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Moonstone is one of the best stones for bringing emotional calm and stability, as it has the ability to quickly release tensions created by emotional stress.
All problems involving the flow of energy, particularly in the female reproductive system, can be eased; intuition, creativity, and empathy can also increase with moonstone.
Energy: emotionally balanced, intuitive, cyclical
Colours: milky and translucent, pale blue, green and grey
Uses: Connection to female energy, receptivity, tidal flow, cycles, multi-dimensional awareness. Moonstone is beneficial for balancing emotions, the reproductive organs, and healing. It enhances sensitivity, intuition, clairvoyance, open-mindedness. Moonstone has been employed in farming, divination, artistic pursuits, and dancing.
Star Sign: Cancer
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Chakra: Sacral

Tips For Moonstone
Carry moonstone to relieve the symptoms of PMS
Wear moonstone to prevent you from repeating negative patterns
Hold moonstone to soothe your emotions
Lie down and place moonstone on your sacral chakra to release energy blocks
Give moonstone to promote caring in relationships
Place moonstone around you to bring peace of mind
Keep moonstone in your bathroom to promote a youthful appearance
Soothing moonstone inspires fresh insight
Moonstone brings good fortune, fruitfulness, and true love

Emotional stress often affects the stomach and digestive system, disrupting normal processes of absorbing nutrition from food. Stomach aches and headaches can be relieved by moonstone if their source is emotional.
Moonstone is a meditation stone which stimulates knowing, understanding, and appreciation.
The name Moonstone comes from the mysterious sheen which is similar to 'moonlight'.
Moonstone brings to us self awareness and allows us to grow while learning balance.
If you are on a diet, wear a charged moonstone and reprogram your eating habits.
Moonstone is protective and should be carried when away from home.
Use Moonstone for problem solving and decision making.

For In-Depth information on Moonstone
Go Here:Moonstone: The Stone of Emotional Balance

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Crystals: Crystals and Gems
Abalone Shell
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Black Tourmaline
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The Heart And Love Stone Emerald brings soothing harmony to all systems of the body, and speeds all cleansing and purifying processes. It can release hidden fears and anxiety, allowing the individual to experience finer spiritual states of awareness. Emerald is the quintessential green stone,... Read more
Green Aventurine
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Herkimer Diamond
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Jaspers are the nurturers, the healers and the spirit stones of courage and wisdom. They all carry a strong connection to the Earth’s energy, making the jasper healing properties very beneficial for grounding, stability and strength. Every jasper meaning is unique and special, depending... Read more
The Love Commitment Stone Kunzite has a pronounced calming effect on the heart. Kunzite symbolizes straightforwardness. It helps people who suffer from inner turmoil to achieve a balance between reason and feelings. Energy: tolerance, balance Colours: violet, pink and pink-white Uses: stone with high lithium content beneficial for... Read more
The Magic Stone Labradorite allows complete polarity shifts to occur, just as different colours appear on the surface of the stone, so the stone helps many different levels of energy and awareness to be accessed by the individual. Read more
Lapis Lazuli
The Wisdom Stone Lapis lazuli is a deep balancer, and works especially well with the brow and throat areas. It can remove deep levels of stress and trauma from the system, although some discomfort during the clearing process may be experienced. Lapis brings the spiritual... Read more
The Atlantis Stone - The Dolphin Stone Found exclusively in the Dominican Republic, larimar is associated with a lost paradise. Larimar is thought to be the only remaining vestige of the legendary island of Atlantis. Larimar is also known as the Atlantis stone. Colors: light blue to... Read more
The Mental Balancer Stone Lepidolite contains lithium and is helpful for stabilizing mood swings and bi-polar disorders. It is extremely useful for overcoming any kind of emotional or mental imbalance; it is supportive in releasing one from addictions and emotional disorders like anorexia. Read more
The Emotional Mastery Stone An absorbing stone, malachite is excellent for drawing out imbalances from the body. It has also been used to reduce the pain of inflammation, and can soothe minor aches and pains. Placed on the brow, malachite stimulates psychic vision and concentration. Read more
Learning about the Mysterious Merlinite's Metaphysical Effects and Healing Benefits. The very mystical stone merlinite is thought to possess strong metaphysical qualities. Merlinite, often referred to as Dendritic Opal or Dendritic Agate, is a stone that is highly prized by individuals who are drawn to... Read more
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The Inner Child Stone When you are drawn to Rhodochrosite it means that you are ready to learn more about your own spirituality and work to bring this energy into your heart. Rhodochrosite offers a higher frequency of energy which enters and moves throughout our... Read more
Rose Quartz
The Self Love Stone Rose quartz is an effective stone for reducing all aggravating or aggressive conditions. It encourages better understanding and increases self-worth. It helps to neutralize the damage caused by poor self-image and a build-up of emotional stress, both of which can prevent... Read more
Rutilated Quartz
The Energy Buster Stone Rutilated Quartz is an illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth. It cleanses and energises the aura. Draws off negative energy and disease, letting go of the past. If Rutilated Quartz has made an appearance in your life, remember that it chose... Read more
The Self - Sufficiency Stone Sapphire has a calming and regulating effect on many systems of the body. Wherever there is over activity and a build-up of tension, sapphire brings a cool relaxation. Anxiety eases, there is a smoother flow of communication and personal expression,... Read more
“Stone of The Lightbody” Selenite crystals are high vibration stones that will move your spiritual growth forward quickly. They are a stone of the third eye chakra, the crown chakra and the soul star chakra. A protective stone, Selenite shields a person or space from outside influences. Selenite can... Read more
Seraphinite: Healing Properties & Uses Seraphinite healing stones have been prized for their healing properties and transformative energy for centuries. Read more
Smoky Quartz
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Tangerine Quartz
Tangerine Quartz is a natural orange quartz that, as with all quartzes, has the properties of quartz, plus its own properties. The orange color is caused by hematite and the present of water where it initially formed. Read more
The Star Ruby -The Ultimate Ascension Gem
Do you need some extra strength in this period of your life? Are you working on self-love? Are you focusing your shadow work in being more open to love, positive things, and abundance? Read more
Tiger's Eye
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The Abundance Stone Topaz is useful for directing and focusing energy; the stones parallel striations and natural brilliance help this process. It also cleanses negativity from the emotions, bringing stability and balance. The energies within the self are better organized, creating confidence. Read more
Watermelon Tourmaline
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The Stone of Spiritual Protection - The Stone of Spiritual Balance Zircon symbolizes healing. It helps the wearer overcome losses, heals mental disturbances and promotes common sense. In cases of separation, zircon helps its possessor to let go and makes him aware of the transient... Read more
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