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Colours and Their Meanings





Wiccan skills. Purification. Ancient wisdom and knowledge.

Amethyst Transition from the material world to spiritual realms. Awareness. Higher knowledge, Spiritual insight.
Apple Green Healer
Apricot Admiration.
Aqua Cooling and Balancing. Communication and expanded awareness.
Avocado Green New Beginnings.
Azure Symbol of heraldry. Represents piety and sincerity.
Beige Neutral, practical, and conservative. Unbiased.
Black Negativity. Fear, Anxiety, Hatred, Resentment, Guilt, Depression. Known as the colour of evil, despair, sin and mourning. Represents satanic ritual, darkness and the underworld.
Blue Gives peace of mind. Represents Spirituality, and religion. The most calming colour. Indicates sensitivity, truth, healing, hope, friendship, physical protection, creativity, patience, wisdom, peace, loyalty. Assists with sleep. Represents inner light. Guidance.
Blue Green Spiritual healing. Depression or sadness.
Blue Grey Fear of new ideas.
Blue Purple Transcendent idealism.
Blue Violet Honour, spiritual truth, devotion, inspiration.
Burgundy Wealth, Success, prosperity, and elegance. Unconscious beauty.
Brick Red Selfishness, Avarice, Criminal intent.
Bright Green Uplifting.
Bright Orange Health and vitality.
Bright Purple Denotes knowledge of the spiritual in conscious existence.
Bright Red Courage.
Bright Yellow Intuition. Enlightened intellect. Represents playfulness. Gaiety. Joy, Merriment.
Bronze For positive relationships.
Brown Represents the practical. A down to earth approach. Animal magic, Symbol of home, friendship, grounding. Opens energy channels. Eliminates indecisiveness; improves powers of concentration.
Burnt Orange Opportunity.
Buttercup Yellow Focused
Caramel Positive Career Change
Carmine Change
Charcoal Grey Depression
Chartreuse Confidence, Prosperity, Travel and Growth.
Cherry Red Self love, Enhances relationships.
Chocolate Work with the earth and the environment.
Claret Self Determination
Clear Clarity.
Clear Brown Avarice.
Clear Red High Energy.
Cloudy Orange Low intellect.
Cloudy Red Greed, cruelty.
Cobalt Blue Intuition from Higher dimensions
Copper Professional growth, business fertility, career manoeuvres, passion, and money goals.
Coral Friendship, friends.
Cranberry Red Love, Passion, Energy, Enthusiasm, Courage.
Cream Represents Acceptance, tolerance, and maturity. Charming, thoughtful, gracious.
Crimson Helps in making choices; Offers spiritual guidance and protection. Optimistic, Reckless. Mourning.
Cyan Calming of the physical.
Dark Blue Superstition. Depression, and moodiness. Fanaticism. Smug, Dogmatic, Rigid, and Critical.
Dark Brown Unenlightened. Denial of spirit. Materialistic approach to life. Evokes wistfulness or melancholy. Indecision. Drains energy.
Dark Green Indicates jealousy, or rivalry. Ambition, and greed. Insecurity. Selfishness. Grace in old age. Adaptable.
Dark Grey Energy and guidance for problems to come.
Dark Orange Distrust and deceit. Down to earth.
Dark Pink Represents gentle, unconditional love. Thankfulness. Concentrated Spiritual Healing.
Dark Red High energy, Strong determination, Strong passion, Anger. Aggression.
Dark Purple Wealth. Has an analgesic, narcotic, and hypnotic effect. Rage. Deep devotion, deep compassion. Vision.
Dark Turquoise Helpful for feelings of loneliness, heightens communication, sensitivity, and creativity.
Dark Yellow Indicates oppression. Represents treachery, cowardice, aging, and illness. Indicates Caution. Jealousy. Deceit.
Deep Blue High spiritual attainment.
Deep Crimson Shame.
Deep Gold Prosperity.
Deep Orange Pride.
Deep Pink Marriage. Mature love. Trust. Thankfulness.
Deep Red Unconscious beauty.
Delft Blue Strong Ethics
Dirty Green Envy, Spite, Illness, or Jealousy
Doe Skin

Very orderly.

Dull Grey Brown Selfishness.
Dull Yellow

False optimism, visionary mentality.

