grid using a Tetrahedron in the middle and three quartz points, each point facing directly at a base corner. Place items that validate your intent around the three quartz points and be still. Visualize these energies concentrating into a strong, single stream projecting out of the top point and into the Universal Consciousness.
Or try the reverse, by sitting the Tetrahedron in the middle of your grid and placing three quartz points away from the base corners. The energy in this case will be drawn into the top point as a single ray and distributed equally out of the three base points. This will fill the entire sacred space or healing area with the smooth energies of balance and stability.
The Tetrahedron is a wonderful tool to use whether you are directing energy away from or towards a specific area. It can also be used to access information and gain knowledge by going within the crystal itself.
Sit the Tetrahedron on a table at eye level and focus all of your attention into the crystal. You may even want to visualize opening the door and walking inside. Be still, pay attention. This is an amazing way to acquire the knowledge and information this shape holds specifically for you.
If you are new to crystals and want to experience the energies of the Tetrahedron, simply place it in your hand and focus. You may feel a tingling sensation or a sense of heat or cold. You may feel nothing on a physical level, but get a mental impression or picture. You may just feel a sense of peace and calm. Again, pay attention to this carefully as you absorb the energy from this amazing shape and get to know your Tetrahedron. Each experience will be as unique as the shape itself.
Closing Comments for the Tetrahedron
So while the Tetrahedron may be considered the simplest of the Platonic Solids, it most definitely is one of the easiest and most versatile to use.
Platonic Solids
Platonic Solids are a set of five, three dimensional, shapes that date back to the Greek mathematician Pythagoras and later named after the Greek Philosopher Plato. The Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron each have unique characteristics, in that the sides, edges and angles are all congruent.In other words, all sides are equal, the angles are the same and the faces are identical.
It was the great Greek Philosopher, Plato, who paired each of the platonic solids with a classical element (fire, earth, water, air, and ethers/Universe). He believed that these three dimensional shapes were the building blocks to the creation of everything in and around us. If you view a 3-D model of any of the elements contained in the periodic tables, you will see that each has a crystalline structure at the Atomic level made up of these Platonic Solids shapes.
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