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September 2024 Astrology Predictions You Can't Miss

September 2024 Astrology Predictions You Can't Miss

Message for September 2024

September looks set to be a month of revelation and re-connection as we turn inwards in order to make some sense of the chaos all around.

I’m not convinced that we, as yet, have the vocabulary to describe the current moment, as we seem to be in-between here and there, in-between the highs and lows, and in-between the breaths. It’s truly hard to articulate this current moment in order to condense and distil the words, but it also seems apt that the lack of words means that none of us can over-think, over-analyse or over-process things; we just have to turn towards the ebb and flow, trusting the process.

Of course, going with the flow is much easier said than done, as most of us struggle when we feel out of control of our lives. Although intuitively we all know that we can never truly be in control, we each need to have a sense of being in the driving seat as we navigate the journey through life, as this brings us hope and optimism as we explore the nooks and crannies.

Although we all have our own paths to walk and our own experiences to face, we are all still inter-connected, so it seems important that we don’t cut ourselves off from the chaos, but we find ways to encompass all there is without losing our truth in the process. We are all woven together as part of the universal tapestry, but it’s easy to feel alone, lost and discombobulated when storms come and encircle us. It also seems important to remember that although we do ultimately walk alone, every single thought, breath, action and choice all create ripples in space and time, impacting every other part of the universal whole.

It can feel overwhelming and confusing when we intuitively sense the need to turn within, but still remain consciously connected to the world around us, but it’s important for each of us to remain as balanced, and as awakened, as possible in order to bring light to the dark, the sun to the storms and so on. It is those of us who shine brightly in the darkened skies that act as lighthouses for those lost and alone. When we breathe out, others breathe in, enabling the cycle and flow of the universe to continue as it always has done. Being a lighthouse takes courage, but it feels like a natural part of our evolution to shine the light of compassion and love. Of course, this starts from within, so the more we can find balance, wisdom and understanding within our own hearts and souls, the more we can ride the ebb and flow with strength and love. Sometimes, true wisdom comes from accepting the unknowable nature of life, but still choosing to live as wholeheartedly as possible.

Challenges come and go, some of us face more challenges than others, and it is often the scars of challenge and pain that bring wisdom and compassion, yet challenge isn’t a prerequisite for shining brightly, it’s just a path that so many have walked. It seems it’s challenge that can remind us to live with purpose, to make the most of every moment and to know that even during the darkest moments, the sun will rise again. Of course, this sounds a little twee, but it’s important to know that we are all part of the cycle of life and, as a result, we all have a part to play. With every in-breath, there is an out-breath somewhere else in the world, and the more we can feel this unity with others, the closer to balance we become.

Balance isn’t the eradication of unhappiness or the end of suffering, it’s more about embracing happiness and joy, and nurturing these as forces in their own right. So, instead of becoming lost in the tsunami of struggle, we follow a different path. This doesn’t mean we won’t struggle, but it can allow us to look at the bigger picture with more clarity than ever before.

So, for those of us who can shine brightly, it’s time to embrace the light within and shine. This is a state of being, but it will inevitably lead to a state of doing, as there is much to be done all around. Yet, instead of feeling overwhelmed with the path ahead, the more we can step consciously into each and every moment, the more we can realise that the biggest gift we have is now. After all, what constitutes a fulfilling life? Is it ticking off our ‘to do’ lists? Is it perfection? Does it come from eradicating the darkness or opening up to the light? Of course, we all know that dark and light exist as one. The quest for perfection can lead to a sense of lack, and as ‘to do’ lists constantly grow, we run the risk of never getting to the end.

So, perhaps a better way of considering what makes a fulfilling life comes from cultivating happiness, balance and joy? Instead of thinking about all the things we still need to do or achieve, perhaps acknowledging all that we are is a better and more wholehearted approach? There is a huge current of change on the horizon and whilst change happens whether we want it to or not, our willingness to go with the flow whilst allowing our true essence to shine brightly can enable us to find fulfilment amongst the uncertainty of life.

