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Meditation for the New Moon in Cancer

Meditation for the New Moon in Cancer

Affirmations for the energy of the New Moon in Cancer

  • I honor my memories ... and the power in the emotions they bring me.
  • I recognize my protective, maternal instincts ... and express them wisely to others.
  • I respect the need for family connections ... and nourish the "family members" in my life.
  • I value my private life ... and work to build a nourishing foundation for myself and my loved ones.
  • I cherish my feelings and intuitive skills ... and listen to the quiet wisdom they bring me.

Creative Visualization

Imagine you are walking barefoot along the seashore early on a summer evening, just at moonrise ... with a glorious full moon as big as a dinner plate still nestled low in the sky. As the last of the sunlight fades, the stars start to appear ... and all around a hush falls over the land as nighttime supplants the daylight ... and the mystery and magic of the Moon takes over the helm of life. The colors around you are all soft white, silver, and gray.

The rhythmic sound of the ocean waves is hypnotic. Occasionally the waves rush onto the beach high enough to caress your feet as you walk, the warm, healing salt water actually moving the sand beneath your feet. Silver sparkles in the sand mirror the silvery stars in the sky as the Moon become the main source of light. The ocean air is like a healing mist as you walk ... and you feel a tremendous gratitude for this time ... and this place.

You own a home here on this beach. Take a moment to envision it, remember it, experience it. It can be whatever you want ... a cozy cottage in a sheltered nook which you use for week-end or seasonal retreats -- or a spacious, beautiful primary home, all glass and angles, set high on a cliff with a full panoramic view of the ocean's majesty. In your imagination, find the home you want to have ... and be there in your mind for a while as you walk. Notice the things you've chosen. The location, the kind of home, the purpose it has for you, the furnishings, etc.

As you walk, you notice an odd round shape in the sand up ahead. You're not sure at first if it's the curve of a shell ... or a bubble in the sand ... but as you come to it, reach down, and pick it up, you realize it's a gray pearl, the size of a grape. An amazing treasure from the sea! Put here just for you. As you examine it in the moonlight, it seems to shimmer, glow faintly, and pulse in rhythm with the ocean's waves.

You ask your intuition for the meaning behind this fabulous gift, and hear in your inner self the message that this pearl has the power and magic to help manifest "what you need most at this time." To use its gift, you can bring it here again to this place, hold it to your heart and ask Spirit ... "Please help me receive what I need most at this time." In fact, you can do that here, now, at once, if the wish behind your words is sincere.

You may have some things "in mind" as to what you need most as you make this request ... and if these are truly "what you need most at this time" your wish will help bring them too you very soon. Watch carefully what does come into your life over the next week or so that might be a response from Spirit to this request. You might be amazed to see what arrives. Or who.

As you return home, plan what to do with your new treasure. Will you have it set in a piece of jewelry? Set it in a stand on a shelf? Wrap it in silk and tuck it away for safekeeping? Remember to take it out and bring it here again every so often, to renew its energy in the moonlight ... and use its incredible gift with gratitude and love -- to bring to you "what you need most at this time."

Coming Down to Earth

Take a few minutes to write down the information you were given in your meditation, the wisdom that came to you, the knowledge you have gained. Be complete. Get it all down on paper -- or on your computer screen -- so that you won't forget, so that you can review it again from time to time. As you write, don't be surprised if you actually hear "a voice" start telling you more ... about the pearl and its power ... about the symbolism of the seaside home you have ... about "what you need most at this time.

This is a magic moment all journal-keepers know well ... when their job turns to "taking dictation" ... and letting the words in their head flow unblocked onto the page ... as if they have indeed tapped into a vein of wisdom delivered straight through the channels of Divine Source. If this becomes (or is) a ritual you practice often, you will be routinely amazed at the things your own mind is willing to tell you, the "wisdom you never knew you had" ... just waiting for a chance to speak because you are ready to listen.

At least once a week ... take a few moments to "free write" like this -- just for the entertainment and education of what you will discover. To keep the pump primed, use your journal to list questions you'd like "the voice" to answer. Go back through them from time to time to review ones "the voice" may not have answered yet ... and when you do get answers, make notes of what you "hear." Your answer to something may come in pieces ... or all fall out in a rush so rich you can barely write fast enough to get it all down.

This tool ... used regularly ... is one of the best gifts you will ever give yourself. If you have never experienced this kind of special magic, oh, what a treat you have in store. Don't let this one slip away.

Tonight, after your meditation, ask "the voice" to tell you "what you need most at this time and why" ... and make notes about its answer. The experience of you talking with your Higher Self is one of the most marvelous dialogues you will ever have. Make it a habit. Experience ... and embrace ... The Divine.

Click Here For The New Moon In Cancer Energy

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