What Is Tachyon Energy?
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- Written by AndEl
A New Paradigm in Holistic Healing
by Gabriel Cousens and David Wagner
Wagner and Cousens demonstrate a tachyon theory that unveils the delicate weave of Spirit, kundalini, health, physics, and biology as a subtle dance out of traditional healing. This book explains, in the authors' persuasive words and case studies, the breakthrough holistic healing technology called Tachyon energy.
Benefits include a more rapid healing and at least a partial reversal of the aging process. They have successfully merged concepts of science and spirituality, as they bridge the faster than light world of existence with our slower than light world of form. The reader of this book will understand profoundly how tachyon energy is the source of all frequencies as well as the source of all healing.
The very nature of reality has brought us to this point in science and evolution.
According to quantum physics, the material universe is nothing more than a very dense form of energy. Everything that exists in this universe, from the most subtle, refined realms of energetic structures, to the grossest, densest realms of matter, is aligned in an energy continuum. Energy flows constantly from these highly refined subtle realms-starting from the causal or super causal world as it is referred to in Yoga teachings and moving down through the astral, etheric, electromagnetic levels and finally into the material realm of existence.
Everything that exists on Earth exists within is own Energetic Continuum, our bodies being a perfect example. In addition to the material, physical body that we perceive with our senses, we have several other layers of energetic bodies. Through all these layers of energy, an Energetic Continuum flows from the highest, most refined subtle bodies down to the material body. The energy flowing through the Energetic Continuum comes from one source. In India, it is called the Divine Mother. Christianity calls it the Holy Spirit, and in many modern, New Age spiritual teachings it is called Cosmic Energy. Modern physics calls it Zero-Point Energy or Free Energy.
At this point, it is important to understand that Zero-Point Energy should not be confused with a particular form of energy, such as etheric or astral energy. Zero-Point Energy is formless. It is the source of everything. All realms of the subtle energies are just parts of the Energetic Continuum.
Tachyon Energy is the very first energetic structure that emerges out of non-structured, formless Zero-Point Energy. Just like Zero-Point Energy, Tachyon is not limited to a certain frequency. Tachyon cannot be measured in the Hertzian frequency spectrum. It is not a certain type of energy. Rather, it includes all energies within itself. Its qualities are much like Zero-Point Energy, varying only in that it is a structured field.
In itself, Tachyon Energy has stored all the potential needed to create a perfect Energetic Continuum in every individualized form of life. Everything that transpires in the human body, for example, is already encoded within Tachyon Energy in perfect form. An excellent example of this is seen in the animal kingdom, where it has been observed that animals not influenced in any way by human beings live completely healthy lives.
For example, mammals have a life span that is up to seven times their growth period. For a human being, that would mean 140 years of perfectly healthy life. Of the 40,000 chronic and degenerative diseases known in human medicine, only a few are known to exist in wild animals! This is because wild animals do not have the ability to block the Energetic Continuum.
In Nature we find perfection and such is the character of Tachyon Energy. The information that Tachyon Energy contains is inherently perfect. The only thing we need for achieving health and balance in our lives is a freely flowing Energetic Continuum. In other words, we need to become superconductors for Tachyon Energy by allowing it to flow through all the layers of our subtle bodies. As this energy flows into our material cells, it completely organizes the entire metabolism in a perfectly balanced manner that is the way we are meant to function.
If any layer of the subtle body system is blocked, energy will not flow freely down into the next grosser level. From that level onward, there will be significant deficiencies of energy. Blockages in any of the subtle layers prevent Tachyon Energy from flowing freely into the material body. This is why so many diseases are co-influenced or co-created by blockages in subtle bodies. This also explains why our psychological state affects our physical body.
In fact, the emotional and mental bodies are so subtle they do not directly interfere with the physical body. Since the flow of life force information to organize our metabolism also has to flow through the mental and emotional bodies, there is an indirect influence when these bodies are blocked. Significant blockages eventually create physical disease.
This information is the basis for the creation of many different frequency oriented energy systems. We know of photon energy, crystal energy, magnets, orgone energy, light acupuncture, radionic devices, photon lights, electromagnetic and sound therapy, all of which are used as therapy. Of course, all of these energy systems work well when they all have the potential ability to remove some blockages, to remove stagnant pockets where energy cannot flow freely in a certain layer of the subtle body system. However, energetic frequency therapies, in general, have two limits.