We all have a tendency to find reasons ‘not to’ in life as we hover on the edge, waiting for the right moment to make decisions or take action, but there are times when waiting only holds us back from fully engaging with our hopes and dreams. Instead of getting life ‘right’, we sometimes need to seize the moment and take a chance. This isn’t to say we should throw caution to the wind, but keeping on keeping on can leave us feeling hollow and faded. Acknowledging the things that bring out our happy can bring huge shift on all levels, as we realise that happiness isn’t a default setting that emerges as a result of trying to eradicate the unhappiness, it’s a force and power in its own right.

It takes courage to shine brightly when there is a kaleidoscope of chaos all around, and it takes strength to breathe deeply when the world is twisting and turning, but it seems time now to live with connection, self-belief and open-ness. For those of us feeling isolated and alone, know that there are always others (even at a distance) shining love and compassion, offering a listening ear or a helping hand. Know that it’s perfectly okay to not be okay, there is no judgement, just love. As we each reach out to switch off the auto-pilot, life is likely to feel more uncertain and surreal than ever before, but living more consciously can enable us to listen more intently to the breath of the universe and to feel inspired by the magic of infinite possibility both around, and within. Know that we all have potential, and we all have purpose, some discover it early on in life, but those that discover it in later years are no less wise, just accessing potential in a different way.

When we focus on unity and not on division, barriers fade away and doors swing open. It’s tempting to live behind closed doors, but it’s time to live as open-heartedly as possible. This is a time for love, a time for compassion, and a time for connection. We each have our own pathways to this in life, but the more we open up to the light within, the more we can see.

As always, I wish you all kinds of wonderful.

With love,



As you continue to find peace amongst the chaos and uncertainty of life, there is a sense that you have reached a significant turning point when it comes to how you manage and handle stress. For a long time now, you have frequently become consumed by busy-ness and stress, particularly arising from those close to you and your tendency to give, give, and then give a bit more. Although you would do just about anything for anyone, sacrificing your own needs in the process, this has left you feeling flattened with stress and fatigue, as well as giving a sense that your life isn’t quite your own. However, it seems that the more you have turned towards your inner world, and the more you have accepted the inevitability of the rollercoaster of life, the more you have found a deeper sense of peace within your heart and soul. As a result of this, how you manage stress is changing, and instead of it feeling heavy and flattening, it’s beginning to feel easier to brush it off and breathe more deeply.

This is a significant turning point for you, and not one to be underestimated, as a sense of freedom is rising up from within, bringing you a renewed sense of purpose, hope and possibility. It’s as though the walls that usually surround and contain your everyday life are fading away, leaving the open road ahead of you. September therefore looks set to be a month of inspired creativity and empowerment for you as you re-connect to your true priorities once again. This is likely to feel like unfamiliar territory for you as you have spent so much of your life trying to be everything to everyone else, but this is your time now to focus on living your best life. Of course, this doesn’t mean you will suddenly stop being the rock for others, but it does bring you a significant opportunity to re-shape and re-define your life from the inside, out…


As you continue to seek out ways to live as wholeheartedly as possible, there is a sense that you are discovering a brand-new equation for a happy and contented life. You have realised just how many different variables need to be included in your equation, from the decisions you make and the one’s you don’t, the paths you walk, the people you’re close to (and the one’s you’re not). In fact, there are so many variables included in the equation of your life, you would be forgiven for feeling overwhelmed with even the idea of creating a new equation, as just making sense of the current one is hard enough! You have spent a great deal of your life trying to be the support for others as they make sense of their own equations, and you have often sacrificed your own needs, dreams and wishes in the process. Of course, this is a part of you, and you will always want to be the rock for others.

However, the more time you spend on the life equations of those around you (and of course, all of these equations criss-cross and interact with your own), the less time you have to think about yourself and your needs. Although you know you’re not an isolated island, it is important to give yourself some time and space to contemplate what you truly want from life. Your equation is inevitably always ebbing and flowing with the currents, but you are not one to drift! It’s time to honour yourself more and to let go of the harsh self-talk that pushes you to try to do more and be more, when it comes to those close to you. Instead, it’s time to connect to the core of your being and allow your true creativity, colour and flair to fly free. You are a generous and giving soul, and it’s time now to shine this light within in order to create a brand-new way of living and being…


As a vibrant, thoughtful and complex soul, you often see life through a kaleidoscopic lens, seeing and sensing more than most could ever begin to comprehend, often looking beyond the obvious towards the threads that weave their way in and out of life. As a result, you spend a great deal of time questioning why things are the way they are, trying to make sense of the whispering threads that weave through space and time. This isn’t a new revelation to you, yet it’s important to acknowledge in September as this looks set to be a time where you step beyond the questioning, towards a space of knowing and being. In essence, over the coming weeks, the light of self-awareness will bring you a deepening wisdom when it comes to finding peace with the unknowable. At the same time, there is a sense that the more you let go, the more balanced and tranquil you will become.

