The Council of Overseers' Solar Eclipse and New Moon Transition
- Details
- Written by L’Aura Pleiadian

This is a powerful new 6 month cycle starting! This Partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Aries (in the constellation Pisces) on Saturday March 29th, is powerful and is at 7:57 am ADT.
Please check your local time zone. The partial Solar Eclipse begins at 6:25 am ADT with the maximum view of the Partial Eclipse at 7:17 am ADT and ending at 8:12 am ADT.
All New Moons are new beginnings; however, with the Solar Eclipse, this becomes much more powerful and intense! The impact of this start of the new eclipse cycle will last for 6 months. This is a powerful transition, into the new.
There are no aspects with this New Moon. There are two significant planetary alignments that will have an impact. Saturn sextile Uranus, and the alignment of Mercury, Venus and Neptune. Saturn sextile Uranus brings innovation and technological advances. The alignment with Mercury, Venus and Neptune, bring fears and uncertainty with change.
Most people have some fear of change, however; when we have a conscious sense of awareness, we can acknowledge our fears and begin to realize what they are. which equates to ~ facing them and getting past them, not allowing them to paralyze us into not going forward.
With this new 6 month cycle, connected deeply to change, ask yourself how open you are to change? Notice which areas you feel fear in, connected to change. Then embrace the inner fear, with the trust and acceptance that your Soul is in charge, there is a life plan and a plan for the entire Universe, which began before time existed.
Embracing change in the small everyday things may be helpful. Doing things lightly differently. Deciding to make changes that support what you are guided to do and be. As well as, loving yourself more. Caring empathetically for yourself physically as you go through changes.
Change is connected to the unknown. This is where trust and Faith play a role. Trusting your Higher Divine Self, that doesn’t exist in fear and lives in eternity, is where the new powerful foundation for all life, exists.
Before you incarnated here, you knew all of this. You were shown what you would face in order to become free in this lifetime or another. The events that take place in your life that are beyond your control, are the areas to embrace, rather than resist. Resisting is suffering. Let go of all things that you cannot control, and change what you can control, yourself, your thoughts, feelings and actions. Really attempt to understand this and apply it, as the next 6 months and how you experience it, is dependent on it.
With The Divine Council of Overseers, The Queen of Light, Sanut Kumara, The Elohim and more, we bless you through this transition to the new. The New You manifested in form. The new you, that is the Divine You radiating more and more in every moment, with all That is. With your eternal Divine self. Your Cosmic God Self. In love and bliss, forevermore. Happy New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse everyone! Always present with you!
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