One is that all these energies are limited to a certain frequency, for example, between 16 and 32 mu-meters. This is a certain spectrum of the auric field of our subtle body layers, and provided we have blockages between 16 and 32 mu-meters, photon energy, if applied correctly, can help. But what if our problem is not rooted in that spectrum of frequencies? What if our problem is mainly an energy blockage in the realm of 35 to 50 mu-meters? Of course, there might be some small benefit from applying photon energy, by indirect influence, but the problem will not be cleared. Photon energy then, is something that might help a little bit, but it will not really take care of the problem at its root.
So we know that, just like photon energy, all subtle energy systems that are used for therapies have this one big limit, they only work on their specific frequency. The other limit is that the effect of any particular frequency is determined by the nature of that frequency. Photon energy, orgone energy, or electromagnetic energy, for example, can help because each has certain characteristics that forcefully affect the human body to move into another direction.
However, if we don't need this particular, specific frequency, such energies can also be harmful. Orgone energy can heal, but orgone energy can also make you really sick. It requires knowledge and experience to use these subtle energy devices safely and correctly. Tachyon energy is totally different from all of these. Tachyon energy is not a certain type of energy, but rather includes all energies in itself. Whatever goes wrong in our physical body or in the subtle bodies, can be corrected by applying specific information for that particular process.
This is possible through Tachyon energy, for Tachyon energy is the gateway back to Zero Point energy. This is something that no frequency can do. All frequencies are just part of the whole, part of what is anchored in the Zero Point energy, but all frequencies are limited in their specific effects. Tachyon is totally non-specific. Tachyon really doesn't have any effect in and of itself. What Tachyon does is give our organism, our body, our subtle bodies the chance to produce whatever effects they need. And since our bodies are incredibly intelligent, they always produce the effects that are good for them. The two limits that we find confining all other forms of energetic medicine just don't apply to Tachyon because Tachyon energy is not limited to a certain frequency.
Another important difference between other subtle energy devices and the energy that they use and Tachyon energy is that Tachyon cannot be influenced in any way whatsoever by any other form of energy. All other forms of subtle energies that are used in energetic medicine can be influenced, for example, by one's own thoughts and feelings. This is due to the fact that below the speed of light energies have something that is called the gravitational pull, that makes energies attract each other so that they stick to each other.
This, of course, creates influence, changing and altering the energies in their specific effects. Tachyon moves beyond the speed of light so it has no gravitational pull so it cannot stick to anything or any energy, and no energy can stick to Tachyon. No matter how "bad" our thoughts are, how low our emotional content is, no matter what kind of negativity we produce in any form it can never alter Tachyon energy and its ability to give us access to the Zero Point energy. So potentially, all problems we have- mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical- can be positively affected by Tachyon energy!
Another wonderful aspect of using only the source energy is we do not have to deal with unwanted side effects. Even if we apply so much energy that parts of our organism want to have a very strong, very quick healing effect and other parts don't quite catch up, this won't be a problem. It sometimes causes detoxification and healing reactions, that for a very short time may feel overwhelming, but there will never be a negative outcome. Tachyon energy is also free of that second limit. It doesn't require so much knowledge and experience to apply Tachyon correctly because the body is in charge of the process anyway. We do not forcefully apply it for a certain specific effect, but we rather let the body produce its own healing effects. Tachyon energy is simply the natural catalyst for this self-healing process.
For more detailed information please refer to the book "Tachyon Energy: A New Paradigm in Holistic Healing" by Gabriel Cousens M.D. and David Wagner
Through the search for Free Energy, science postulated at first — and then indirectly proved — Tachyon Energy’s existence. Today, we all envision its potential. Despite all opposition, the Tachyon era has begun. In 1966, Gerald Feinberg defined Tachyon Energy as a "faster-than-light, subatomic particle" in order to unify the scientific world’s view and nomenclature of faster-than-light energy. We give thanks and acknowledge the various scientists, past and present, who have provided the foundation for this new era and have thus paved the way for the Tachyon revolution.
The problem is no longer in proving the existence of Tachyon Energy. Rather, it is in harnessing the energy. Many distinguished scientists have worked in this field with mixed results. What these scientists were and are trying to accomplish is the conversion of Tachyon Energy into usable electrical energy.
