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Your Complete Horoscope Guide for October 11th - 18th

Your Complete Horoscope Guide for October 11th - 18th

For the week of October 11th thru the 18th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


The dwarf planet Eris moves so slowly that everyone born after April 1923 has Eris in the same sign, the sign of Aries. This week the Full Moon in Aries on the 17th is exactly conjunct Eris, the goddess of discord and chaos. Full Moons are culminations, exposing the ramifications of choices made and actions taken in the past. And this Full Moon will be jam packed with all sorts of consequences and revelations. The people who will be most aware of the powerful energy of the Full Moon will be those who are born between April 10 and the 19th or who have sensitive points at 21-28º of Aries. However, all Aries-kind are going to feel the fiery and impetuous nature of this lunar energy. Just go with caution, and make sure that you test the waters before diving in unawares. Or make sure of what you are doing before throwing fuel on any already smoldering embers. You may be feeling trapped, ensnared, smothered or defensive. But rather than acting on it right away, pause and survey the territory before proceeding. You may find over the weeks ahead that there is wisdom in pausing and waiting for just the right time to take action. In the meantime, pay attention to what is being revealed in the light of the Moon, for it cannot and should not be ignored. 


An exciting opportunity could come to light this week, that could ultimately create more tension than at first expected. Yes there could be something compelling about all this. Like a dream come true. But things may not be all that they seem or turn out the way that you expect it to. So go with caution before committing. On the other hand, taking a chance on something new, could prove to be incredibly inspiring and rewarding, as long as you recognize the changeableness of the situation. We have a super full moon coming up on the 17th, which can also exaggerate things going on behind the scenes. It can also bring certain things to light that you had not been aware of previously. Like shining a bright light in a dark room, all of a sudden you are able to see things that you did not have before. Or be able to make sense of certain things in the past, by seeing them in a different light, or from another perspective. So even though this could be an edgy week before the Moon, it is also filled with a sense of hope for the future. Hold on to that. For as your ruling planet enters Sagittarius right after the Full Moon you could begin to see those hopes expanding.  


Many a Gemini could be feeling as if they are standing between a rock and a hard place, while serving as the negotiator between the two. One of the things that you could be noticing are the ways that you have been compromising lately in order to keep the peace. Holding your tongue and trying to avoid confrontation could end up imploding before the week is out. Just remember that words can be powerful. And words can have consequences. So use them wisely. This will probably be easier to do after Mercury enters powerful and perceptive Scorpio on Sunday. And one thing that could become evident as we approach that super Full Moon next Thursday, is that you can’t escape the truth. Nothing will remain hidden long with this Full Moon. Nor will people stop at anything to uncover the truth. Whether it’s to announce that the emperor has no clothes, or to intentionally dig up some dirt that proves to be much more than you had expected, everything gets tossed out on to the street in this weather. And it will not and cannot be ignored. 


If you are finding it difficult to catch up on your beauty sleep this week, or find yourself unusually restless, you can probably blame that Super Full Moon coming up on the 17th. Cancers are often tuned in to the moons, and after surviving the last two eclipses you might be wondering what this Full Moon in the fiery sign of Aries might also be brewing. For Cancer, the Full Moon in Aries is often a time in which you will see either the results or the consequences for all of the actions you have taken up until now. This is a time of culmination, as well as action. And also know that nothing is going to stay hidden long in this weather. If you like what you are seeing, then you will want to take some kind of action to further your goals and take what you are doing to the next step. If you are not happy with the results, then this can be an opportunity to make some sort of correction. This is not the sort of Moon in which you will see yourself standing on the sidelines. For with Mars in your sign for the rest of this month, and this Full Moon of action, you are totally motivated to get things moving, and fast. 


With Mars stirring things up behind the scenes, you may not have been getting very much sleep, but you have probably been really motivated to create some sort of plan of action. Note that once Mars enters Leo in early November, you will be better able to act on those plans, which is something to pay attention to with this fiery and impulsive Aries Full Moon on the 17th. This is the sort of Moon that tries to push us out of our lethargy, take a stand, and do something now. But timing is everything. And rushing things before their time could create all sorts of unexpected conflict and consequences. And exhaustion. Know that with Mars in the sign of Cancer, if you push yourself too hard, you’ll probably just end up in a heap on the floor somewhere. And no matter how determined you are to push through, which you are more than capable of doing, you’ll be finding yourself running on empty by the end of this week. Do pay attention to what is coming to light with the Full Moon but try to conserve at least a modicum of your energy for when Mars enters your sign on November 4th, for that is when you will be needing it.


The inclination with your ruling planet being in Libra is to err on the side of caution and try not to rock the boat too much. And that can be true even when the boat needs rocking. However, once you become privy to a certain type of information, it will be all you can do to hold your tongue. You can’t avoid the truth when Mercury meets Pluto as it will this week, nor will you want to. This is the sort of weather in which you are ready to unravel mysteries and turn over every stone in your quest for disclosure. Discovery is one thing. Another is what to do with that information once you have it. One thing that may become evident, is that some things do need to be held more closely to the chest. Not because you don’t want to rock the boat, but because sometimes people are just not ready to hear or process certain information. And therefore timing is everything. This will be difficult to keep under wraps with that fiery Full Moon on the 17th, where everything is going to be exposed. Scandals be damned, you may be among those having a tale to tell. Just be mindful that the truth can sometimes be healing, but it can also wound. 


