An Astrological Overview of November 2023
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- Written by Robert Wilkinson

As the editor of the Astrology Arizona newsletter, I compose an overview of each month. Today we take a look at the primary factors for the month.
The Overview for November
In 2023, the month of November begins with a Sun, Mercury, and Mars stellium in Scorpio opposed Jupiter and then Uranus!
That promises to make November very intense and focused, with a need to make sure that what is being eliminated is adequate to attract what will fill the void in the future. The Solar and Lunar eclipses of October dominate the playing field, with repairs, reconstructions, re-evaluations, and revelations on the table wherever we have Libra, Scorpio, and Taurus in our charts. In fact, the very powerful Lunar eclipse of late October directly impacts all of us, and shows that in future weeks we’ll all be “tearing ourselves away from the known and familiar, gambling on a dream.” Sounds good to me!
We continue to be blessed by the closest Neptune sextile with Pluto in 30 years, with Uranus joining the “three note chord” in 2024. With Uranus in late Taurus, Neptune in late Pisces, and Pluto in late Capricorn, we have a very strong “double sextile/trine” which should favorably impact all planets we have in the last 10 degrees of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. The Spiritual Field represented by these outermost planets are helping stabilize our late Earth and Water sectors in the spiritual sectors of their signs.
This is preparing us for an entirely new experience of Spirit and Life in 2025 when these Spiritual powerhouses shift out of Earth and Water into Fire and Air, joined by Saturn when it enters Aries creating a “three note chord” of harmonic consciousness. That means 2023, 2024, and 2025 will spiritually harmonize planets we have in the late degrees of the Earth and Water signs, while 2025-2026 they will do the same for planets we have in the early degrees of the Fire and Air signs.
Uranus is still retrograde in the last decan of Taurus bringing grounded power. The first half of the month requires that we review the new time, new way, and new day” we awakened to in late June and early July, with the second half a review of what is relevant and meaningful to us personally. Neptune at “the end of the end” of Pisces is giving us all a sense of vast feelings and finality, and with Pluto at “the end of the end” of Capricorn, it brings a strong sense of the past “coming to present” between now and January, when Pluto returns to Aquarius. We are living on the cusp of historical change.
With the inner planets in Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius this month, that’s the specific area of focus in our charts. The oppositions from Scorpio to Taurus will offer us intensified awareness of opportunities to be developed in 2024 and ways to make it special and unique according to our genius. Also, the benefit of transits in late Scorpio will harmonize with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto creating four points of a Great Sextile, one of the most harmonious and productive configurations!
This will be triggered by Mercury in the first ten days of November, bringing intuitive, penetrating, and brilliant signs and signals from the spiritual field, while the impending Sun conjunct Mars in play the entire month will be partile at 26 Scorpio, a degree of mobilization, efficiency, and adaptation. As it is sextile Pluto, trine Neptune, and widely separating from Uranus, it should help us stabilize some core areas of our life wherever we have late Scorpio in our chart.
This month shows Venus “leading the Light,” showing that affections, values, and interactions will be very important if we want to “see the Light” in situations. As Venus is in late Virgo for the first week of the month opposed Neptune and trine Pluto, it’s great for getting clear about what we need to leave behind in the way of obsolete ideals so that when it enters Libra She can claim her throne and rule from a place of balanced elegance. Of course there are always hitches and glitches in relationships, and this month shows Venus moving from quincunx to quincunx, requiring adjustment and some sacrifice when these happen.
Jupiter is still retrograde, giving us a “look back” at issues related to the Spring Mercury retrograde. The themes of both these retrogrades is teaching us that the entire period of April 2023 through March 2024 is a time when old answers can’t confirm the new conditions, and old approaches won’t get the job done. Find new approaches, new attitudes, new understanding, and don’t worry about the past.
This month the inner planets are closing in on the outer planet occupied zone which begins with Pluto in late Capricorn. When the inner planets transit Capricorn through Taurus and conjunct the outer planets, it’s a time to pull the energies inward, and when they’re between Cancer and Scorpio it creates different dynamics in how the energies express. The oppositions from late Scorpio to Uranus will be the final non-lunar oppositions to the outer planets for the year, promising closure, completion, and compression of energies from now through March, when all the planets will be within a very narrow 108 degree span!
