Jupiter Stationary Direct in December 2023 at 6 Taurus
- Details
- Written by Robert Wilkinson

Moving Forward With New Ideas and New Approaches.
On December 30, Jupiter goes stationary direct at 6 Taurus and resumes its direct motion lasting through next October as it prepares to sprint through Taurus in early 2024 on its way to entering Gemini in late May 2024. What does this mean?
It means that the Jupiter review we’ve been doing since September is now over. We’ve all been in review, revision, and re-imagining what works and what doesn’t work in our lives, seeing how the old answers can’t solve the new questions, and the old approaches don’t work any more, since its retrograde station at 16 Taurus. Since early September we’ve been reviewing the degree span it first traversed in June, July, and August. Having reviewed those lessons, potentials, protections, blessings, and opportunities, we now know what works and what doesn’t, and are free to build a solid path through a new effort at bridging the now and the future.
Where We’re At In The Larger Cycle
The transit of Jupiter through Aquarius in 2021 set a new 20 year era in motion. Its conjunction with Saturn in December 2020 (The “Grand Mutation”) began a 20 year Aquarian era as well as a 200 year Air era, where we leave the materialism of the Earth signs behind and fly free into the realm of cooperative visionary ideas to be accomplished through managed group energy.
Jupiter transited the “Transfiguration Zone” 3 times in 2021: in late April and early May, in August, and in December. Each of these opened doors to “graduation into a new realm of Being,” where something cocooned in each of us broke out of our chrysalis and were transfigured in some way related to our part in the greater whole of Being. The transfiguration was completed in by February/March 2023 when Saturn transited the Transfiguration Zone and crystallized the time line for the group work we will do in the future.
Jupiter was initially in its home sign of Pisces between May and July 2021, giving us “hints of immortality.” After a look back into Aquarius, we renewed our quick voyage through Pisces just before New Year’s eve in 2021, and found Jupiter entering Aries by early May 2022. It stayed in early Aries through late October, and sat in the last two degrees of Pisces between then and the December 2022 Solstice.
It re-entered Aries at the Solstice, and raced through that sign as well until it entered Taurus in mid-May and created the very powerful Fixed T-square triggering the Mars at 1 Leo opposing Pluto at 1 Aquarius. It moved forward in the first half of Taurus, finally going SRX in early September. Which brings us to now.
From Here We Move Forward
This should bring a sense of confidence and well-being for those who have reviewed, found joy in the journey, and accepted a wider view through seeing alternative questions, answers, means, and methods. We now stand ready to live a new adventure in substantiating and confirming some things as we prepare for new discoveries coming by June!
Now that it’s moving forward, it will pick up speed very quickly, as it’s still in the part of the zodiac where Jupiter is at maximum speed! We’re getting our final experience of the Taurus shadow zone between now and late March, and it will race through the last half of Taurus in April and May. In late May it enters Gemini, opening a brand new energy field.
The Sabian Symbol for Jupiter's Direct Station
The Sabian symbol for the 6th degree of Taurus is “A bridge being built across a gorge.” In the Astrology of Personality, where Rudhyar uses the original Dr. Jones' class notes on the symbols, 6 Taurus is said to be a symbol of “Conquest of difficulties and limitations by intelligence,” “directed effort toward solving a problem,” and “Channel-ship.”
In The Astrological Mandala, he says this degree involves "the conquest of separativeness through group-cooperation,” and states this symbol is about participating in some collective project to overcome any sense of loneliness. “All great evolutionary challenges imply the overcoming of basic difficulties.” Here we confront “an abyss” that is “no longer a personal void” but a chasm that must be bridged to achieve evolution.
He says here “a link must be built through the power of the collective mind of (the group or community) on the basis of the legacy of the past, to make a bridge…” He concludes the “bridge built with collective skill gives substance to and demonstrates (our) capacity to conquer obstacles and to achieve evolutionary continuity…” He states this degree falls in the Span of Experience, Act of Differentiation, and Scene of Substantiation on the Emotional-Cultural level.
Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, says this is a degree of “the conquest of natural difficulties by conscious means,” and of our independence from “nature’s accidents or inconveniences.” He states “there are always ways in which physical limitations may be transformed into personal or social assets,” contributing dependability and consistency that ensures “continuance and intelligence to human experience.”
He offers the keyword CHANNELSHIP. He goes on to state that when operating positively, the degree is “the directness and the practical instinct by which personality achieves ultimate benefit of its powers.”
So this Jupiter station on the initial degree of social and/or emotional activity in a personal grounding and valuing setup will allow us to see clearly how to build bridges with others to achieve some form of evolution in a group setup, and conquer difficulties, limitations, and separateness “through group cooperation.” This indicates the platform for the larger Jupiter energies in future months involves achieving some sort of evolutionary continuity, perhaps finding new ways to use our resources to become independent of limitations and superficialities.
The Near Future
As Jupiter goes direct it makes great aspects with Mars and Saturn through mid-February and then gets to release the Taurus power through the multiple squares from Mercury, Mars, and Venus in February. The time of Pisces will be very favorable for Jupiter, with Taurus renewals promised by The Sun and Venus both conjuncting Jupiter in late Taurus after Jupiter’s powerful conjunction with Uranus in late April followed by an equally powerful sextile to Neptune in May. This run is capped off by the very favorable trine from Jupiter at 2 Gemini to Pluto at 2 Aquarius, creating a lot of harmonious depth understanding for planets we have in the first 5 degrees of the Fire and Air signs!
However, by July Jupiter begins many months of friction, as it forms a square to Saturn and sesquisquare to Pluto then. These aspects will last through August, and while Jupiter goes out of orb, Saturn will continue to semisquare Pluto through March of 2023. The most intense part of that time will be when Jupiter again squares Saturn in December 2024 and January 2025 before they are exact for the last time in June 2025, with Jupiter in early Cancer, Saturn and Neptune in early Aries, and Pluto in early Aquarius. I’ll write more about these configurations in 2024 and 2025 as they form.
If you want a greater understanding of what this recent Jupiter retrograde in Taurus period has been about, here’s what I wrote when Jupiter went stationary retrograde in September 2023: Jupiter Stationary Retrograde in September 2023 at 16 Taurus – Looking Back at our Life Adventure To Find New Ways To Get Things Done
For the bigger picture:
Here’s what I wrote in May 2023 on Jupiter’s entry into Taurus: Jupiter in Taurus 2023-2024 Pt. 1 – Securing and Stabilizing What Sustains Us and Jupiter in Taurus 2023-2024 – Patiently Stabilizing New Beginnings
Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected.
© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson
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