David Wagner, founder of Advanced Tachyon Technologies, had a different vision of the benefits of Tachyon Energy. His vision was the clear realization that the conversion of Tachyon Energy into usable electrical energy would, in fact, not solve this planet’s growing crisis, because it is not a crisis of energy. It is a crisis of consciousness.
Wagner recognized that everything evolves out of the Tachyon field and his breakthroughs in applied physics are directly responsible for the Tachyonization™ process. Tachyonization restructures certain natural materials at the sub-molecular level, creating permanent Tachyon antennas. Wagner's ability to harness Tachyon Energy, and the scientific world’s ability to prove the outcome, are directly responsible for the Tachyon revolution that is taking place in over 55 countries. The Tachyonization breakthrough harnesses the infinite potential of Tachyon Energy in ways that benefit life on Earth and aid in elevating consciousness.
From invention of the Tachyonization process, Wagner recognized his responsibility to increase his responsibility to increase global awareness of Tachyon Energy. He developed The Quality of One™ seminar, which has been changing the way hundreds of thousands of people view and experience life. To fully understand this revolution, it would be helpful to understand Tachyon’s relevance, first in science and quantum physics, then in holistic healing.
The Tachyonization process developed by Wagner is 100% patentable; however, after much deliberation, the decision was made to keep the process proprietary. Wagner speculates that this has saved millions of dollars in patent infringement lawsuits. Consequently, it has also assisted in keeping the cost of goods as low as possible. Furthermore, except for the gold jewelry (due to its price fluctuation), Advanced Tachyon Technologies has never raised the prices of their Tachyonized tools.
There is a limit to what can be discussed about the Tachyonization process because it is proprietary. Not everyone’s desire for a full understanding of the process will be satisfied. Although we cannot disclose how the Tachyonization process functions, how it does not function can be shared.
The Tachyonization process:
- is not a frequency, spin manipulation or transfer;
- is not a high frequency coil technology;
- does not use sound;
- is not a radionics or SE5 transfer;
- does not use sacred geometry to inform products;
- does not require prayer or meditation;
- is not a photon-based technology;
- does not use crystals or orgone technologies
- does not use magnets;
- is absolutely not operator sensitive.
The use of Tachyonized products normally results in a natural detoxification, increased absorption of available vitamins and minerals, increased energy for physical activities, increased awareness of subtle energies, increased brain function, increased circulation, and exceptional improvements in athletic abilities and muscle recovery. When athletes use these products, they notice a significant decrease in fatigue, allowing for increased performance.
Understanding how Tachyon works, is to understand one of the secrets of the universe.
Tachyon Energy Overview
This excerpt was reprinted from "Tachyon Energy: A New Paradigm in Holistic Healing" written by David Wagner and Dr. Gabriel Cousens.
Tachyon Energy has been scientifically proven to exist and to be moving faster than the speed of light.
Our research reports, and Kirlian photography suggests, that Tachyon Energy is a non-frequency energy that energizes and strengthens the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEFs) of all matter. Reports from Dr. Cousens, Prognos, PSI Research, Dr. McVea, EMT by Edward Robinson, Jack Stucki show that Tachyon Energy improves health and well being. This is further evidenced by repeated testimonials from users. Tachyon research with mice, fruit flies, and humans demonstrates that Tachyon is able to convert the typical non-coherent, biologically detrimental frequencies into coherent frequencies that are at the least non-detrimental to living organisms and potentially life enhancing.
Other research reports by G. Haffelder and the Merkaba Co. show that Tachyon Energy increases right and left brain coherency and delta waves. Dr. Rein’s research reveals the exciting potential of Tachyon at least slowing down DNA deterioration and strand unraveling. This theory suggests that Tachyon Energy has an anti-aging effect.
This is overwhelming data proving that Tachyon Energy by itself is sufficient to significantly enhance all areas of plant, animal and human health. The evidence is clear that Tachyon is the technology of the future. It offers the potential to evolve through chaos into new levels of order. It elevates our consciousness and gives us back the balance to experience the insights necessary for creating peace.
The truth is Tachyon, by itself, cannot change the world. What it can do is bring every living being to a place of balance and order that would in turn enable us to bring peace and harmony to our universe. It is not too late. If every person was to bring Tachyon into their life, we could change the world!
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