Remember, the first 13 days of the month are still under the influence of the October Solar eclipse New Moon at 22 Libra, helping us remove whatever would block our ability to serve and be served in the things which will nourish others as well as ourselves. Old ideals will leave over the next few years, as will ambivalence and theoretical images which aren’t relevant to our future.
The Lunar eclipse Full Moon will help us “tear away from the known and familiar,” and find allies to build bridges from the present to the future. That Lunar eclipse is exactly when Mercury conjuncts Mars in Scorpio and both oppose Jupiter, so expect the liberation of a lot of energy to be re-grounded in new forms between now and March.
The second half of the month is under the influence of the November 13 New Moon at 21 Scorpio, showing the focus is on finding “new marching orders,” and “disobeying authority” if our conscience dictates we need to do that. As that New Moon is exactly opposed Uranus, it’s time to stop making excuses for non-action and just do whatever our heart’s desire compels us to do. Still, with Sun conjunct Mars it will be an intensely active month that follows, so be ready to jump into doing whatever you have to do to get what you need to get done.
Jupiter moving through Taurus gives a Taurus backdrop to planets we have in Sagittarius and Pisces, as well as the houses where we have these signs on the cusp. As it now rules Saturn and moves from a quintile to a sextile this month and next, it should be a very productive time in the chart areas ruled by these planets.
Saturn is now stationary direct so we should begin to feel movement in the house where we have 1 Pisces. That sign is associated with deep and vast feeling energies, and impacts planets, points, or house cusps we have in Capricorn and Aquarius. Saturn’s retrograde station showed we’ve been “hearing a call to renewal” wherever we have early Pisces, and now that it’s direct, we begin a new life which will unfold quickly in early 2024.
Speaking of another long wave Aries energy in our charts, Jupiter launched a major healing and mentoring cycle when it conjuncted Chiron at 15 Aries on March 11. That began a long wave Chiron cycle which will last until the Summer of 2036. As an aside, when Chiron transits between Aquarius and Gemini, it moves relatively slowly and has conjunctions with Jupiter about every 13 years. However, it can take 19-20 years for the next conjunction after Gemini or Cancer. That means once the conjunction at 16 Gemini happens in the Summer of 2036, then we won’t have another conjunction of Jupiter and Chiron until the Spring of 2056 in Aquarius.
Because Jupiter rules Pisces, this month Saturn will have a steady Taurus feel. As Jupiter is heralding where Saturn will transit in a few years, we’re all getting a sense of corners to be turned later this decade when Saturn transits Taurus and makes the waxing square to the December 2020 Jupiter/Saturn conjunction point at 1 Aquarius. That conjunction ended a 200 year Earth era and began a 200 year Air era, and set the sociocultural conditions for the greater Aquarian 20 year era now developing.
Planets Slowing Down, Speeding Up, or Shifting Signs
As mentioned earlier, this month begins with all the inner planets in direct motion and all the planets from Jupiter out to Neptune being retrograde with the proviso that Saturn goes stationary direct at the beginning of the month. Mercury’s past the Superior conjunction and so will begin to slow toward the end of the month, preparing to go retrograde in mid-December.
Mars continues to accelerate after its direct station at 9 Gemini in mid-January, Jupiter’s at maximum retrograde at the beginning of the month, and as I said, Saturn’s going direct. Uranus is still moving slower until the opposition from the Sun, Neptune’s retrograde but will go direct in early December, and Pluto’s direct and speeding up from here for the next few months.
In November we have four planets changing signs. This month the Sun, ruler of Leo and Cancer, will give us two (Scorpio and Sagittarius), and Mercury, ruler of Gemini and Virgo, will give us two (Scorpio and Sagittarius). Venus, ruler of Taurus and Libra, will give us two (Virgo and Libra) and Mars, ruler of Aries and Scorpio, will give us two (Scorpio and Sagittarius).