The Full Moon in Aries is often a time of culmination for Libra, in which you are finally able to bring some things to closure and finish certain projects or plans that had been simmering on the back burner. It can also be a time of reckoning. One of the strengths of your sign is your capacity to seamlessly walk through fire, often dealing with confrontation and conflict in ways that others simply are unable to. You have learned how to do this the hard way. But in order to achieve this, you will often find yourself having to make concessions, having to agree to disagree, or bending over backwards trying to see things from other’s points of view. Like an acrobat you are able to weigh and manage your way through almost anything. However, there are those moments, such as this particular Full Moon could be, where it’s necessary to take the gloves off. Sometimes you just have to be straight with everyone and let them all know that the emperor simply has no clothes. They may think he has the most incredible wardrobe ever! But it will be very difficult to keep certain things to yourself in the light of this feisty and unforgivable Full Moon. Sometimes you just have to be totally honest and tell it like it is. 


With your ruling planet Mars in Cancer, your inclination is to want to protect and defend, and even dig in your heels. But lately it seems that you are having to do so under extraordinary circumstances, or against forces that just seem to be so much bigger than yourself (and everyone else), and over which you simply have no control. It probably is not going to get any easier moving forward, so it would probably be wise to step back, take an assessment of the situation, and discriminate between what you can do, vs. what is simply out of your hands. By focusing on the former, rather than the latter, you are less likely to exhaust yourself and your resources or make concessions that you will later regret. Pay attention to what is being revealed to you in the light of the upcoming Full Moon, or what is finally being brought to closure. It could prove to be very revealing. And it could be very helpful in determining what your next steps should be going forward. The weather could be a little edgy this week, and there could be the inclination to show your cards too soon. That opportunity will come in its own time, but for now, discretion, even under duress, is probably a good idea. 


The planet Mars has been and will continue to ramp up the temperature this week. In fact a lot of things are going to be brought to a crescendo with the Full Moon in Aries on the 17th. Full Moons can often be a time of culmination. This can be a good thing, especially if it gives you the opportunity to bring closure to certain situations. But sometimes Full Moons have this way of bringing things up to the surface: difficult emotions, conflicts, and even the simmering wrath of Mars. However, as your ruling planet made its station last week it was also making a close sextile to the centaur Chiron, which is especially helpful in being able to navigate some of the more difficult weather that could be unleashed with the full Moon. Sagittarius often has the remarkable ability to land on their feet when everyone else is floundering and just trying to manage. However, this sextile between Jupiter and Chiron can actually aid you through the more treacherous days coming up by mending old bridges, creating new ones, and healing over some of the divides that were previously standing in the way. Sometimes healing takes effect by simply accepting people (and yourself) for who and what they are, without trying to change them. Tolerance can go a really long way in this weather. 


This week begins with a station of Pluto in the very last degree of your sign. In many ways over the past 16 years that yourself, and your life has been transformed in some remarkable ways. Where you are now is the sum total of all of the decisions and choices, and challenges that you had faced in the process. But now as you stand at the threshold of what feels like the dawning of a new era, you might have to ask yourself what it is that you may still be holding on to, but no longer need? What vestiges of a bygone era, of the past, are you still hanging on to? Perhaps out of habit? Perhaps it is someone or something that you have been putting up with, but now can no longer tolerate? Now that Pluto will be direct, it is asking us to divest ourselves of the things that we had long outgrown, and no longer need, and may in fact be holding us back. We will speak more to this next week, but for now, pay attention to whatever it is that is being revealed with the Full Moon on the 17th. For whatever is rubbing us the wrong way is going to be that much more obvious under the rays of this super moon. This is the sort of moon in which things are being brought to either a culmination or a conclusion. Either way, we are all being advised, not to dwell on what could have or should have been, so much as looking forward to the potential of what can be in the future. 


On November 18th, the planet Pluto will leave the domain of Capricorn once and for all and enter your sign. This will not only usher in a whole new era in society, but also has the remarkable capacity to completely transform your life over the next 20 years. Perhaps even in ways that you had not imagined. But in order for that transformation to occur, you are being asked to divest yourself of certain expectations, and maybe even some previously held assumptions. Sometimes what can make us aware of the fact that our life is changing, are certain challenges or conflicts, perhaps with yourself and others, or even due to a series of upsetting surprises, that let you know that things are no longer what they once were. It can seem pretty remarkable, these sorts of changes. And might even feel a little scary as they are happening. But ultimately what waits on the other side, is something much larger than you could possibly imagine. Pay attention to the Full Moon on the 17th, for it could bring certain realizations to the foreground. Full Moons can sometimes act like catalysts. Especially if we are on the threshold of some sort of remarkable change. 


This could prove to be something of an agitating week for quite a few. Even Pisces will not be totally exempt from the upcoming fiery and feisty Super Full Moon on the 17th. Full Moons can often be revealing. Things can be unsurfaced. And they are also times of culmination in which certain things can be brought to a conclusion. What makes this Full Moon especially so is the expanse of its influence throughout the various departments of our lives. We are at a pinnacle of change in which it will soon be obvious that we are closing out one era and about to begin another. On their own these times can be riven with conflict. And the Full Moon will just make that feel even more so this week. But one advantage that Pisces has, is that your ruling planet Jupiter, which only recently stationed, is making Chiron and the Full Moon closer. In some way you are being given the tools to tread these treacherous waters, and perhaps even be instrumental in leading others to the farther shore. One thing that becomes apparent, is that it does no good to cling to an era that once held so much promise, but is now evident that it is fast becoming obsolete. What used to suffice, no longer does. And by connecting to the good and the just, you cannot and will not lose your way. 


Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 

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