It’s hard to articulate, particularly to a deep thinker like you, but it’s as though you have crossed a new threshold of life, and your priorities have shifted as a result. You have always been one to think, but this is a time for allowing and for not being anything or anyone in particular, just opening up to the moment and letting your phenomenal intuition guide you. The pace of your evolution is quickening, and you simply aren’t the same person you were a year ago, and the more you open up to the possibilities of life, the more you will become on all levels of your being. This isn’t about what you do or what you achieve, it’s about how you live, how you feel, and how you embrace life. You have so much potential and so much possibility waiting to burst out of you, and when you become one with this, you will sense the shifts within as your vibrant and effervescent energy opens up your heart and soul towards living your very best life…


The concept of having a twinkly star-shaped essence seemed to capture the imagination of a great many of you last month, so it seems only right to delve deeper into this over the weeks ahead. For a long time now, you have been aware of the many different masks you wear in order to keep on keeping on through life. Some of these masks are to help you fit in although, in truth, you’ve never really been sure what you’re trying to fit into. You are a unique and individual soul, with a twinkly star-shaped essence that simply cannot be easily pigeonholed in life. Yet, you try so hard to fit in and be a part of the flock. It’s time to ask yourself why you do this? Is it because that’s what others ask of you or is it because you think that’s what others would want of you? There seems to be no part of you happy for you to continue bending yourself out of shape in the long term and it seems important to know that most, if not all, of the people that matter in your life, just want you to be happy.

Everyone has masks, and everyone tries to belong, but you are wise enough and intuitive enough to know that being yourself is the most important gift you can give yourself as it’s your superpower. The more masks you wear, the more weighed down you become, and the more you try to bend yourself out of shape, the more weighed down you feel. Yet you are a free spirit and tethering yourself to the perceived expectations of others can act like a giant anchor on your heart and soul. Of course, life inevitably carries some guidelines when it comes to living well, but it seems time for you to stop trying to be someone you’re not, particularly as your true self is chomping at the bit to take a giant leap towards a new adventure…


September looks set to be a defining moment for you when it comes to connecting to your true priorities in life. You have spent a great deal of time unpicking and untangling the layers of thoughts and beliefs that have shaped and defined your life for many years, so you are now better able to work out what you truly want and need. Yet, there is still a sense that you are often consumed by things to do, places to go and people to see. A great deal of your ‘to do’ list seems to be set by those around you as you give so much of yourself to others. However, there is also a sense that you like to fill up your time, resisting the space and quiet. Busy-ness is a good distraction and although you intuitively sense the need to focus on quality over quantity in life, it’s hard when it’s become a central part of your world. Yet, carrying such a heavy ‘to do’ list weighs you down and tethers you, stunting your creative spark and leaving you with self-doubt.

Intuitively you know that you are a free spirit with a longing to dance through life exploring new terrain, but being so busy with ‘clutter’ holds you down and stifles this thriving, energetic essence that resides within your heart and soul. As a result, there are many days when life feels pedestrian and ordinary, and this can leave you feeling at odds with your inner world as your dancing spirit cannot be heard over all of the busy-ness and clutter. It therefore seems important that you take some time over the weeks ahead to connect more wholeheartedly with your inner world and to allow your vibrant spirit some room to dance, flow and be free. Sometimes, taking some time out for yourself is the only way to regain perspective and focus. This is your life, so live it your way…


As you continue to discover why you are the way you are, there is a sense that you are beginning to look at the bigger picture of your life with more clarity than ever before. It’s as though you are shedding a great deal of the inessential from your day-to-day life, and you are connecting more wholeheartedly and consciously to your heart and soul. September looks set to bring new possibility, new opportunity, and new energy as you ride the crest of a wave of excitement and adventure. When it comes to the finer details of this forthcoming adventure, the details are scanter, yet there is a sense that the story has yet to be written as much depends on the choices you make (and don’t make). These are exciting times, as this wave of change brings a much-needed shift in focus for you as your creative and intuitive side rises up to find a more central role in your life. At the same time, it seems as though the more you can let go of self-doubt, and the more you can turn towards the light of self-compassion, the more ready you will be to seize the moment and find clarity.