As noted, Mars continues to pick up speed by the week. It went stationary direct at 9 Gemini in January, with a theme of being a Zen archer, sure in your aim as a result of your training between September 2022 and February 2023. This will be a theme for this year and 2024. Mars is now in Scorpio and will move into Sagittarius toward the end of the month. In its home sign of Scorpio, Mars helps us act with precision and persistence; in Sagittarius, it’s flame on and hitch a ride on a star!
This month Mars activates the house(s) where we have 15 Scorpio through 5 Sagittarius. Mars in Scorpio has a laser intensity and eliminates anything that would get in its way. Mars in Sagittarius would rather dance around problems than take them head on, and would like it even better to be able to move somewhere else where the problems don’t exist!
Mars is conjunct the Sun the entire month of November, so we should be able to get a lot done if we don’t get stuck in stubborn antagonisms or bogged down situations. Most of the month Mars makes very favorable aspects to Neptune and Pluto, relieving the opposition to Uranus and generating a lot of power and awareness. This will be very beneficial for planets and points we have in the last half of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. We should be able to assess the core issues of anything very quickly and know the most efficient way to get things done.
The first 9 days of November, Mars is in the Pisces decan of Scorpio, ruled by Jupiter with an extra dose of the Sun. From November 10 through 24, Mars is in the Cancer decan of Scorpio, ruled by the Moon with an extra dose of Venus. And from November 24 through 30, Mars is in the Sagittarius decan of Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter with an extra dose of Mercury.
Between November 1-10, Mars will prove agitating to those with planets between 14-21 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Between November 11-24, it will have the same effect on planets between 21-30 degrees of the same Fixed signs. And between November 24-30, it will agitate planets between 1-5 of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
As I’ve offered before, when Mars is within a degree of forming or separating from a hard aspect with a planet, slow down and show deliberation and caution in how you use force. Hard aspects to/from Mars always require that we moderate or antidote impulsiveness and impatience.
Sign Focus
This month the sign focus again shows a preponderance of Scorpio and Sagittarius. Venus continues to occupy the last part of Virgo for the first week of the month before it enters its home sign of Libra. That immediately shifts as Mercury enters Sagittarius a couple of days later. The month is mainly Scorpio, with the Sun, Mercury and Mars all in that sign for the first third of the month.
So the first 7 days of the month features one visible planet in Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, and Scorpio. After November 10, we find one in Libra, two in Scorpio, and one in Sagittarius. This holds through November 22, with changes in the last week leading to one visible planet in Libra, one in Scorpio, and three in Sagittarius by the end of the month.
We’re Actors On A New Stage With A New Set – The Bigger Picture
We’re still in the initial years of a new era in human evolution. The Grand Mutation of Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 1 Aquarius began a new 20 year Aquarian Era in December 2020, as well as a new 200 year era, moving global energies out of Earth and into Air. We’ve begun to grow beyond the materialism of the past 200 years and have entered two centuries of Air emphasis, with its qualities of relatedness, receptivity, versatility, movability, lightness, and cooperative ideas, visions, and ideals.
We’re still "under the beams" of the Solar Eclipses we experienced in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 and these “cosmic recyclers” continue to remove all that we no longer need in our lives. Take note of where you have 1 Cancer, 24 and 13 Sagittarius, 20 Gemini, 11 Taurus, and 2 Scorpio, since 1 Cancer aligns us with a larger reality, 24 Sagittarius helps us find happiness, 13 Sagittarius gives us a new identity and love, 20 Gemini removes what cannot be assimilated or communicated, 11 Taurus will help us remove “weeds from our garden of Life and Mind,” and the one at 2 Scorpio is helping us release memories and attachments from the past.
The May 2022 eclipses with Sun in Taurus have begun to shut down old value systems in that sector, as well as the Scorpio sector via the May Full Moon Wesak Festival eclipse. November’s Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 17 Taurus/Scorpio has helped us tap our spiritual power to transform our lower self and our worldly expression. The Scorpio Solar and Lunar eclipses are already leading us to say goodbye to the past, giving up some old ideals, and finding a new perspective on how and when to do things. You can find out more about Solar and Lunar eclipses by going to the archives on how eclipses work.
