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- Written by AndEl
The octahedron form represents the merging of the physical, mental, and spiritual planes, thus symbolizing a state of completion. The Octahedron or double Pyramid was a key factor in reaching oneness or enlightenment. Be aware the great pyramid of Giza is reflected under the ground and contains a complex of 23 temples representing the 23 stars of Orion.
Octahedron - an Air-form recognizing the interdimensionality of the spiritual/physical system. The Octahedron goes beyond the three physical dimensions, tunneling into the fourth. It is a vehicle of time travel, of past and future co-existing with the present. The Octahedron creates a matrix for a reality in which the principle law is as follows: present is the visible point (or motion) where the past and future planes of symmetry unite. The Octahedron is also representative of the solar energies streaming from the "Atana" (solar sun) to the "Atoma" (central sun of earth). The Octahedron is the "Golden Key" to uniting all parts of the time continuum existing within the cosmic/human heart.
Octahedronal consciousness was predominant upon Earth during some very ancient and enlightened civilizations such as Lemuria and dolphin cultures, and is predominant within extraterrestrial civilizations such as the Pleiades. But in our past, as our planet more fully explored the experience of polarity, the octahedronal teachings were only given to very few, if at all. Now that a planetary change in consciousness is occurring, we can use the tools known deep inside of us, by the ancients, and by our extraterrestrial forefathers to uplift our energies and continue the process of spiritual integration.
The Octahedron corresponds classically to Air. It has 8 faces, 6 vertices and 12 edges. The edges naturally correspond to the zodiac. They can be arranged in such a manner that the four triplicities border a triangular face each without overlap. These faces cover half the surface, leaving 4 incomplete faces with signs from three elements along each edge (this may signify an absence of the left-out element. The octahedron thus consists of both the abundance of each element and its absence). At each corner two elements meet (creating the same planetary correspondences as in the tetrahedron, with the sun at the centre as usual). In this arrangement, each square "equator" corresponds to one quadruplicity.
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