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Planetary Origin Series: Intro and Pvila

origins_introPlanetary Origins: Introduction and Pvila

by Jo Amidon

Of all the channeled information I have received, some of the most helpful in self-understanding has been planetary origin. Although we live on Earth, many of us originated on other planets, in other parts of the Universe. This is why many of us feel 'out of place' or like we belong somewhere else. This is why many look at the stars at night, and long to 'go home' without knowing where that home is. Many have problems with accepting, or believing standard Earth teachings, knowing that there's more to life, but not knowing what.

There were twelve original groups of planets, or star systems, which were created for spirits to go 'into'   for physical experiences. Each of these twelve groups of planets was created by groups of spirits (group-souls) or Creator Gods, under the direction of the God Force, or Prime Creator. Therefore these spirit creators were of like energies and like frequency. Although you may have had lives on many planets, and many different realities, the first planet on which you were physical leaves a lasting impression upon your spirit. This is your planetary origin.

Much can be learned about one from determining the planetary origin of the spirit essence within. Understanding the qualities that manifest on Earth by those of various planetary origins can be very useful in understanding yourself and others. Relationships can be understood more thoroughly when you understand the various energies and personality types that manifest on the Earth plane of reality. By understanding the energy you bring to this reality, you can begin to understand yourself and others, reactions and emotional responses, and use this as a tool to work together, improve communications and manners of relating instead of attempting to change or control yourself or others.

Planetary origin has nothing to do with astrology, date or place of birth, age, sex, or anything else. It is solely based upon your history of incarnation as a spirit. While other Earth tools, such as Astrology, and Numerology change with each lifetime, your planetary origin remains the same through all of your lifetimes. There are some who have had numerous lives upon other planets after their origin is in place, and due to this may have what is called a secondary planetary origin. This does not change the primary planetary origin, but adds other aspects to the overall spiritual being.



Those who have Pvila as their planetary origin have strong personalities, strong abilities and much pride. There is a strong sense of humor and desire to be the focus of attention. These are often "class clown" or "life of the party" types. There may be a tendency to go too far with teasing and humor, sometimes at the expense of others. This is not done with any intention to hurt, simply from a tendency to become "carried away" with impulses of the moment. There is need to learn compassion and gentleness in dealing with others.

Pvilans carry an aura of power which may give others the impression that they are unbending and unapproachable. This can be unsettling, especially to those who are insecure or have low self-esteem. At times others may have trouble understanding and coping with Pvilans, as they can come across as a bit overbearing. It may be necessary to work with modifying behavior patterns, and softening the approach used in interactions with others,

It is good for others to look beyond the forceful exterior; this allows the kindness within to be seen. When this is done, it will be found that Pvilans are very caring, and will do much to help those they feel are true friends and are deserving of their aid. At times they may do too much for friends, and may need to step back and allow others their learning experiences. Those close to Pvilans, will find them to be very loyal, devoted friends who easily overlook the shortcomings and flaws of friends. They may be very quick to judge or label these same shortcomings or flaws in others who are not yet considered friends.

It is helpful for Pvilans to learn to step back and detach from "self", as they tend to become so engrossed in their personal life that they may exclude others. This can be a problem in personal relationships, as others may feel neglected when this occurs. One of the lessons many from Pvila have chosen to work with in this lifetime is the control of ego and learning to balance care for others with care for personal needs.

There is a drive to collect information, details, knowledge and a desire to explore and understand everything. Pvilans possess a "photographic" type of memory. There is an ability to retain what has been learned, for future reference, in graphic detail. Pvilans make good lecturers, authors, or may work with technical or scientific knowledge. They not only love collecting knowledge but also sharing it with others.

They have many possible careers, and may have several active careers at once, as they do not like to limit themselves. They are usually knowledgeable on many different subjects and ask many questions in seeking information and details. They may feel frustration or intolerance with others who do not seek to learn and understand with the same diligence. It is good for Pvilans to work with developing tolerance and understanding of those who do not share their thirst for knowledge.

Pvilans are very determined and focused upon whatever their path may be at any time. This path may change frequently, as they move from one pathway to another with ease. To others, it may appear as if they have difficulty in making decisions, or maintaining a focus. This is not true, they simply have the ability to maintain a number of focuses at once with changing levels of priority. Areas of interest will come and go as the desire for new knowledge leads them to seek ever onward.

In relationships, those from Pvila need respect and freedom. They should seek those whose personal power and security is strong, so they will not be intimidated. Pvilans must have time alone to reconnect and find peace within. There is a strong need for privacy and quiet times. They balance well with others who share this need for freedom and privacy. There is often an attraction to those who have softer energies, yet it is important that they be with others of equal intelligence, as this creates the challenge and excitement Pvilans so enjoy. This allows energy balancing, yet maintains the intellectual stimulation that is so important for Pvilans.


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