The April-May 2023 eclipses have begun to work their magic on our Aries and Libra sectors for quite a while to come. The Solar eclipse at 30 Aries is sure to shut down some elements wherever we have that in our charts, and the eclipses we’ve just been through are the last ones in the Taurus/Scorpio sector with a new one already shutting down some things wherever we have 22 Libra.
As we study how successive Eclipses have affected various areas of our charts and lives, we can get a sense of the utility of these “Cosmic Recyclers” in removing what we no longer needed in those areas, creating a void which attracted new life experiences. They invite us to look back, and then forward, to see the continuity of “letting go, taking in, letting go, taking in” across the years.
Primary Action Beats for the First Half of the Month
November begins under the influence of the October Solar eclipse New Moon at 22 Libra, which indicates a number of years ahead where we’ll have to focus on who we want to help and how we want to help them. These themes will be brought to fruition over the next 4 months via the Lunar eclipse Full Moon with a ton of oppositions creating tension and great awareness.
The beginning of the month shows Mercury quincunx Chiron, showing the need to adjust some idea or perception, and Sun opposed Jupiter, bringing power to whatever was indicated by the Mercury/Mars opposition to Jupiter in the Lunar eclipse. Be clear about how you want to represent yourself to your world, and keep the momentum in your own hands.
This is immediately followed by Venus opposed Neptune on November 3 and Saturn going stationary direct the same day as Mercury opposes Uranus on November 4. Venus opposed Neptune and trine Pluto helps us get to the heart of any matter and a sense of how the phase changes of the past give us a roadmap to the future. As Mercury is also trine Neptune and sextile Pluto, these aspects will prove favorable to those who can think outside the box and/or see how the entire human condition has certain common experiences which can be used to help each other.
Mars is quincunx Chiron on November 5, so use the insights from the Mercury quincunx on the 1st to see what type of action to take on the 5th. Venus trines Pluto and Mercury trines Neptune on the 6th, bringing clarity and depth insights. All the oppositions and trines lead to great productivity and understanding for those who know how to use the planetary expression wisely.
The first week of November shows the Moon transiting between Gemini and Virgo, helping fill in the gap between Uranus and Venus. November 1-2 has moon in Cancer making very favorable trines to Saturn, Sun, Jupiter and Mars, bringing the power of organization to whatever we want to do. Good for planting, haircuts, and supplying needs. November 3 continues the favorable aspects from Cancer to Mercury, Uranus, and Venus, indicating a Grand Water Trine anchored by Venus trine Pluto giving us 5 points of a Six Pointed Great Sextile! This should be a very favorable time for our late Earth and Water sectors.
The Moon enters Leo a few minutes after Saturn goes stationary direct on November 4, and with Mercury opposed Uranus and the Moon forming a Fixed T-square with the Sun and Jupiter, be detached, see the big picture, and let go of the lesser to focus on the greater. The gear grind continues with Lunar squares to Mars, Uranus, and Mercury on November 5 so continue to show caution.
In the late hours of November 5, we also have a forming Yod, or Finger of God, which will last through Monday morning. Yods operate as an “expansion through sacrifice” type of energy, productively squeezing out whatever would obstruct the spiritual focus and expression through the “nozzle planet,” in this case the Moon in late Leo. As Mercury is trine Neptune on November 5, 6, and 7, intuition is high as is attuning to the collective field. The Moon in Virgo on November 6/7 brings productivity as we ease into the second week of the month.
The second week of November begins with Venus entering Libra and making a quincunx to Saturn. Look at it as a recalibration of our relationship to the ongoing transformation in our Taurus and Libra sectors. The Moon in Virgo with Mercury sextile Pluto guarantees we’ll be seeing things very accurately.
The 9th shows Mercury entering Sagittarius, bringing changes to our Gemini and Virgo sectors. As the various planets move out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius, it represents a time of breaking out of a cocoon in some way in the area where it’s happening in our charts. Of course, as the planets enter Sagittarius this month, they all immediately square Saturn, requiring adaptability and the ability to see the essential factors apart from peripheral factors in whatever calls our attention.
