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Planetary Origin Series: Maldeck

Planetary Origins - MaldeckPlanetary Origins: Maldeck

Those who have Maldeck as their planetary origin have strong, steady personalities. They are determined and focused in their beliefs, whatever those beliefs may be. It may be difficult to for someone to convince one from Maldeck of the validity of new beliefs, as there are always many questions that must be answered to their comfort before accepting new possibilities. They often have deep leadership abilities, although these may be quietly expressed.

Those from Maldeck are very intelligent, technically minded and detail oriented. They are knowledgeable in a wide variety of areas. They may have several careers, or one career with strong interests outside the field they chose for career. They seek to understand what is below the surface of people, things and events. Due to this, they seldom accept simple explanations or easy answers. They tend to analyze events, experiences and interactions with people and believe there is always more than what is apparent on a surface level. Those from Maldeck are individuals who usually will know quite a bit about any subject that may be brought up in conversation.

They are reserved, and may appear to be distant or hard to approach to those they do not know well. They are cautious and skeptical about whom and what they trust with their innermost selves. If one is accepted as a friend or in an intimate relationship, they are very loving, honorable and trustworthy companions. They are disappointed in relationships if others do not return these qualities equally. They expect from others what they themselves are willing to give. It is often surprising to others to find such deeply felt beliefs, opinions and emotions in one who appears on the surface this quiet and reserved. Only with those they trust fully do they open themselves emotionally, but when this trust is present they are very capable of, and enjoy sharing themselves on all levels.

Maldeckeans love challenges, mysteries and the unknown or unexplainable. They are often fascinated with "magic" and the use of energy to create and manifest. They often have an early interest in astronomy, the planets and exploring the universe. They may love tales such as King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Merlin the Magician and others of that era. The desire for honor, integrity, loyalty and service of common goals is strong. They may long for historical times when the defense of these ideals was a common daily activity. Those time periods on Earth were favored by Maldeckeans, who may feel frustrated by much in this current time on Earth.

In relationships Maldeckeans are strongly supportive and understanding of partners, providing their partner is equally open to sharing themselves fully, and discussing all elements of their needs and desires. Once mutual understanding is achieved, there is a willingness to do whatever is needed to help those they love achieve their goals and dreams. It should be understood that because of the Maldeck questioning nature, it might take many discussions for this to occur. Maldeckeans have a strong loyalty and little problem with commitment, whether it is to a relationship, friendship, career or ideal. They do expect the same in return and will be quickly disillusioned if this is not so. This would be one of the rare occasions when a Maldeck temper might be seen.

Maldeck was a planet which was on the other side of Mars. It no longer exists, and current remains of the planet are what appears to be an asteroid belt.


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