April 2025 Spiritual Guidance: Love Lights Your Path
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- Written by Semele Xerri

Here’s my spiritual guidance April 2025, covering the lunar month beginning with the Aries new moon and partial solar eclipse on March 29th at 10.47am (in the UK) through to April 26th.
Every new lunar month I draw one card from the Thoth Tarot to spark intuitive insight about the key energy to navigate by during the coming four weeks. I then take a quick look at the astrology.
Spiritual guidance April 2025 inspired by the Tarot
We are in an eclipse season, having had a partial lunar eclipse at the last new moon. This Aries new moon balances that with a partial solar eclipse. Both mark intense shifts of energy, usually bringing with them endings and new beginnings that impact the following months and even years This was made very clear by last month’s guidance, so you might want to read or revisit that as it will set the context for this month’s reading too.
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Unusually, I drew a card that appeared only three months ago in January; the Four of Cups. It states emphatically that connection to your spiritual and higher consciousness is the key to navigating the month ahead in the best way. Anchor your emotional stability in this inner felt and known state of peace, love, justice, and mercy through a relationship with the divine Source of all these qualities. You’re going to need it and it’s the way forward.
Although the number four is stable, natural law tells us that life never stands still; that’s called death. You can see that the water behind those cups is already being stirred by the winds of change. With the astrological correspondence of Moon in Cancer on this card, you’re going to be in a time of flux over the next four weeks which could seriously disturb your emotional state and mood. It’s vital that you’re not at the mercy of being tossed about and potentially capsized by overpowering waves of feeling, both your own and those of others around you.
I also feel that those of us who are already imagining the new earth, particularly, may feel impatient and dissatisfied with the apparent lack of progress. Change is not happening as fast as we may want, and the way ahead that feels so spiritually present is not at all clear on a more material, practical level. It could be easy to become apathetic, disillusioned, and unappreciative for the tremendous but as yet unrealized potential of this time
Here are a few suggestions to prevent you from falling into that trap..
Keep a gratitude journal. At the end or the beginning of every day, write at least three things you’re grateful for in your life. It doesn’t matter how small those blessings are. What matters is that gratitude raises your energetic vibration. It connects you immediately to the Source of those blessings and opens your mind to the possibility of more.
Find a daily practice you can commit to regularly that calms your mind, steadies your emotions, and regulates your nervous system. It can be as simple as a few minutes of deep breathing, a meditation practice you love, or mindful exercise such as yoga or Tai Chi. Something that slows you right down and brings you back into the present moment.
Allow yourself space to daydream and imagine freely how you’d like your life and the world to look and feel. Now’s not the time for action, that will come later when the way ahead crystallizes into definite form. For now, let it be enough to tap into that vast well of inspiration and intuition on the inner planes. Look for the possibilities that are open to you and the people you can share them with.
Appreciate the people and close relationships already in your life and the love, care, and security with which they surround you. It’s easy to take for granted those who are always there, day in and day out. Try looking at these loved ones with new eyes, as if you’d only just met them, or they’re an enigma you want to solve. Be curious. It’s absolutely true that we can never know everything about anyone so there’s always something new to learn. Do they need to be blessed with more of your love and attention at this time? Or do you need to set them free to evolve on their own for a while, away from your influence as well-intentioned as it may be?
Generally, this spiritual guidance April 2025 speaks about the importance of abundant love as a necessary luxury. Don’t underestimate the power and impact of that most important of emotions on everything. The Beatles were onto something when they sang All You Need Is Love.
It’s easy to love and appreciate those who love you. What about those who are antagonistic or openly hostile towards you? The ones you actively dislike for their behaviour, their political views, or their lifestyle. What about the people society has branded unlovable or unacceptable? The many who have no family or friends and rarely feel warmth and affection of any sort? Doesn’t everyone deserve to know love and belonging?
Globally, I think this is something the world is being called to account for now; especially given the crazy goings on at a political and international level. What if the intention behind all legislation and governance was to ensure that every member of humanity felt appreciated, secure in having their basic needs provided for, and a respected part of a mutually supportive network? Relationships of all kinds, specifically how healthy and balanced they are, definitely come under the spotlight this month.
Happenings on a global scale will continue to be unstable, confusing, and often deceptive. Draw on that inner stability to help you make sense of it all and feel into the truth behind the spin. More and more much of mainstream media is designed to evoke negative emotions that ensure you remain powerless in fear. Don’t get triggered by it.
Guidance April 2025 from astrology
The eclipsed new moon in Aries determines a different direction for humanity. The aspect to Pluto in Aquarius suggests communities coming together to live according to their dreams, with nurturing and protecting a central concern. Intuition rather than logic points towards what to do and where to go.
The days of the full moon in Libra on the 13th April hold tremendous potency. Venus turns direct as everything points to loving, caring responses. Hearts can open to the highest vision of what’s possible, divisions can be healed. This is empowered further when Mercury moves into Aries and Mars into Leo between the 16th and 18th. You can also expect some revelatory scandal in groups or technological fields that help to challenge old accepted truths.
All is uncertain, and intensity grows during the last days of the waning moon. Take nothing for granted.
Image: The Tarot of Eli-Minor
© Semele Xerri is a psychic intuitive guide, healer, animal communicator, and Reiki Master Teacher. To find out more about her and her services, go to her Work with me page.
Credit: here
© 2025 CrystalWind.ca & Author | All Rights Reserved | No reproduction without permission | Awakening Souls Since 2008.
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