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Changing Karma to Have A Happy Life Pt. 2

Changing Karma to Have A Happy Life Pt. 2

Today we continue our discussion of how we generate karma, and what we can do to alter our responses and thereby alter our future karma. We do not have to be victims of unconscious patterns in our mind, and have the power to change our responses to achieve a greater, more effective sense of our purpose.

We generate most of our “little k” karma by what we do and don’t do. While some things that happen to us are part of a greater set of life lessons we must go through (even though we didn’t “cause” them), how we choose to respond sets up what will happen in the future.

Dealing With Personality

Our personality is a collection of physical, emotional, and mental patterns which we learned when young, and constantly modify as we age as a result of bouncing between pleasurable and painful experiences. As I mentioned yesterday, how we respond to the pleasurable and painful experiences in life shapes how our karmic lessons will present themselves in the future.

Our lower ego, or personality, wants only pleasurable and not painful experiences. That’s normal, but I have found that we often grow more under the spur of necessity and pressure than in more casual circumstances. To live is to grow, since that which does not grow dies. I’ve found that it’s useful to regard everything that ego believes is important as transitory forms which help us learn how to shape and reshape our responses so we can be effective regardless of what life throws at us.

Our lower ego must go through apparent defeats so we can examine our deficiencies and not get stuck in self-satisfaction. Every defeat, as well as every victory, represents a potential fulfillment. Since there's really nothing left to pursue in either case (except Self-Realization arising from seeing the experience in its deeper meaning), every defeat or victory puts us at a point of choice in life.

When we’ve experienced something that shows us something is fulfilled, we must learn detachment and a larger view of what has ended and why, if possible seeing how it is related to the larger arc of our life narrative, our “hero’s journey.” Because we've already finished that set of life lessons, we confront the emptiness of pure potential. The trick is not to allow unhelpful responses to dominate the possibilities that are there.

Eventually we all find ourselves at various life crossroads. Since we are programmed to fear (or at least be suspicious of) the unknown, we naturally want the future to relate to the past in some better but familiar way. This conditions our attitude about unknown possibilities, and often limits the infinite potential from coming forth.

Remember - if we can imagine it, it is possible to whatever degree the space- time field and our skills permit. We just have to find the right point of view, and persist in making real that which we have imagined. We are only limited by our "Truth-of-Being," or Dharma. As we embrace Dharma, we come to understand our lives hold greater potential than we ever imagined.

We are told we have the power to pick up and lay down Spirit, Mind, Emotions, and Matter. How we use these things as we move through experience determines everything that will follow. A tendency forms a pattern, which if repeated becomes a habit. We have many more unconscious habits than conscious habits.

Habits usually continue until we tire of them or they are disrupted by external events. Then as we turn away from familiar patterns, we encounter a void. Great possibilities exist in that moment of emptiness, but again, because we are conditioned in the physical, emotional, and perceptual levels of life, we often default to our limitations. These cripple our imagination so we hesitate, or fear, or wonder, or fall into confusion when confronting emptiness. These unhelpful conditioned responses are what we as Eternal Truth-seeking Souls must turn into more productive patterns appropriate to our evolved state.

Our Power to Change Pattern

Our Eternal Consciousness exists in its own multi-dimensional field, and is superior to all denser elements of our personalities. That's why regardless of ego conditioning we always have the power to choose our response to anything. Our imagination can create greater futures than we usually suspect.

If we willfully avoid looking at our power to choose to change patterns, then our lives stay stuck in past patterns until we are forced by circumstances to change. On the other hand, we can also choose to welcome unknown possibilities, moving into our potential to grow into higher awareness. That yields opportunities to become more skillful in applying our spiritual intelligence in our life, which in turn yields knowledge and understanding.

Though many things in life are difficult and we've all had painful experiences, that does not mean we need to perpetuate our suffering. Though the collective field is often weird, grim, and contradictory, we can operate as an Eternal Consciousness in realms where we are resolving karmas and becoming part of "the corrective force of Nature Herself."

Even when unfortunate things occur, we can see them in their transitory nature. Then we can use every opportunity to express the love and wisdom of our Higher Self. Living the Higher Self as a conscious Eternal, being Love-Wisdom-Intelligence the best we're able with others in our Soul field, is the only way to move through worldly realms where we master karmas and Karma, freed from the limitations of form, fear, and suffering.

I discuss the many ways we can take command of our vehicles in order to live our higher purpose in Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend, since our inner Saturn gives us the ability to understand what we are learning in any given situation about our power to break free of “chains of mental slavery.” Whatever limits us and holds us back shows us the path to overcoming learned helplessness, fear, and feeling victimized by circumstances.

All of us has an ego which is limited in certain ways, while at the same time we all are eternal Consciousness which is unlimited in its potential for growth and Self-realization. As we move through little k karmas, transmuting dysfunctional responses into perfect action or non-action, we change our lives so that we are not the victim of our unconscious mind and take command of our ability to become the eyes, ears, voice, and hands of Spirit.

We all have a destiny of becoming spiritually perfected Beings. Our inner Saturn is both our Spiritual Friend and Spiritual Master as we navigate the pleasure/pain dualities in life. Through Saturn we come out of unnecessary limitations and become the embodiment of our spiritual truths. If you haven’t already gotten your copy, you can find it on Amazon at Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend.

Once we fulfill and/or transmute negative karmas, we stop generating causes of suffering and begin to become the spiritual perfection we aspire to be. As we grow in our awareness, we fulfill Dharma and our purpose for being alive in this body in this space and time. Then we no longer search for love and wisdom, as we have become the Love and Wisdom we once sought.

Part 1 Here

© Copyright 2021 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

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