Mercury square Saturn requires mental and verbal self-discipline, as well as an ability to frame things positively rather than pessimistically. As this will be active between November 8-12, know that whatever limitations and fears may arise, they will pass as quickly as they came. However, we don’t get much of a break, since we head into Mars opposed Uranus during that same time span. Expect the unexpected, get behind limiting conditions and attitudes, but don’t just work from nervous energy; use the forming Mars trine Neptune and sextile Pluto to see clearly what has to be done, get to the core of the matter, eliminate or add whatever is needed, and prepare to “break on through to the other side” in the second half of the month.
The second week of November ends with the New Moon at 21 Scorpio with a theme of disobeying authority and/or turning away from an old behavior and reclaiming an element of one’s own heart. That begins a period of “conflict between old and new perspectives” and “a willingness to face chaos for the sake of a new order.” Subsequently, expect major changes to occur after which we will be able to productively reorganize many elements of our daily life relative to our spiritual awareness.
That will actually be a very favorable Lunation as it is opposed to Uranus and trine Neptune, giving our practical discipleship a boost in a unique direction. Cut loose from any fears or hesitations and instead of making excuses for holding back, just do it! Follow your heart’s desire to your genius, as a new day is dawning with that New Moon.
The Moon transits between Virgo and Sagittarius in the second week of November. Moon in Virgo on November 7/8 gives energy to getting things done, so get a plan and follow through. Moon in Libra on the 9, 10, and 11 brings a focus on adjustments, more adjustments, and activates the Solar eclipse on the 10th and 11th, bringing finality to something in our Libra sector.
The Moon in Scorpio on November 11, 12, and 13 is initially an old Moon, so pull inward on the 11th and 12th, and get ready for the New Moon on the 13th. It should be a productive time given the aspects, and late that day the Moon enters Sagittarius where it stays through November 15th. The second week ends with Mercury sextile Venus on the 13th through the 17th which should bring an atmosphere of harmony and understanding.
Primary Action Beats for the Second Half of the Month
The second half of the month begins with the Mercury sextile Venus which is immediately followed by both Mercury and Venus quincunx Jupiter, creating a Yod with Jupiter as the nozzle. Sacrifice whatever you need to in order to simplify the expansion process and achieve a wider and more balanced view of what’s going on.
The third week of November also features Mars and the Sun both trine Neptune and getting closer to their conjunction on the evening of November 17. As noted, the Sun and Mars must be considered conjunct all month, so show caution while focusing the power to bring what you want and eliminate what you no longer need.
The third week of the month closes with Sun and Mars both sextile Pluto, providing extraordinary efficiency and productivity to whatever deep work we’re trying to do. This will help set the seeds of the future which will sprout after January. We also see Mercury trine Chiron on November 20, heralding future healing and mentoring in an inspired way. This will strengthen our hearts wherever we have mid-Leo in our charts.
The third week of November shows the Moon transiting between Sagittarius and Pisces, putting the focus on the outer planets in Capricorn and Pisces. Moon in Sagittarius joins the Yod with its conjunction to Mercury and sextile to Venus before it hits several adjustments via the quincunxes to Jupiter and Uranus. The Moon in Capricorn between November 15 and 18 is very favorable on the 16th as it makes a trine to Jupiter all day during the larger Sun/Mars trine Neptune harmony.
The Moon makes very productive aspects with Uranus, Neptune, the Sun and Mars on the 17th, and then Aquarius on November 18 where it immediately squares Jupiter. It then makes very favorable aspects to Mercury and Venus on the 18th, with the harder edge of the Fixed T-square between Sun conjunct Mars opposed Uranus being squared by Moon in Aquarius. Show courage and heart strength, as well as a degree of restraint, detachment, and friendliness.
The Moon enters Pisces on November 20 where it stays through the 22nd. It makes very favorable aspects on the 20th, while running into some cross currents on the 21st. Still, Sun and Mars both sextile Pluto should help us get to the heart of any matter.
The fourth week begins with Venus entering the second half of Libra, a sector of the zodiac which is about reconstruction and repair. On November 25 it begins its transit of the last decan of Libra which is associated with “paying dues,” whether finishing past dues or paying off new ones. It could be that whatever is taken away by the Yods that Venus makes with Uranus and Neptune will show us where we’ve paid our dues and can now move into other more fulfilling Libra activities.
