Graceful Flow Awaits You Now
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- Written by Sharon Lyn Shepard

Spring has a way of reminding us of the natural flow of nature. No matter what is happening in the world around us, nature continues to flow with its innate rhythms.
Each season effortlessly flows into the next. No one needs to schedule it. No one can control it. It just flows. . . .
I’ve recently noticed that innate flow in my own life. Nature has a lot to do with it. For instance, I’m more apt to be out in the garden or enjoying nature’s bounty during spring and summer than I am in winter. I think that’s true for most of us.
I’ve also noticed it in my general day to day activities. Things as simple as cleaning house, cooking a meal, or running errands. My day has a new flow to it that it never had before.
When I was growing up my siblings and I had chores. One of those was to vacuum and dust on a Friday, in case company came to visit over the weekend. Mealtimes were always on schedule. We always sat down at the supper table at 5:30 pm just after my father returned from work. Saturday was baking day to supply us with deserts throughout the week.
Some of those schedules bled over into my own household after I was married and became a mother. But my household runs very different now. When I see dust on the table or the floor needs vacuuming, I vacuum or dust irrelevant of what day of the week it is. When the pantry runs low, I grocery shop. It doesn’t matter when the last time I was to the grocery. I shop when the need arises. With a few exceptions for things that are not regional, I buy food that’s fresh and in season. I have no set eating schedule. There are days I may only have one meal at 3:00 in the afternoon because that’s when I got hungry. Other days I may graze on healthy snacks all day long (my body doesn’t like junk food).
I have simplified my life in so many ways!!
My living space is small by choice, and meets my needs in every way. I no longer have extra rooms to furnish and maintain. Yay! I’ve spared down the things that surround me. I love being surrounded by beauty but, unless I love it, or it serves a functional purpose, I’ve donated it to charity so someone else can love it.
My prior self use to have endless “to-do” lists. It seems there was always something that needed to be done. Now, I no longer have any lists, other than a grocery list, and even that is flexible. What needs to be done is done in the moment and I no longer spend any energy on those things that can wait until a more appropriate time. I’ve come to realize those things that never get done didn’t really matter in the first place.
The human mind needs to feel worthy, so it’s always conjuring up things that need to be done. But my worth is no longer rooted in how many things I can accomplish. Nor do I push through and endure projects to completion just so my mind can feel satisfaction. Instead, I will often break necessary tasks into bite sized pieces and spread them out, engaging as the spirit moves me.
For instance, when I took the compost out to the bin I noticed the path needed raking. So I picked up the rake and cleared it. That lead me to clear a patch of the garden, and another. After hanging up the rake, I noticed my car needed washing. So I turned on the facet and washed my car. None of that was on my schedule. And if it had been on my “to do” list, I would have spent angst over what the weather was going to be for the best time to complete these projects. Or dreading what needs to be done when I’d rather be doing something more pleasurable.
I am no longer allowing my mind to run my life, attempting to control time and energy. Which we all know is impossible. And yet, we continue to buy into the old programing that no longer serves us.
Instead, I am simply flowing with what presents itself in the moment with gratitude for the completion of things as if by magic. For magic is what my life feels like when I’m living from my inner wisdom.
The natural flow of life is ease and grace. It’s our attempt to maintain and control the physicality of things that disrupts the flow of Grace. Our Divinity attracts everything we desire with perfect timing to pave the way for miracles and enlivens our existence. By stepping away from our mind’s programing, we live our brilliance, Flowing with Grace.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
© 2025 & Author | All Rights Reserved | No reproduction without permission | Awakening Souls Since 2008.
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