He Said, She Said
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- Written by AndEl

I hope by now you are not taking anything personally. Whether it’s an illness, a relationship problem, or any situation in your life that frustrates you. Because if you are reading this and are dialed into these types of messages, you have dove in and are in the process of integrating back into yourself, in your physical body, in this lifetime.
And those last three words are up to you. You could do it later, in another lifetime. There’s no deadline really. But if you are going through extreme breakdowns or have gone through these, of health, relationships, finances, or emotional and mental, you definitely wanted this to be the lifetime! A lifetime in which you fall in love with you and integrate with your Divine self. You are in your process of self-mastery.
And in that process you are sensing that these issues are not just personal, but galactic. As you awaken, you begin to see the bigger picture.
Shakespeare said it aptly, “All the world’s a stage, and the men and women merely players.”. And yes, we are here acting out the galactic issues that had us battling even before the Planet was formed. Here on the stage called Planet Earth, we got to play out the imbalances that were created as a result of separating from source.
The proverbial battle of the sexes, the he said, she said, the women are from Venus, men are from Mars….all originate, again, from a time even before the birth of this Earth. Source, in its desire to know itself, separated aspects of itself into the masculine and the feminine. (The outer self and the inner self). This separation gave it a new perspective of the qualities of what each part represents.
So the original Adam and Isis explored their roles and ended up misunderstanding each other, and losing trust in each other. Adam was the explorer, who went out to see… well, to see what was out there. And Isis was the homemaker, providing a warm and nurturing environment. But the longer Adam explored out in the world, the more he felt separate from Isis, from her love. The longer he was busy out there, trying to create something for his beloved, Isis, the more he missed her and gradually began to think she didn’t love him…he began to question himself. Was he not worthy of her love? Self-doubt was born. Feelings of inadequacy. Is there more he needed to do or perform in order to be worthy of her love? He began feeling abandoned and betrayed and took his anger out on her. She in turn felt tremendous guilt for not being there for him. But the truth is that she did love him, and did not withhold that love. She had no idea that going out to explore could cause Adam to feel unloved by her.
But, the greater truth is that Adam had the Feminine within him all the time. And Isis had the Masculine within her. So the anger and guilt were misplaced. But the good news is we are now witnessing the integration of Adam and Isis. The Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine are reuniting. We who are on the forefront of this change are integrating all our aspects that were separated.
And we are seeing that happen slowly in the world, where homosexuality is being accepted more and more. Men are more open to their intuition and their feelings, and are less action oriented, and women are more able to hold their own, set boundaries and take up space. They are beginning to feel safe being here, in their bodies and on this Planet. And they are releasing their guilt and their shame along with their caretaking roles. They are letting go their victim status.
So, within relationships, abandonment issues, anger issues, control issues, when looked at from the broader perspective, are far more galactic in nature than personal. And these could be happening between two men or two women, because both Masculine and Feminine are within each gender. How long have we been projecting, in our relationships, our own fears and feelings of being incomplete? Our own feelings of abandonment, shame and guilt? Far too long. We grew tired of the game. The Feminine is tired of being the emotional caretakers, of not feeling safe to be here, and the Masculine is tired of searching outside himself for love. He is tired of trying to prove his worthiness.
So the initial separations were necessary in order to understand each aspect, but then being so separated created deep wounds. Because in that process of separation we forgot who were are….that we are whole and comp!ete.
Meanwhile people spend years in deep analysis trying to figure out their emotional problems, or just trying to run from them. This also is not working very well. They need to see the bigger picture.
And as this reunion between the Masculine and Feminine takes place, life can be enjoyed like never before. Coming from a place of wholeness, which couldn’t be achieved from only our limited human perspective.
So truly, there is nothing to try to figure out. It’s just to allow your integration to proceed. And don’t take it so personally.
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