Powerful Pluto and Supercharged Full Moon in Aries
- Details
- Written by Lauren Howard Coleman

October 11th ~ 18th
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power. ~ Abraham Lincoln
There is almost a sense of desperation when a planet is in the very last degree, the very last breath of a sign. The last anaretic degree distills all of the essence out of the sign, and as Pluto pauses for its direct station on Friday, it is doing so as well. The sum total of our Pluto in Capricorn era stands at a threshold, and we can feel the shift already occurring. And with Pluto stationing while semi-square Saturn adds yet another layer of finality.
Pluto stationing in the last degree of Capricorn while semi-square Saturn can bring this existential feeling of doom and gloom. Saturn/Pluto weather can indeed wreak devastation, as we have been seeing across the globe. And it can feel disempowering in the face of formidable forces over which we have no control. Saturn/Pluto is also about survival. And as Pluto digs deep in its station, we come face to face with some of our worst fears and dreads. And then we move through them. Because Pluto is also about renewal and rebirth, rising out of the ashes of what was, stronger and more determined than ever.
We will speak more to this next week as we move into Scorpio season. But know that Pluto compels us to often face forces that feel so much greater than ourselves. And in the last degree of Capricorn, this can be about transforming the very foundations of our lives: the roads, the bridges and infrastructure, governments, leaders, even the political parties as well as our laws. And those structures that have become outmoded, are no longer supportive, and/or have become too oppressive will need to be revised as we approach the Pluto in Aquarius era. One thing that can become apparent as Pluto finally leaves Capricorn, is that there is no turning back.
The issue of power also comes up this week, as the Full Moon in Aries creates a powerful Grand Cross, in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. These too have to do with the very foundations and structures of our lives. And one thing that could become apparent to all of us, is the distinction between those things that we do have control over, and those that we simply do not. And with Jupiter’s recent station, which often reveals issues surrounding ethics and morals, there is something to be said for how power is being used and/or abused and manipulated.
The Full Moon at 24º Aries 35’ is not only fiery and impetuous, but also a Super Moon. The last of 3 super Full Moons, this is the one closest to the Earth for 2024. It will reach its peak illumination at 7:27 am Eastern Time, 4:27 am Pacific Time, and 12:27 pm British Time. However if you want to see a spectacular show, try to catch it as it is rising in the evening, or setting in the early morning hours at sunrise. For that is when it looks that much larger than usual.
Full Moons are times of culmination, endings and disclosure. And this Moon appears to come limping on to the stage, while still ready to take on all challengers. Conjunct the wounded healer, Chiron, and exactly conjunct the dwarf planet Eris, the Moon is also opposite the Sun, square combative Mars, the ruler of Aries, and square Pluto. We’re going to feel as if we are being pulled in several directions at once with this crew engaged! Or perhaps feeling more like we are being drawn and quartered.
But perhaps what this Full Moon is really capable of displaying in all its glory is the truth. Uncensored, undeniable truth. And it does so without the privilege of us being able to look the other way or ignore it. Aries is a sign of action and courage. So is the planet Mars standing in the wings and goading us on, under the aegis of his sister Eris, the goddess of chaos and discord. In some way we are being asked to take action, to DO something, even if it is hard, and even if it almost seems impossible. And even if it does upset the apple cart in the process. Just know that once you see the truth, there is no turning back. This Full Moon is not to be ignored.
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” ~ Yoda
Mars is approaching the first of 3 oppositions to Pluto this week, and as such can bring a lot of anger, frustration and divisiveness to the foreground. Things are getting tense, as a seething volcanic force is churning from within. The first of these oppositions will perfect November 3rd, the second while Mars is retrograde on January 3rd, and the last at the end of April. This along with a square from Mars and the Sun to Chiron this week are exposing all of our wounds, and laying them out on display, on the altar of our lives. Any meanness, any state of oppression, any abuse of power or impossible situation will feel untenable under the rays of this feisty Aries Full Moon.
Chiron exposes our woundedness in the light of the Full Moon, but it also has the capacity to bring us the remedies that are needed in order to effect a healing. As Jupiter stationed this past week, it made a close sextile to Chiron, which will be exact on October 12th. And so Jupiter is also sextile the Full Moon. Even as this pandora’s box of a Moon is unleashing all of these wraiths and demons upon the world, there is still one thing left that we can hold on to. And that is Hope. Hope and our extraordinary capacity for healing and renewal. Hope, even in the face of extraordinary challenges.
Ways to use the Full Moon in Aries on October 17th (and the days leading up to it):
- Take some sort of positive action to renew, rebuild or rehabilitate.
- Tend to your own self-care. Chiron in Aries illuminated by the Full Moon is here to remind us that there is nothing selfish about taking the time and giving yourself space for your own healing and well-being.
- This Aries energy supercharged by Mars is moldering and churning. So what do we do with all this energy? Use it. Use it for something good. Use it for something worthwhile. Channel it into something constructive and useful.
- Use the Moon energy to confront an old habit; to confront your own fears; to transform your environment, your life, your body and mind.
- Get rid of all that stuff you no longer need. Something needs to be fixed? Fix it. Face off with that problem you’ve been avoiding.
- Do something hard. Fight for a worthwhile cause. Fight for something good.
- Do something wonderfully and unabashedly transformative.
For this week’s horoscopes, click below:
Image: CrystalWind.ca
Astrology By Lauren A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. Source
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