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May 2024 Card: Sirius - Assistance without Interference

May 2024 Card: Sirius - Assistance without Interference

Card #93 | Sirius (Future, 3rd Era) | Assistance without Interference 

The way in which one assists another is very often connected to one’s state of evolution. This is true on a species level as well as a personal level. Third-density beings often use the mind and/or the ego to impose assistance on another. Some of the more dramatic examples of this in the darker times of your Earth’s history (including now) are the times in which religious beliefs are imposed upon another in the guise of “helping” those who are perceived to be in need of spiritual guidance. You have all seen where that leads. It does not lead to freedom. It leads to oppression. It is based on the false and fearful belief that how the universe naturally works through people or institutions isn’t enough and that only the “enlightened” people, through their will, can do God’s work. Ultimately, it reflects a lack of trust in the Universe and empowers the ego to be the sole representative of God.

Even in interpersonal relationships, when one imposes their help on another (even with the kindest of intentions), it can disempower the person to find their own way and deprive them of valuable lessons for their growth. It can also deprive them of the opportunity to actually feel the Universe flowing through them. This can create dependency on another instead of the important process of feeling one’s connection to the Universe without a self-appointed mediator who believes they know best. 

As they transition from third to fourth density, every civilization and its people must face the vital question of, “When am I truly helping and when am I interfering?” To put it simply, interference is ego-based and true assistance is the recognition of the universe flowing through with no agenda. Learning to see this difference is an essential lesson on the road to awakening. To put it even simpler, it has to do with seeing the difference between actions from the ego/mind (which usually has an agenda), and actions from the heart (which follow the flow of the Universe’s direction). The ancient Sirians (as well as other races) learned this lesson the hard way when they were young too. They discovered that the price for this lesson is high. The currency is usually karma, which means carrying old wounds of regret and guilt until awareness dawns and the old wounds are released.

Therefore, the guidance this month has to do with this idea. As your planet is entering a phase of deep polarity in which each side believes that only it knows what right action is, you are being asked to take a step back. Instead of charging into action with your metaphorical swords (or social media posts, which are the contemporary version), do something counter-intuitive. Be still. Resist the temptation to be “right” or to be a savior. This doesn’t mean withdrawing your help when the Universe (not the ego) compels you to step forward. It does mean refining your awareness so meticulously that you can learn to feel the difference between agenda-driven action and pure universal flow. 

In English, you have a saying that says, “Stay in your lane.” That saying is very appropriate here. Staying in your lane means tending to your own garden first, before stepping into the garden of another. Hold your focus inward and tend your OWN garden. As you cultivate the stillness of tending your own garden, your ability to sense the flow around you increases. When or if you are then called to step into the garden of another, you will feel it like an attractive flow that naturally connects with your love. This type of approach to reality has the potential to evolve consciousness in a dramatically positive way.

The other side of this lesson has to do with trust. As you tend your own garden, you also build your ability to trust that the universe knows what it is doing. What manifests around you may not be to your liking, but the universe STILL knows what it is doing! In the polarized third density reality, it appears that the universe’s will and the human will are not aligned. As you shift into a 4th density consciousness, it becomes very clear that the will of the universe is always flowing through you, and it is resistance to that truth that causes the feeling of conflict. Thus, your lessons for this month are to learn to feel the difference between ego will and divine will (which only feel separate when there is resistance), and to practice trusting the wisdom of the universe no matter how it shows up. Stay in your lane, tend your garden, and know that the fruits born from the garden of trust are the most nourishing of all.

Germane -- through Lyssa Royal Holt

Inspired By The Galactic Heritage Cards

Every month, we "randomly" pick a card from the Galactic Heritage Cards deck, and Lyssa (with Germane's help) channels a message for that card that is appropriate at that time.


www.lyssaroyal.net | www.solischool.org
For more information about the card meanings, go to Lyssa's YouTube channel here
Lyssa Royal Holt has been a seminar leader, channel, and author since 1985. She is the co-director, with her husband Ronald Holt, of Seed of Life Institute LLC and the SOLi School, an organization whose primary purpose is to assist individuals to understand the nature of consciousness and to put this understanding into practice in daily life – providing a road map to the process of realizing the true Awareness beyond the human identity. 

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