Meditation for the New Moon in Libra
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Affirmations for the energy of the New Moon in Libra
- I am cooperative and able to positively support my important partnerships.
- I respect the needs, values, and views of the people in my relationships.
- I use my diplomatic skills ... and appreciate the benefits of "another point of view."
- I offer tactful, helpful, constructive opinions to those who value my ideas and encouragement.
- I am grateful for the partners in my life ... and the learning opportunities they bring.
Creative Visualization
Imagine yourself walking alone at early evening, at the close of a beautiful day in early autumn. There is just the right bit of nip in the air ... announcing the end of summer and the approach of winter, still on the horizon but coming closer. Maybe you're walking along a sandy beach with tiny seashells underfoot, or through an open meadow where the grass is still green but starting to fade, or along a gently winding forest path with the smell of trees all around -- and the leaves on some showing the beautiful golds and reds of Fall. Overhead the sky is a perfect shade of blue ... with hints of pink and lavender on the western horizon as the sun sets ... and the soft evening breezes meander along, Nature's companions on your journey. You have a destination in mind on this walk. You are going there to meet Your Perfect Partner ... someone -- a real person or a Spirit Guide -- whom you need most at this time in your life. You are excited about this meeting. You may think you know the one you plan to meet. (But don't be surprised if the meeting turns out to be a surprise!) You may never have met this persona before ... but are going to this meeting by invitation, by agreement, or by arrangement through someone else you love and trust. Whatever its origin, this meeting holds a sense of destiny.
As you reach the meeting place, you see the person you've come to meet is already waiting for you. You greet one another in whatever way is appropriate ... a handshake, a hug, joining hands, finding a place to sit and talk a moment together. Notice all the visual details in the appearance of Your Partner. What do they tell you? Why is this the person you've come to meet ... the person whose companionship and aid you need most urgently now? Is this person a lover? A teacher? An advisor? An ally? A healer? A helper? Someone who needs you, too?
Maybe there are introductions to make, important pieces of news to share, explanations and requests to make, plans to discuss ... things you need to say -- and things you need to hear. Be sure you do some of each in these first moments of meeting ... then you and this person will leave together, to fulfill whatever purpose you both have in mind, confident of your growth and success as you meet this significant piece of your destiny. Offer a moment of gratitude as you go, for this persona's presence, support, and wisdom ... and promise to honor them well with your choices.
Coming Down to Earth
Make notes about the being you just met. Do you know him ... or her ... or is this someone you met for the first time? What did this entity look like? What is his ... or her ... name? What did you say to one another? Why do you think this is the partner you need most at this time? Why does this relationship exist?
Does this persona offer you love, support, advice, comfort, information, direction, encouragement? All of these? What do you expect will be his (or her) contribution to your life and your relationship? What will be yours in return? What will you accomplish together? What do you anticipate you will teach each other?
Spend time in your imagination -- and in future visual exercises -- with this person. Make "space" for this new relationship in your life ... your plans ... your world. If you don't already know why this relationship has formed ... find out. Talk to this entity. Listen. Learn. Plan. And be willing to take action on the things you agree you need to accomplish.
Don't be surprised also to discover, as time goes on, that this relationship changes, grows, and becomes far "more" than you originally planned or imagined ... or if other entities join you for special reasons from time to time. Trust your intuition to take this alliance in positive directions ... and help you grow spiritually, personally, emotionally, creatively, as you achieve greater wisdom and effectiveness through its presence and your participation.
Choose some area of your life ... a project, an ambition, a place where you know you need and can use special support ... and let this new partnership provide the "raw materials" you want and need to create what you believe should exist here.
Chances are this is an effort that will take some time and work to develop properly. It's also possible that in the construction, you'll learn you need to meet and incorporate other allies. If so, you know how to find them, how to work with them, how to make notes ... and use your imagination ... to make your venture what it needs to be.
Give thanks to and for your Partner, to Divine Source for bringing you together, and to yourself ... for having the wit and wisdom to use these assets well.
Click here for the New Moon in Libra Energy
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