The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22 and immediately makes a square to Saturn. That’s why paying attention to when Mercury squares Saturn can give us signs and signals about what to expect at the Solar square. This is immediately followed by Mars square Saturn, so really the period when the squares are active range from November 21 through November 28. Show good Gemini and Virgo skills!
As mentioned, Venus makes quincunxes to Uranus on the 26th and to Neptune on the 30th, showing the need to eliminate while staying balanced, remembering this “expiates” something from the past and helps our spiritual focus as we complete a repair or reconstruction job of some sort. As Mercury is square Neptune on November 29th at the same time as the Full Moon at 5 Gemini/Sagittarius, stay clear about what roles you are and aren’t playing, prune back any excess, and remember that some sacrifices guarantee the fulfillment of our higher destiny.
That week the Moon transits between Pisces and Cancer, so it covers a lot of ground and makes some very favorable aspects, especially on November 21 and 22. We see good aspects when the Moon transits Aries between the 22nd and 24th. It’s going to be a strange weekend on November 24-26 with Moon in Taurus, due to the quincunx to the Sun and Mars on the 24 as the Mars square Saturn culminates. Add a quincunx to Venus and conjunction to Uranus on Saturday night and it’s time to cool out. There is a mixed bag of aspects on the 26th with favorable lunar aspects through about 6 pm, after which the Moon in Gemini forms a Mutable T-square challenging us to be precise while avoiding critical people.
The last 4 days of the month is a mixed bag, with Mercury square Neptune, Sun quincunx Jupiter, and Venus quincunx Neptune. Adjust, adjust, and adjust! Moon in Gemini and Cancer those days shows what begins a bit hectic and confused due to the Mutable T-square on the 28th will give way to productivity and integration when Moon is in Cancer the last two days of the month.
Evolutionary Development
This is the fourth month of the North Node in Aries era! We’re now opening to many months of realizing that our “line of greatest development” is best served by self-initiated activity which acts in the NOW, demonstrated by our balanced response to paying dues and remembering we do emotional repair work by understanding why things end when they do. We gain through building emotional or social potency, and demonstrate it through reconstructed feelings. We build through Aries and release through Libra, so adopt a pioneering attitude that is expressed with grace and diplomacy.
This month we grow through “the redemption of a promise” which awakened July 2016 and took flight beginning April 2023. This month we get to “show what we know” by “seeing through life and death processes” to find the promise of the new once our “mental rebelliousness” wearies of other things. In any case, we grow through Aries and demonstrate it through Libra’s balance, fairness, and a sense of justice.
Our wise friend Saturn brought us to the threshold of radical transfiguration and entry into a greater field of conscious Light/Life in March, and now we’re in the deep waters of Pisces. This is a time of demonstrating a greater empathy, sense of connection, intuition, and compassion. Specific Saturn themes for November involve being joyous as we rally to do some task while seeing “the social nature of human responsibilities” on the way to a rebirth of our way of navigating the “marketplace of life” where we will discover new ways to transact our business on every level, with ourselves as well as others.
The Sun in Scorpio is a time to see the Light of how to eliminate any forms which obscure the essence, having danced with an ideal in Libra that was shaped into practical useful forms in Virgo. We now know how to focus, leaving behind the obsolete and extraneous, creating voids which will attract new life substance in the near future. Prepare for an intense wild ride breaking free of the old “cocoons.”
We begin the completion of our third year of the new Aquarian era, with a new iteration of that future-oriented energy coming this February! Jupiter in Taurus is allowing us new “expansive ground” which will sustain the Aquarian unfoldment into the future. Leave the old and go for the new at this time, and practice meeting and greeting others from an “ambassadorial” view. This month provides unique gifts and blessings, so go with the flow!
Because we’re now in the third year of a new 20 year and 200 year cycle, remember a new era has dawned. Have courage and take the initiative to leave the Earth and fly free into the Air of what’s opening as the Grand Mutation expands its promise into the Divine transfigured ideal of a more just truth and future. This month brings new information and perspectives about the new life we’ve embraced since March, so lighten up, play a little, and be willing to explore new arenas of effective activity where you can work and play with other Light Spirits, and take heart as we stand at the dawning of the coming Pluto in Aquarius era.
