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Meditation for the New Moon in Leo

Meditation for the New Moon in Leo

Affirmations for the energy of the New Moon in Leo

  • I honor my unique talents and special contributions to Life.
  • I recognize the joyful presence of my Inner Child and its creative sense of fun.
  • I respect the part of me that wants to feel special, appreciated, loved, and honored.
  • I value the things that make me Me ... the reasons why I am "one of a kind."
  • I cherish my joyful, playful, "spot-light loving" spirit ... that keeps me forever young.

Creative Visualization

Imagine that you are being honored in a special way for something remarkable at a ceremony whose entire form and structure you were able to choose. What would you be honored for? What special, unique, totally fabulous thing have you done (or do you do regularly in your life) that would bring you such exceptional recognition? (If you've got a bunch of things you think could deserve this special kind of appreciation ... hey, you can do this meditation as many times as you like!!)

Imagine the writing on the documents received by those invited to participate. How, exactly was this call to be part of the event issued? Telegram? Special messenger? Engraved invitation? Phone call? Email? Word of mouth? What exactly did it say about the tribute being planned on your behalf?

Where is it being held? Municipal coliseum? Rented hall? Private room at a fancy restaurant? A friend's house? A picnic grounds? A church sanctuary? A garden party? In the privacy of your own home?

What exactly is the ceremony like? Is there food served? Do you give a speech? Are you on a dais where other people speak about your special deed, talent, or contribution? (Or, if you're especially introverted ... do you receive a bundle of special mail at home that you can open, read, and enjoy at your leisure?) Are you given anything in commemoration? A medal, plaque, certificate, trophy, "the keys to the city?"

Who is there? A cast of thousands? Celebrities and dignitaries? Everyone you've ever known in a kind of "This is Your Life" presentation? Friends and family from near and far? Just you and your special loved one(s)?

What do they say about you ... and how do they say it? Prepared speeches? Sound bites for the television cameras? Toasts? Sequential moments of "I remember the time you .... "? Personal words spoken to you as the guests pass through a receiving line? Handwritten notes and letters?

Remember, you can devise this ceremony to be absolutely anything, fashioned to your tastes in any presentation, centered around any subject you want. Plan and build this ceremony in your mind ... and look at what your choices say about you. Go through this ceremony in your imagination as if it were actually happening. How do you feel about what's said about you? (And are there any surprises that pop up in your meditation? There very well may be!!)

At the end, receive ... in any way that "feels right" to you ... a beautiful engraved gold coin to mark the moment. This is your special token to keep. It can be part of the awards presentation. It can come in a gift wrapped box. It can be placed in your hand by someone especially chosen to deliver this treasure. It can be sitting on the table waiting for you when you get back home. You may discover it under your pillow ... like a present from the tooth fairy.

Again, you're the one in charge of what happens. Create for yourself -- from a wealth of goodness and possibilities -- "An Affair to Remember."

Coming Down to Earth

Make notes in your journal about this experience. Answer the questions about how you built your ceremony. Document whatever seems exceptional, important, or especially precious. Note the things that were said, the people who were there, how you felt, what the engraving on your gold coin has to say. In your imagination, put your gold coin in a special place where you can retrieve and enjoy it -- and these memories -- whenever you wish.

Consider this all a gift from The Universe to you ... or a gift to yourself. (You're the one in charge.) Above all ... feel good about yourself and what happened to you when this is over. Feel good, too, about whatever was the occasion for this special moment. Open your mind and your heart to the magic of "receiving credit and appreciation" for the special things, the special person you are ... and the benefits you have brought to life.

Notice what your "presentation arrangements" say about your character ... the things that are important to you. Notice what you chose to be honored for ... and what that might say about your values and your sense of significance. Notice "all the little details" and your feelings during this meditation. Consider the hints these provide about you, your self-image, and your "true personal worth" -- and even how readily you acknowledge your own goodness and give yourself precise credit for being outstanding!!

Occasional meditations like this (even daily ones if you're up for it!!) can give marvelous nourishment for your spirit and your self-esteem. Best of all, they come honestly from your own heart (oh, how "Leo" is that?) and you're completely in control of the supply! Think how much easier, happier, and more exciting it could be to "become a better person" ... with a cheerleader like you on your side!! Embrace all that you are ... and become all you can be.

Click Here for The THE NEW MOON IN LEO

Image by Josephine Wall

Rebecca Brents writes on a wide variety of spiritual and occult subjects, including astrology, tarot, metaphysics, and self-improvement. She publishes the extensive online new age Ezine, The Enchanted Sprite on her website: Enchanted Spirit.


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