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Planetary Origin Series: Andromeda

origins_andromedaPlanetary Origins: Andromeda

Those with an Andromeda planetary origin seek freedom. There is a deep inner thirst and drive that leads them to search for this feeling of freedom. They may change jobs, homes or relationships in their search. At some point, they will realize that the freedom they seek, and the feelings they often have of being trapped are not due to their actual circumstances.

The true freedom they seek comes only from within. It is found only by developing self love, and the inner spiritual self. The mature Andromedan has realized this, and works with this knowledge to create a reality that allows these needs to be honored, while continuing to grow in other areas.

Andromedans must work with issues of self-confidence and love. These areas may be obvious in their need for development, or they may be disguised. When self love and confidence are developed, the inner freedom and spiritual connectedness will be found within...where it has always been, if the trust and faith in self were present to allow it to be seen. As this develops, the connection between self and God becomes strong. This allows past life memories to flow, and many old talents begin to awaken to be used once again. Many Andromedans discover they have much to offer others on a spiritual pathway and become known as teachers and healers.

Andromedans enjoy travel and thrive on experiencing many types of realities. They enjoy excitement, activity, and variety. They may have early desires to visit past life homes, shown as desires to visit certain places or interest in certain areas or time periods without understanding why. They may enjoy driving fast, or flying in airplanes, as this stimulates subconscious memories of 'home'. Andromedans tend to create dramatic learning scenarios for themselves, due to their tendency to be self-critical and not take themselves seriously. Through learning to 'notice' smaller growth opportunities and lessons, they will begin to avoid creating larger dramas.

The Andromedan tendency to be self-critical may lead them to expect others to be critical of them. They are often surprised at finding how well they are liked by others! Outwardly, many Andromedan are confident, capable, and outgoing with well developed abilities to communicate with others. They are very good at keeping the inner fears, doubts and insecurities inside and presenting a very different 'face' to the outside world. They may be well suited to teaching, health care or careers which involve traveling. Some learn to combine the attraction to drama with writing or acting, and express themselves in those ways.

Andromedans have healing and communication abilities which are often felt early in childhood. These are often ignored or discouraged by family members, and must later be retrieved. Andromedans are sensitive, caring individuals who have much compassion and ability to put themselves in another's position and truly empathize. There is a desire to work with healing the physical, emotional, or psychic pains of mankind.


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