We have now collectively transfigured into a greater vision of the one Light/Life we all are together. Continue to find your heart strength and new forms of genuine happiness appropriate for who you are now, and who you are becoming relative to just a few months ago.
The 2022 Capricorn and Aquarius transits began a new chapter of utilizing forms of personal power which began in Capricorn to serve the emerging Aquarian ideal. We now navigate the cosmic time-space between endings and beginnings so bless and forgive much to flow down the time stream. The past is over and we all have begun our trek into a new world of new potential, new adventures, and new ways to enjoy being ourselves while doing our work of Destiny. Open to the abundance of the process of growth, since we are all on a rocket ship to the stars!
Since I also include this in the newsletter, I’ll offer it to you here:
(All the degree values listed in the next three sections are computed the same way Sabian Symbols are read; we always round up. 9+ = 10; 19+ = 20; 29+ = 30)
SUN – 9 Scorpio to 8 Sagittarius
MERCURY – 16 Scorpio to 29 Sagittarius
VENUS – 23 Virgo to 25 Libra
MARS – 14 Scorpio to 5 Sagittarius
JUPITER – 11 to 8 Taurus
SATURN – 1 to 2 Pisces
URANUS – 22 to 21 Taurus
NEPTUNE – 26 to 25 Pisces
PLUTO – 29 Capricorn (all month)
CHIRON – 17 to 16 Aries
TRUE NORTH NODE – 25 Aries (all month)
(Bold entries are the ingresses, stations, and lunations. Non-bold are significant aspects.)
SOLAR ECLIPSE NEW MOON; October 14 at 22 Libra
LUNAR ECLIPSE FULL MOON; October 28; Sun 6 Scorpio; Moon 6 Taurus
DST ENDS IN MOST OF THE WORLD; October 29 (see below for US and Canada)
MERCURY CONJUNCT MARS; October 29 at 12 Scorpio
SUN OPPOSED JUPITER; November 2 at 11 Scorpio/Taurus
VENUS OPPOSED NEPTUNE; November 3 at 26 Virgo/Pisces
SATURN STATIONARY DIRECT; November 4 at 1 Pisces
MERCURY OPPOSED URANUS; November 4 at 22 Scorpio/Taurus
DST ENDS IN THE US; November 5
MERCURY SQUARE SATURN; November 10 at 1 Sagittarius/Pisces
MARS OPPOSED URANUS; November 11 at 22 Scorpio/Taurus
NEW MOON; November 13; Sun and Moon at 21 Scorpio
SUN OPPOSED URANUS; November 13 at 22 Scorpio/Taurus
SUN CONJUNCT MARS; November 17 at 26 Scorpio
AAZ Meeting; November 18
VENUS OPPOSED CHIRON; November 22 at 16 Libra/Aries
SUN SQUARE SATURN; November 23 at 1 Sagittarius/Pisces
MARS SQUARE SATURN; November 25 at 1 Sagittarius/Pisces
MERCURY ENTERS SHADOW ZONE; November 25 at 23 Sagittarius
FULL MOON; November 27; Sun 5 Sagittarius; Moon 5 Gemini
MERCURY SQUARE NEPTUNE; November 27 at 25 Sagittarius/Pisces
VENUS SQUARE PLUTO; December 3 at 29 Libra/Capricorn
NEPTUNE STATIONARY DIRECT; December 6 at 25 Pisces
Again, please consider joining Astrology Arizona to get all this and a lot more delivered to your email inbox at the beginning of each month. Members get to advertise their business on our website for free, there’s free access to the fantastic documentary Changing of the Gods, and discounts on recorded talks as they are available.
Reprinted on with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected.
© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson
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How to Use a Pendulum
Pendulums remain one of the simplest and fastest methods for divination. Read more
Ostara: Spring Equinox Secrets Revealed!
Celebrated on the Spring Equinox, around March 20-21 each year. Ostara is a... Read more
Sun in Pisces
Sun in Pisces February 22 through March 20 An Overview of Sun Sign Characte... Read more