Meditation for the New Moon in Gemini
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Affirmations for the energy of the New Moon in Gemini
- I communicate clearly and honestly.
- I ask for what I want, confident that my wishes will be heard and honored.
- I believe my own thoughts, think for myself, and respect my own ideas.
- I am smart; I am capable; I can discover and learn anything I want to know.
- I know how to generate good ideas, and can always create one when I need it.
Creative Visualization
Imagine it is late afternoon, the hour when the cool of evening has begun and angle of the Sun bathes the Earth in that special golden glow of benediction just before sunset. You are walking through an open meadow filled with yellow wildflowers. Wild daisies, yellow dandelions, buttercups, shades of yellow in every direction as far as the eye can see.
There is actually a trail you can follow through this explosion of yellow color, worn by the feet of pilgrims who walked this path before you, people who came here both for the natural beauty of the flowers and the destination at the trail's end. Up ahead you see that destination -- a small platform, with a carved wooden podium in the center.
A few steps later as you reach the platform and climb the three steps to its level, you see the podium holds a golden book, its cover luminous in the slanting sunlight. You touch the book with special reverence, open it, and leaf through its pages until you find the pair your intuition confirms holds the message you have traveled here to find. It is written in fine, bold, ornate script, as if inscribed here by the hand of Spirit itself. It contains wisdom you especially need to know.
The message may be a few sentences ... or several paragraphs. It may deal with only one topic or point of information; it may cover several topics. Whatever its length, whatever its subject ... this message was placed here especially for your eyes ... and your ears.
As you read the words, you hear a soothing voice repeating them with confidence and assurance in your mind. These are truly words you need to read ... "words you need to hear." Their message may come as surprise ... or they may provide wisdom, an answer, or a healing message you have sought for a very long time.
Receive what is here for you with gratitude. Read and hear the message all the way through ... from beginning to end. Play it again, as many times as you'd like. Fix pieces of it in your memory until you know what Spirit is telling you. When you are ready to leave, close the book ... and follow the path back through the field of yellow flowers.
The next time you need this message ... or another piece of wisdom, comfort, reassurance, or information, remember this place -- where The Golden Book is always ready to tell you what you need to know.
Coming Down to Earth
Take a few minutes to write down the information you were given in your meditation, the wisdom that came to you, the knowledge you have gained. Be complete. Get it all down on paper -- or on your computer screen -- so that you won't forget, so that you can review it again from time to time. As you write, don't be surprised if you actually hear "the voice" start telling you more ... or reminding you of things you need to note ... or elaborating further on the points it covered in your original message.
This is a magic moment all journal-keepers know well ... when their job turns to "taking dictation" ... and letting the words in their head flow unblocked onto the page ... as if they have indeed tapped into a vein of wisdom delivered straight through the channels of Divine Source. If this becomes (or is) a ritual you practice often, you will be routinely amazed at the things your own mind is willing to tell you, the "wisdom you never knew you had" ... just waiting for a chance to speak because you are ready to listen.
At least once a week ... take a few moments to "free write" like this -- just for the entertainment and education of what you will discover. To keep the pump primed, use your journal to list questions you'd like "the voice" to answer. Go back through them from time to time to review ones "the voice" may not have answered yet ... and when you do get answers, make notes of what you "hear." Your answer to something may come in pieces ... or all fall out in a rush so prolific you can barely write fast enough to get it all down.
This tool ... used regularly ... is one of the best gifts you will ever give yourself. If you have never experienced this kind of special magic, oh, what a treat you have in store. Don't let this one slip away.
Click here for the New Moon in Gemini
Image by Josephine Wall
Rebecca Brents writes on a wide variety of spiritual and occult subjects, including astrology, tarot, metaphysics, and self-improvement. She publishes the extensive online new age Ezine, The Enchanted Sprite on her website: Enchanted Spirit.
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