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New Light Codes ~ Message from the Andromedans

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Greetings Humanity! We are the Andromedans and it is our delight to connect with you on this day. 

For much is occurring on your surface world that indeed not only interests us, but all of your Galactic brothers and sisters as well! For you see, we are all united, connected. What you do creates a ripple across the multiverse truly - such a hard concept to integrate and accept when thrust into separation, but it is true. That is why both your individual and collective light are so important. For we are all a part of oneness. Every thought, every deed of kindness and service create ripples that eventually build up and create enormous waves of change on a galactic scale, which is exactly what is occurring in this Now, both yours and ours!

Does this excite you as it excites us? Are you honored to know that your ripples individually are making their mark across time and space? The horror show that you have been immersed in for too long has ended. Now it is time for you to realize the show is over, the curtain lifted and the lights are on. People will be blinking as their consciousness adjusted to the bright light of Source and unity conscious that is bombarding your beautiful planet with waves and waves of love. Love and light of the highest order are making their way here to integrate and restore that which was broken. 

We encourage you dear family to integrate these new light codes with firm intention, for they are Source's gift that you. Accept them deeply into the quiet heart space of you and claim your new life. Claim your new reality. Build it with your brothers and sisters. Hold hands and hearts and realize the great strength of unification and of oneness. 

We Andromedans are delighted to be a part of serving you all in this time of unprecedented change. Many of us are among you serving quietly, so make sure to smile freely at all around you as we are all in a state of serving each other. Whether or not this is fully realized yet, it is all right. All is well. 

We are eager to lend, explain and teach our technologies to you, for that will create such advancement and excitement on your surface world and we eagerly anticipate this revival of Science. We Andromedans love the field of Science and its' advancement. It greatly interests and excites us. We have reached a state of our own evolvement where we all work in cohesive unity with each other and with our technology and we all communicate very effectively. We have no secrets because we have nothing to hide. Our desire is for all to have everything that is needed and our society has been smoothly running this way for a great while. 

It is both exciting and a great honor to be a part of assisting other civilizations achieve this cohesive state of unity with technology in a way that only helps for the greatest good of all kind. We have no subversive agenda. We do not think this way. We only pledge our love and service wrapped in Source-light to all of our brothers and sisters. For we are all one. 

We love you. We are the Andromedans and it is our delight, our honor and our pleasure to connect with you today. We are as close as you wish us to be. We invite you to our healing pods on our ships to assist with integrating these awesome new light codes for your own personal and collective advancement. Peace out. (We do so enjoy your human phrases.) 


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