Opening Yourself up to the Healing Powers of Music
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- Written by Sally Benson
Whether we create, play, or simply enjoy listening to it, music makes us feel in ways we least expect. Music and spirituality are intricately related. While spirituality is often the inspiration for creating music, music so often creates the desired atmosphere for a spiritual moment. When you open yourself up to the healing powers of music, it can resonate on a deeper level than cognitive comprehension and touch your soul. Whatever type of music you listen to or the instrument you play, it can affect your mind, body, and spirit in powerful ways.
Music Helps You Heal
While Philosophers Pythagoras and Aristotle may have talked about the healing power of music, it's actually been scientifically proven. Music helps with stress, psychosis, trauma, depression, and anxiety. It can also reduce pain and dementia and stroke symptoms. And it's not just listening to music that's good for our mental and spiritual health. Playing an instrument like the classical guitar regularly has some surprising benefits too. It can help lower heart rate, blood pressure, and stress levels. It's a great way to boost your creativity and wellbeing.
Music Increases Your Self Awareness
Self-discovery and self-awareness are important steps in your personal growth. The ability to understand yourself allows you to offer your unique gifts to the world. Listening to music is a way you can cultivate this type of self-awareness. It enables you to think about the person you are, who you would like to be, and how to create your own path. If you need direction or feel disconnected from yourself, try listening to your favorite music and see where your mind goes. As the music informs your thoughts, trust what comes up and allow it to guide you.
Music Connects Us Spiritually
Music makes us feel in unique ways. It can evoke a range of emotions without warning. It can play a central role in a person's or community's spiritual life. Music has been used in spiritual ceremonies across history, whether it's chanting, acapella singing, or drumming. Whether you are playing it, listening to it, or creating it, music has transcendent properties that connect us to things that are greater than ourselves and has the ability to positively affect our quality of life and spirituality and form a deeper connection to the universe.
Embracing the healing benefits of music could help improve your wellbeing and change you psychologically and physiologically. So, next time you pick up your guitar, put in your earphones, or turn up the radio, open yourself up to the healing benefits of music.
Sally Benson is a professional freelance writer with many years experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and travelling as much as possible.
This article is written exclusively for by Sally Benson. © 2022 All rights reserved. Do Not Copy.
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