Meditation for the New Moon in Capricorn
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Affirmations for the energy of the New Moon in Capricorn
- I am industrious. I take on tasks that require considerable planning and work.
- I am patient. I work steadily to produce rewards that are long in coming -- but worth the wait.
- I am responsible. I meet my routine commitments, even when progress is hard to see.
- I am organized. I keep track of my obligations ... and fulfill them reliably and well.
- I am ambitious. I want "a piece of me and my talents" to remain ... a testament to my presence.
Creative Visualization
Imagine yourself in a lovely mountain cabin located at the very top of a majestic mountain peak. There may be snow all around outside -- especially at this time of year -- but you have plenty of firewood and a cozy glow from the logs, burning with an occasional snap and pop in the fireplace.
It's an arduous drive to get here. You have to be careful -- and determined -- and prepared, for once you start up the one lane mountain road from the highway, there's no turning back until you reach the summit. Even once you get here, the climb from the driveway to the front door of the cabin requires a steady step, caution, and the ability to pace yourself on the stairs.
But the view, the atmosphere, and the wonderful sense of "having made it to the top" when you do arrive -- is indescribably fine. You knew it would be years ago when you found this land, envisioned this cabin, and set about to see it built.
Coming here sometime before the first of every year is an annual ritual with you ... a personal retreat that has taken on almost religious dimensions over time. The drive is rough. The road can be a hazard. There's nobody to lend assistance, nobody to call if you get in trouble. Getting here in winter can be a real achievement!! And so far ... you've made it every time. You spend a few days here as one year turns into the next, considering your ambitions, your attainments your goals for the year ahead (New Year's Resolution time, after all), and your legacy.
Every year, you select one "crowning achievement" you want to claim in the coming year, one important success that will make a statement about who you are, what you believe, what you stand for, and what you deem important. As you stand before the expansive picture window in the cabin's living room, looking out across the panorama of incredible scenery below that stretches for hundreds of miles to the horizon, you choose the goal you've decided to pursue this next year.
You take a seat at a beautiful desk there in the living room, positioned so you can gaze out the window as you think ... and take out a sheet of stationary and a pen. On the paper you write down all the reasons why it might be tough (maybe nearly impossible) to achieve the goal you've set, all the reasons why this triumph will really be a challenge to build. (Need more time, need more money, need more education or background information, need to find the right people and opportunities, need more confidence in myself, etc.)
On a second sheet of paper ... write this list again, accepting that all these "limitations" are solved, that all the things you lack are available and that you will have what you need or be able to find what you have to have ... to move forward at the right time and in the right way. (I am able to make enough time ..., I have the money I need to begin and continue ..., I can find the information I require ..., I magnetize the right people and situations ..., etc.)
When you're done, read your positive list aloud to yourself ... and close with the declaration, "I am determined to succeed in this goal. I am able to achieve it and I will make it happen." Fold the paper with the "list of problems" in half ... and throw it into the fire. Watch it burn down to ashes ... and accept as it dissolves that the problems themselves are being reduced to nothing. They no longer have discernible substance at all.
Feel the sense of power and resolve you have created flow through your whole being ... warming you with an excitement so strong you can hardly wait to get back to "the real world" again to begin the work that will bring this trophy home for you to savor when you arrive back at this beautiful, empowering place ... same time, next year.
Coming Down to Earth
Create a ritual space for yourself and re-enact the drama of your meditation in real life. You certainly don't have to re-enact the hazardous journey or the remote location, although, if you like, you can give yourself the gift of a week-end retreat at a pampering spa ... or maybe a charming bed-and-breakfast experience near home. But you can also just take an hour in your normal place ... in your ongoing life ... and quietly select the "ambition" you want to pursue next year.
Quietly write out the "problem list" ... and the "affirmation list" ... and read the empowering one aloud. Keep it safe so you can repeat it to yourself as often as needed -- to nourish your ambition and your fortitude as you work to build what you have decided to claim this coming year. Burn the "problem list" in a fire or with a candle flame ... even a simple match will do. Watch it "dissolve to nothing" ... and feel the power of the problems dissolve to nothing at the same time.
Give sincere, appropriate thanks for your ambition, your resources, your stamina, and yourself -- without whom this wonderful new creation would never come into being. See it happen ... and make it so!!
Click here for the New Moon in Capricorn
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