Archangel Uriel: Strengthen Your Faith Now
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- Written by Kerstin Eriksson

I am Uriel and today I need to address something important!
You carry the cup of Faith!
You have it, you hold Faith!
Symbolically is when you hold your hands together forming a little pot and you can hold water for a while. Then eventually it will flow out and drip down.
So in order to be able to hold Faith you have to continuously pour new water into your hands, it is an ongoing process!
This is only a symbolic picture of how you have to work with your own Faith!
When you have Faith you are moist, and when you have less or totally lost Faith you are dry. This is a pendulum movement throughout life, because it is impossible to hold Faith as in a constant!
And why is this impossible? Well, in order to get an even stronger Faith, you have to lose Faith. Then you rebuild Faith! And Faith then becomes something even greater!
What you don´t really know and understand is that Faith never leaves you! Anyway! Well it might seem so, but in fact she is always very near you!
You can feel at certain moments in life that you have lost your Faith and you actually feel very lost. And yet she is there, right by your side, she is waiting for you to open your heart, to let go of your fears, to let go of your worries and understand that love is forever.
Faith works with Love. And Faith works with Hope! Those three energies always works together. They are ONE. But. Yet they are a little different.
Faith has patience! Faith awaits you! And if you need it, she will help you! She helps you, if you can´t help yourself!
Faith is there always, being ready to aid you, to inform you of the holy trinity between Faith, Hope and Love.
Faith makes you feel there is something more, that there is a beautiful horizon waiting for you, she is like a healing balm on your wounds. She helps you breathe love! She is a life giver!
Faith is the ignition to your life spark! Faith is the birthplace of your beautiful dreams and imagination to create a wonderful life here and now and into the future! With Faith you find a mild caressing wind that gently and kindly guides you in your life.
But you have to make up your mind to work a little bit more on your Faith, for you hold her in your hands and in your heart!
And anyway, no matter where you are in your life right now, she is there right by your side, loving you, and caring for you.
Welcome Faith by cherishing every little drop of water in your hands, for in every little drop there is Faith.
Show her that you love her dearly! Then you will notice her much more in your life, as well as Hope and Love too of course!
I love you,
(Channeled through Kerstin Eriksson Mar 23, 2025)
Archangel Faith ~ Angel letters for you!
(A channeling with Archangel Uriel through Kerstin Eriksson
Since the year 2014 written 3 books. Channelings with God, Mary Magdalene and Thor the Archangels.
Re-blogged with written permission from Kerstin Eriksson on All rights reserved.
© 2025 & Author | All Rights Reserved | No reproduction without permission | Awakening Souls Since 2008.
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