Planetary Origin Series: Vega
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- Written by AndEl
Planetary Origins: Vega
Those who have Vega as their planetary origin are self sufficient, independent, proud and strong willed. There is an outer smooth energy and appearance of strength and capability. Those from Vega tend to be knowledgeable in a wide variety of areas, they may be trivia "collectors" for information concerning their areas of interest. They have a variety of talents and capabilities, are quite creative and often have an ability to combine creative expression with intellectual expression.
They may be artists, designers, inventors, architects or in current times may work more closely with creativity through new or expanding technologies. Their methods of working with technology will differ from many, as it is based more on "feeling" than on intellectual understanding. They do well at beginning projects, but less well at completing them. There may be lessons to aid Vegans in learning self discipline and will power or they may surround themselves with others who are supportive and will aid in the completion of projects and ideas.
Those from Vega are travelers who seek variety, challenge and understanding of the many questions they have within. They may become bored easily. They tend to analyze, question and doubt all which they do not understand, does not meet their belief system or simply does not "feel" right. Although quite willing to learn, change and grow, Vegans need understanding to occur on an inner level to allow opening within for change to occur. This understanding will not be of a practical, logical nature. It will be an inner comprehension that will be more a "feeling" that leads to "knowing" instead of a technical understanding.
Most from Vega have a strong sense of responsibility, nurturing and caring. They may find fulfillment in working with children, those who are ill or in need of care and support. At times however, they may be overly responsible for others, and may need to remind themselves of the importance of teaching responsibility, as well as being responsible. They may need to work with developing a stronger sense of feeling the integrity of others, as they may find themselves taken advantage of due to their caring nature. They may find others attracted to their understanding energy, and may be approached in many situations by others wishing to share personal problems. It should be noted that few from Vega are themselves willing to share personal details with others, unless trust is first established.
Vegans have healing abilities, and may have an affinity for stones and crystals. Many from Vega work in caring for others in the area of health care, either physical, mental, as teachers or in areas which allow freedom of creative expression. They have a strong need for time alone, privacy, and freedom from restrictions. It is important that they be shown appreciation for what is done for others. Those in personal relationships with Vegans may at times be in need of more attention, and may feel somewhat neglected, due to their many interests and areas of focus. They may become so involved with caring for others, that they neglect personal needs and personal relationships.
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