Dusty Pink Sexual Desire
Electric Blue Individuality, Originality, Encourages uniqueness, Stimulates the need for humanism, Creates innovation, Enhances our ability to be open minded, Promotes rationality, carries spiritual protection.
Emerald Green Attracts love, and fertility. Money, Prosperity and Wealth. Peace of mind.
Fawn End of Difficulties
Fuchsia Positive and pure energy. Emotional tension. Preparation for change.
Gold Spiritual Healing. Represents Faith, Constancy, Wisdom, Glory. Solar magic. Fosters understanding and attracts the power of cosmic forces. Symbol of attraction, persuasion, wealth, and financial wisdom. Blessing of home. Super conscious and spiritual truths. Eternal or spiritual Love.
Golden Brown Friendship. Illumination, wisdom.
Golden Orange Denotes self-control.
Golden Topaz Balanced Power.
Golden Yellow Joy and Gladness.
Grape Laziness
Green Creates balance of energy. Heals the heart. Helps us overcome a fear of giving, and sharing. Assists adaptability. Promotes reconciliation, harmony, and balance. Peaceful thoughts. Renewal. A symbol of fertility and growth. Represents abundance, vitality, nature, success, good luck, and beauty. The most restful colour for the human eye.
Green Yellow Jealousy, anger, sickness, discord, cowardice.
Green Grey Envy, deceit, fear.
Grey Indicates a lack of commitment, Depression. Colour of neutrality. Creates confusion. Balance, or stalemate.
Grey Brown Selfishness.
Imperial Purple Dreams
Indian Red Leadership, Valour.
Indigo Develops psychic perception. Higher Intuition. Clairvoyance. Helps in discovering past lives Indicates dignity, tranquillity, psychic powers, and trustworthiness. Creates a deep meditation state. Balances out Karma.
Iridescent Green Very friendly.
Iridescent Pink Sexual desire.
Ivory Tainted purity, superiority.
Ivory Pink Friendship.
Jade A charitable nature.
Lavender Intuition, dignity, spiritual shield, opening of the third eye. Inner Peace. Spiritual Growth. Equilibrium. Dainty, nostalgic, feminine. Soothing. Affection and devotion.
Leaden Grey Meanness, lack of imagination.
Lemon Stimulates and vitalizes the brain. Cleansing.
Lemon Green A Liar and a cheat.
Lemon Yellow Strong Direction
Light Blue Represents hope and faith. Harmony, peace and tranquillity, forgiveness, fidelity, honesty, patience and devotion. Used to purify the home. Need to learn from past mistakes; and take care in choices. Relieves anxiety and confusion.
Light Brown Indicates genuineness. Doubt.
Light Gold Prosperity and health.
Light Green Youth, potential, Vitality and health.
Light Grey Fear.
Light Orange Shy and Timid. Promotes empathy.
Light Pink Sexual love. Evokes love, romance, grace and joy. Shared Spiritual Awakening. Immaturity.
Light Purple Increased Psychic Power. Spiritual prowess. Fantasy, romance.
Light Red Happiness, courage, success.
Light Violet Enchantment. Communication with spirit guides and angels.
Light Yellow High wisdom and intellect.
Lilac Acceptance of responsibility. Awakening. Enchantment.
Lime Green Attracts prosperity. Abundance.
Magenta Energizes. High level of spiritual healing. Exorcism. Promotes winning. Emotional healing.
Maroon Indicates frigidity. Sacrifice, strength and bravery. Recuperation. Composed Warm hearted and co-operative.
Mauve Represents endurance. Cooperation, trust, and self-confidence.
Medium Green Healing and Health.
Midnight Blue Damaged pride. Angelic protection.
Mint Green Financial gain.
Muddy Orange Represents pride or vanity.
Muddy Pink An individual who is immature.
Mushroom Slowing of destiny.
Mustard Indicates difficulty in rationalising. Represents jealousy,
Navy Blue Strong Emotions, often focused on self pity. Colour for wallowing.
Off White Peace of mind.
Olive Peace. Natural wisdom. Uniformity.
Opal Transformation.
Opaque Grounded awareness.
Orange Helps with assimilation of new ideas. Removes repression and inhibitions. Broadens the mind, Helps us cope with our life and career. Promotes Drive and ambition. Fruitful Endeavours. Increases vigour. Stimulates energy, and Endurance. Awe.
Orange Brown Self-indulgence, sloth, laziness, immorality, perversion, ignorance.
Orange Red Sexuality, Energy
Orchid Physical Energy, Happiness, Power and Healing
Pale Blue Sensitivity
Pale Green Empathy, sympathy, or weakness.
Pale Peach Modesty.
Pale Pink True Love
Pale Primrose Great intellectual power.
Pale Yellow Shyness
Peach Represents empathy and harmony. Gentle Strength, Protection, Confidence, and Communication. Secret desires. Heightens attraction.
