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Changing Karma to Have A Happy Life Pt. 1

Changing Karma to Have A Happy Life Pt. 1

Most believe “karma” is an inevitable chain of causes followed by effects. However, by changing our current responses to situations we change our future karmic patterns. Today we explore how to turn our karma from difficult to enjoyable.

I last gave this to you about 5 years ago. Still, because of the pressure the entire world is under, it’s a perfect time to revisit how to change our karmic patterns to make our lives better. Regardless of how difficult our lot, we always have to power to change our responses to create a more positive future.

It seems being human can be very tough, for some more than others. And yet, globally more people are more aware and advanced than we've ever been before. "These are the best of times, the worst of times" as it was once put. As a human race, due to the multiple pressures on all of us, in one way or another we all are striving to find physical, emotional, and mental balance on the razor’s edge of radical ongoing change.

Of course, this is not the first time humanity has danced on the razor’s edge, since it seems to be the theme at every important juncture in human history. Still, given the current imbalances in wealth, health, privilege and opportunity, when a few have accumulated much and many have little or nothing, it seems more people than ever yearn for better lives, but are frustrated by the inertia of the larger environment, which is much harder than it needs to be.

Using Imagination to Find Inspiration

So what can we do about overcoming inertia to create a better life? While each must find their own answer to this problem, inevitably overcoming inertia and moving in a new direct involves both positive actions and positive non-actions. Determining which of these is appropriate requires us to be open to learning, experimenting, and observing what works for us and what doesn’t, under our specific circumstances.

In learning what to do and not do in any given life point of focus, there is wisdom is exploring what intelligent action or non-action would look like. Even though frequently we are somewhat limited by circumstances, we also have more freedom to think and act “outside the box” than we usually suspect.

Even when it seems we don't have many choices, there are still countless options and approaches we haven't thought of. That's because our lower mind works within its limited experience, while our Higher Consciousness always operates outside of our perceptual limitations. What we must do is find ways to help our conscious mind recognize both the inspiration coming from Superconsciousness as well as the impressions from our subconscious mind that unnecessarily limit us.

The conscious mind likes to go down familiar lines of view, understanding, and attitude. It's easy to go with what we know, even though that often blinds us to the inspiration that naturally arises from opening to our imagination. It’s really just a question of allowing our mind to know what to do so we won’t be frustrated when our actions don’t bring us the results we want.

So What Limits Our Imagination?

Many people unnecessarily limit their options for all kinds of reasons. Some unnecessary limitations are conscious and justified by the lower mind as it clings to the sources of its own suffering. Some unnecessary limitations are unconscious, usually based in an affliction of the mind involving a combination of attachments, aversions, illusions, or pessimism.

Here the inertia of the larger environment does not help, since it too is infected with these limiting factors. We are sentient Beings in a vast collective field with other sentient Beings. They too are afflicted with “not knowing,” or feeling inadequate, helpless, squashed, or limited by outer conditions.

Since we’re all in this together, because we feel, inevitably we shall feel all there is to feel in the collective soup. That’s why one of our primary tasks is to learn to separate our personal feelings from all the other feelings we’re experiencing that are part of the collective field. This helps us depersonalize from taking things too personally or subjectively, and learn to know what we’re truly feeling from all the random impressions streaming in from the collective unconscious.

Many human limitations arise from personal, social, or familial taboos and expectations. These reside in the subconscious part of the lower mind. What we learned when younger programmed patterns of feeling “adequate” and “inadequate” in all of us. While we may or may not have needed these when we were younger, at some point in becoming a conscious spiritual adult, we learn to recognize which ones are no longer effective in our lives and open to other possible ways of response.

When we feel frustrated at knowing something needs to change but our efforts aren’t bringing us the results we want, we must find a new approaches and more effective responses. Of course, the instant we embrace unfamiliar ways of doing and being, because of our programming, we often feel initially insecure because of a lurking fear of failure, even if that is an illusion. Every situation which puts pressure on our ego to grow out of its comfort zone prods us to find an intelligent way of acting, feeling, and thinking which frees us from some assumption or limitation with roots in our past.

How Karmic Patterns are Generated

Throughout our childhood and early adult life, we had to respond the best we were able to challenging situations. How we acted or reacted to those early experiences formed our response patterns as we grew through the years. These early responses conditioned our personality in many ways.

