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Mastering Inner & Outer Power: Yahweh's Secrets Revealed

Mastering Inner & Outer Power: Yahweh's Secrets Revealed

Yahweh brought us such an empowering message during our October meditation healing circle.

This was when Hurricane Milton was approaching Florida but Yahweh’s message helps us to deal with anything that comes our way

“Greetings. I am Yahweh, Divine Father, Divine masculine, and it is often thought that a male figure does not understand peace, does not understand emotions. Ahhh, but this is so far from the truth, my special beloveds. For I do come to offer you nurturing as a father holds a child with Love and I come to offer you the sweetness of Love. And I come to offer you strength, fortitude and the push to take the action sets that are needed in your lives.

Yes, there is a hurricane coming now to where many of you live and that requires action in the physical world and I come to bring you that push, that knowingness that yes, you are capable. You know what to do and you will go on with strength and fortitude, with diligence and with concern.

Now, the big question is, why is there so much turmoil? Why is there so much with wars when you have been praying for there to be Peace? And why these weather patterns  and why is it that it seems that things are not changing, no matter how much you pray?

I come to tell you that they are changing and the change beloved, comes within you. That is  the first step. Yes, you pray. You pray  to me, you pray to Shechina, you pray to God. But what if I were to tell you that just as you worshiped your parents when you were young and you obeyed them, that when you grew up, you realized that you also have the wisdom. That is what I am bringing you.

It is not meant that we in the heavenly realms are worshiped. It is meant that we work with you as partners for you live in many places. You live in your physical world, which is also our physical world and you live in the heavenly realms as well.

Your prayers are to help you remember that you have power to change things. And that is what I bring you tonight with much Joy! It begins with you so when you have the fortitude within yourself, when you have the Love within yourself, that is a frequency that radiates out and that is going to do more than any physical action. But we do ask you to do that as well, for you live in a physical world.

Now, when there is a weather pattern that seems so destructive, it is Gaia, Mother Earth that is coming back to balance. Can you make a difference? Yes.

And so now, I leave you but I am not going far. I am as close as your heart, as close as your breath. But I leave you with this knowing, that you together in this sacred circle can bring healing whether it is healing for a hurricane or a war or something that you carry within yourself. Farewell.”

Love, Lee

(Channeled by Lee Degani)

Lee Degani is an extraordinary and dynamic teacher, spiritual counselor and healer who delights in making the mystical and magical secrets of the universe easily accessible to children and adults of all ages. Her mission is to provide you or your family with the spiritual tools to remove blockages in your life, enable healing and form a sacred connection to your Infinite Self where possibilities are unlimited! Through “Connection to Healing, a Return to Wholeness”   Lee offers classes as well as private healing and coaching  sessions for adults, children and teens. Her greatest joy is teaching her students and clients spiritual tools to access Joy as a gateway to the spiritual  realm and their own Infinite Self to create the life they desire.

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