Pearl The color of spiritual mediums.
Pearl White Prophesy. Lunar energy. Breaks curses. Deep peace.
Pilot Blue Sheilding.
Pink Unconditional love, Mother love. The colour of romance. Symbol of fidelity, friendship, honour, harmony, compassion, service and faithfulness. Brings affection.
Pink Madder Loyalty, Commitment
Pink Red Outrageous, imaginative, innovative.
Rosy Pink Unselfish love.
Primrose Optimism
Prussian Blue Harmony
Pumpkin Self Control
Purple Nobility of purpose, Spiritual and visionary leadership, Spiritual teaching and goals. Symbol of power, passionate belief, and respect. Idealism, Psychic manifestations. Abstinence and Sobriety.
Quartz Protection and purification.
Raw Sienna Indicates a poor thinking process.
Rainbow Brings Joy. A special blessing. Balancing of chakra colours. Hope, renewal and new beginnings. Spiritual illumination. Helps with the Recognition of our soul mate.
Red Increases Energy levels, Gives confidence and courage. Brings Joy. Promotes Sexuality, Passion. A representation of love within a relationship. A symbol of love. Career and goals. Power, and willpower. A warning of danger.
Red Brown Subdued Emotions. Deep Anger. Temperamental.
Red Gold Spiritual unity.
Rose Healing and Health. Patience, Passion, Peace. Self-love. Used to bless the home. Love and romance. Deep affection. Ability to share love.
Royal Blue Promotes laughter and joviality; colour of loyalty. Brings peace and tranquillity to the home. Confidence. Friendship. Success.
Ruby Red Passionate love or Passionate anger.
Ruddy Yellow May mean that its owner is shy.
Russet Brown Hard working.
Russet Red Short Tempered
Rustic Red Short tempered.
Rust Supernatural powers.
Sable Represents constancy, prudence and wisdom. Abstinence and Sobriety.
Salmon Knowledge.
Salmon Pink Job satisfaction
Sapphire Blue Broader perception. Inner peace. Spiritual healing.
Scarlet Represents Lust. Encourages excitement. Sexuality, Physical vigour, and vibrancy. Ostentatious and Manipulative. Courage. Passionate. Volatile.
Sea Green Emotional healing and protection. A calming influence. Dynamic motivation.
Sea Shell A Promise of discovery.
Sienna Poor Thought Processes
Silver Grey Meditation, Yoga, Relaxation
Sky Blue Increased psychic ability, lucid dreaming. Hope. Restful and peaceful. Aids Communication. Sincere affection.
Silver Intuition. Symbol of encouragement. Used to remove negativity, and invoke moon magic. Fosters hope, meditation, unconditional love, nurturing, grounding, appreciation of women and nature, mystic visions, spiritual and romantic love, tenderness, kindness, sensitivity and psychic abilities. Encourages stability; helps develop psychic abilities. Provides psychic protection.
Silver Blue Deep Wisdom, intuition, and opportunities.
Spring Green Children and Fertility.
Straw Yellow Day Dream
Steel Blue Deception.
Sulfur Pain, Anger, not at peace or ill at ease.
Sunlight Yellow Promotes creativity, warmth, and optimism. Solar magic. Attracts happiness. Leads us to a new home.
Tan Friendship.
Teal Soothing, Healing, Wisdom, Peace and Harmony. Aids decision making.
Terracotta Challenge convention
Tomato Red Pride.
Turquoise Awareness, Healing, Prosperity, Peace, and Growth. Represents natural energy. Reduces stress. Restful. Generosity.
Ultramarine Travel near or over the ocean.
Vermilion Creativity
Very Dark Red Selfishness.
Violet Brings spiritual growth and peace. Helps insomnia. Calms highly-strung, excitable people. Represents psychic ability, success, wisdom, power, and independence. The bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind.
Violet Red Passion, Sex.
Viridian Emotional or Mental Stress
White Hope, Faith, Purity or virginity, Perfection, Confidence, Enlightenment. Symbol of truth, protection, happiness, and the divine. Represents calmness, relaxation and inner peace. Brings Divine Glory. Cleansing, clairvoyance. Seeker of truth. Used to purify the home.
Wine Promotes self confidence. Helps overcome obstacles.
Yellow Stimulates intellect. Enhances ability to rationalise, and Mental powers. Represents charm, confidence, vision, enthusiasm, and an easy going attitude about life. Grace. Promotes unity. Brings the power of concentration and imagination. Increases direct contact with spirits.
Yellow Grey Illness.
Yellow Green Jealousy, anger, sickness, discord, cowardice.
Yellow Orange Intellectual.
Zinc Sexual Arousal


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