How we respond to life events generates patterns which will result in future situations that will also challenge us to choose our responses carefully and intelligently. That is “little k” karma. How we responded in the past sets up situations in the future.

Occasionally, those little k karmic patterns set larger karmic patterns into motion that occasionally lead us to the threshold of transformation. As we move through life and experience, we are forced to make seemingly minor choices which open major doors to our higher Destiny through transformational experiences which change our lives forever. That is “Big K” Karma.

“Big K” Karma is also found in so-called “acts of God.” While we may not have directly “caused” those events to happen, we find ourselves confronting life-altering events that will shape us in the future. How we respond to these “forces beyond our control” also generate future karmic patterns, since we must bring meaning and purpose out of these larger events.

Unlearning the Pleasure-Pain Duality

Life is a continual flow of “sequence and selection,” “compare and contrast” perceptions. As we encounter outside influences, both harmonious and frictional, our ego forms attitudes toward circumstances, causes, and ways of responding. Apparent defeats demoralize the lordly mind and its assumptions, which then result in many feelings. Negative experiences are often followed by negative feelings due to conditioning. Our successes also condition us, usually programming us to want more.

Thus we are a combination of learned (“programmed”) responses, attached to what we believe will bring us happiness, and avoiding what will bring pain. The paradox of life is a peculiar mix involving many things which once brought us happiness eventually bring pain, and much of what once brought us pain led us into unknowns that yielded great happiness. If we choose to, we can grow tremendously through both types of experience, and find love, wisdom, power, and intelligence regardless of the outer conditions.

All significant events in our life offer us great opportunities to grow beyond old limitations and change our response patterns so we can demonstrate our Highest Self. In our willingness to become our Higher Self, we generate even more important events and choices down the road so we can learn to stay focused on what that Higher Self actually is.

Our inner response determines our outer response. Knowing our inner response can help us understand if we’re reacting from the fear and control responses of the lower ego, or if we’re choosing to respond with love, wisdom, and intelligence via our Higher Self.

Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend

What we’re discussing today and tomorrow is explored in much greater depth in my book, Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend, where I explain the power our inner Saturn gives us to take command of our lives and destiny. If Saturn represents all that limits us and holds us back, it’s only because we must master those lessons so we may become spiritual adults and fulfill our purpose for being alive on Earth. By knowing our Saturnian strengths, we can overcome fear and any sense of victimization or powerlessness.

By understanding why some things happened when they did, we can accept our power to choose wisely and shift the trajectory of our karma and therefore our destiny. Saturn helps us understand how various factors assisting Soul growth relates to past karmas and how it all serves to make us aware of Dharma and how our “Ring-Pass-Not” limits us so we may learn certain lessons in order to find purpose and meaning in each chapter of life.

The second part of the book examines how Saturn cycles mark major points of choice and change throughout life, and what we can expect when Saturn makes conjunctions, squares, and oppositions to our planets and Ascendant. There are tables assisting the reader to know when Saturn was in each sign, so even those with little or no understanding of astrology can track the timing on major life changes. There is an entire chapter dedicated to the Saturn Return, perhaps the most important times in life (29, 58-59) when our decisions profoundly shape our future.

Part two closes with a chapter on one of the most important factors in our personal unfoldment: how the progressed Moon and transiting Saturn cycles track each other throughout life and relate to our emotional growth, and a chapter on a global phenomenon between 2003-2020 which impacted everyone on Earth. The Epilogue opens dimensions of higher and broader possibilities of personal evolution, regardless of which path to Truth we may be on.

This is a book you will reference many times for many reasons, and each time you pick it up you’re sure to find undiscovered gems of insight on each page. This book can help you throw off all the attitudes and memories which have held you back from finding and living the life and purpose you’ve been searching for since you were young. Welcome to the journey of self-discovery, and finding your power to live your life on your own terms, fulfilling your reason for being alive as an Eternal having human experiences!

If you don’t already have your copy, you can find it by going to the Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend page where you can get both paperback and ebook editions.

© Copyright 2021 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

I want to welcome all to drop by our Facebook page at Astrology Arizona and join the social media initiative going on there. Please feel free to contribute a topic, ask about a topic, or anything else related to our new group. See you over there!


© Copyright 2021 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert WilkinsonRobert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

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