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Displaced Anger And The Courage To Feel


The courage to feel

Those of us who are allowing our soul to be in our bodies and our lives have discovered that we are experiencing an integration of all of our aspects, which includes accepting all our emotions, even the so-called dark ones.

Anger, sadness, frustration, resentment.  All of these are part of our human experience.  They are products of the mind.  They are not our truth, they don’t reflect the nature of our eternal self, but shoving them under the rug doesn’t make them go away.

Most people can’t handle their so-called dark emotions.  Fear, sadness, doubt, anger.  We don’t need to have a degree in psychology to see that people are great at avoiding their feelings, shoving them down, medicating them, then in many cases acting them out destructively.

We here in this community of kindred souls are at a place in our consciousness where we don’t need to worry about hurting others or being ourselves on the business end of a Smith And Wesson.  But we are still living in a world in which old stories are being played out.


The shooting rampages we see in schools and other public places seem like random acts of mental imbalance, but they are a manifestation of long-standing anger in our culture that has not been addressed.

Of course the anger goes back to the Wound of Adam, which is the masculine feeling abandoned by the feminine.  For a more in-depth understanding see my post, He Said, She Said.

It’s also no coincidence that the perpetrators are predominantly white males.  Boys and men.  Mostly home-grown American citizens.  A country that was founded on a set of human rights, one of which was to bear arms.

The outrage that has come as a result of these seemingly senseless acts of violence are understandable, and things need to be addressed that have been swept under the rug.

Better gun control laws, for one.

But the origin of these acts goes far beyond mental illness in those individuals and the problem isn’t just weak gun control.  There is the bigger issue of emotional suppression in the masculine, creating displaced feelings of fear and vulnerability.

It’s the total denial of the feminine.  An unwillingness to embrace feelings of grief and sadness.  It is a toxic imbalance in the individual who believes the true danger…..albeit unconsciously…..the real intruders…..are the emotions.

And this mental illness is alive and well in our culture that glorifies manliness and associates it with guns and violence.  It infiltrates everything, and is rampant in the media, t.v., movies and video games.

It’s a sad commentary when it’s more comfortable for people to watch others being blown up on t.v. shows, movies and video games, than watching two people making love, especially two people of the same gender.

Our commander-in-chief has said virulent things about women who breast feed, or their menstrual cycles, and in the same breath glorifies violence on a personal and political level.

Glorifying aggression

If you ask people why they feel the need to arm themselves with weapons, they will tell you it’s their constitutional right to protect themselves and their property.

But when you look at the raw data it reflects something unsettling.  These people who claim they are protecting themselves are more and more acquiring multiple firearms, some of military caliber.  Why the need for a personal arsenal?

Many will tell you that they will be prepared in the event of a government takeover.  I’m not sure if they mean they will one day decide to take over the existing government, or they will be able to defend themselves if and when the government turns tyrannical and invades all American citizens.

Either way, it’s ludicrous.  It is clearly an overcompensation.  They are feeling tremendously vulnerable but it’s not because of a potential intruder or military invasion, second amendment notwithstanding.

I smile to myself when I see the monster trucks parked at the cafe, with their huge tires and propped up body.  I wonder what the heck they are trying to prove to themselves.

Some signs are subtle, some glaring, of feelings of inadequacy.

The ongoing and tiresome theory and joke is they are making up for something  south of their belt buckle.

But it’s really a relentless fear of feelings.  A fear of their sensitive side. And it’s no joke.  It kills, but not in a good way.

When the systemic anger is not addressed, and not understood to be the by-product of repressed emotions, such as feelings of abandonment, nothing really changes.”

When the systemic anger is not addressed, and not understood to be the by-product of repressed emotions, such as feelings of abandonment, nothing really changes.

Not everyone acts the anger out in such extreme ways, but rest assured, it manifests somewhere, whether it’s in relationships, or health issues.  And it can exist in the female as well, who may have an imbalanced masculine, a toxic component of the masculine energy within themselves.**

So, aggression is something our culture has not just tolerated but glorified, and no one really knows how to change this in any lasting way.  When that aggression turns violent, fingers point to guns being too accessibles, lax police enforcement, a hostile home environment, and mental instability.

These areas are of valid concern of course.  And it’s important they are addressed, but we know that it goes much deeper.

We look at the world with compassion, but we know that long-term solutions to the troubling consequences of rage require a change in the human consciousness itself.  It means facing one’s own fears, with compassion, and it means letting go of blame, of victimhood.

That is the catch,  because victimhood is seductive.  It’s deeply entrenched in the mass consciousness.  It’s much easier to play victim to others, or to one’s own emotions, than to take total responsibility for one’s own creations.  (article continues after image)

So things won’t change very much until humans are ready to take that step.  And generally things have to get pretty uncomfortable before people are ready to say, “enough!  I will do whatever it takes, but I can’t do this anymore.”

When teachers are asked to arm themselves with lethal weapons to protect students, that should be a warning bell that things are not working under the system as it is now.

When the President of the so-called free world brags about treating women badly, when he makes no effort to hide his misogyny, when he joyfully claims that he can kill a human being on the street and people wouldn’t care….bells should be going off all over the place.


There are signs now that the feminine is disconnecting from her guilt and her shame, from needing to assuage the male anger.  She is done with care taking the wounded male.  He in turn feels that, and is temporarily lost.  He feels more vulnerable than ever.  He must now come to terms with his own feelings of abandonment.

Both men and women will not experience true freedom, which includes safety, until they allow the integration of their masculine and feminine counterparts.  Until they are ready to look within themselves with compassion and patience. Until then, people will continue to play a toxic game.  It’s a game that no one ever wins.

**Being male doesn’t mean one is automatically toxic.  There is however a toxic component of the masculine that has become normalized in our culture, that defines itself as being aggressive, stoic, competitive, and entitled to devalue and dominate others, especially women. 

Image by Maria Chambers © Copyright 2018 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers. source

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