As the fires of your creativity burn brightly, it’s time to stop spreading yourself so thinly trying to be everything to everyone, and trying to be more, do more and achieve more. Surely the true quality of a life well-lived is about how you feel, cultivating happiness and living your best life? Of course, you will always seek to evolve and grow as that’s a part of your essence, but instead of pushing yourself so hard, it seems more important to ease up a little and live more consciously in each and every moment. Let your intuition guide you towards pastures new as you continue with the process of shedding so you can travel more lightly with a sense of freedom within…


You are a complex and somewhat mysterious soul, on one level you are like an open book, but as soon as the book is opened, multiple storylines unfurl all at the same time! Yet, it’s this complexity that brings you great reward, as it allows you to see the world from a unique perspective. Although there is a cautious side to your nature, your heart and soul long to explore unchartered terrain as you expand the boundaries and go off road. For a great deal of your life, erring on the side of caution has allowed you to keep on keeping on, but it has contained your essence at the same time. As a result, there is some pushing and pulling within your heart and soul, as your longing to expand your boundaries grows stronger with each passing day. It therefore seems clear that September is a time to find new ways to enrich your life as you re-align your heart and soul with the things that truly lift your spirits.

As you regain more clarity, new dreams will emerge, and you will realise just how much wisdom and insight your complexity brings you. It’s time to feel excited by the unfurling and complex book rather than frustrated by it. Perhaps one of your biggest challenges comes with your tendency towards perfectionism, although intuitively you know that striving for perfection isn’t particularly realistic, it doesn’t stop you trying! Accepting the perfection in imperfection doesn’t come naturally to you, as you want to evolve and grow, and it can feel like accepting anything less than perfection is giving up, but it’s important to realise the wisdom that comes from letting go a little and living more consciously in the moment, as the quest for perfection can leave you focused on what you’re not and what you don’t have. Don’t berate your perfectionist streak, love it and know that it has your best interests at heart, but slowly show it that there is another way to happiness and contentment…


As you continue to tread water, there is a sense that you are refining the concept and turning it into something of an art form. You have never been one to avoid making the most of a situation, and this is no exception! Although you are finding ways to flourish whilst treading water, there is a part of you that feels frustrated being stuck on the same spot even though you intuitively sense the need to bide your time. Yet, your creativity and energy are bursting at the seams, trying to find new outlets for expression and adventure, and this has become increasingly hard to ignore. Your inner flames burn brightly as your guiding light, and it illuminates your inner world, bringing you clarity and insight, wisdom and calm. It’s hard to articulate, as it’s more a state of being, but you seem to be stuck between where you are, where you feel you need to be, and where you would like to be.

It’s as though you are standing at a crossroads treading water, focusing so hard on the art of treading water that you’ve lost sight of the paths ahead of you, the paths to the sides of you, and the one behind you. September looks set to be a month to take a step back in order to look more clearly at your life as you look beyond the four walls of your everyday world and reconnect to the fires within. You are a vibrant soul and your ability to see both the bigger picture and the finer details can be both a blessing and a challenge, and it can sometimes be hard to know if the situations you find yourself in are opportunities or brick walls. Yet, the more you can trust your intuition to guide you, the more you will realise that there is no right or wrong, just a myriad of exciting and different pathways and choices on the road ahead…


The creative and free-spirited essence at the core of your being has been nudging you over recent weeks and months, trying to get your attention, wanting to be heard. You have been very focused on things to do, people to see and places to go, in ‘to do’ mode even though your heart isn’t really engaged in the process. It’s as though you know you need to be busy, but you would actually prefer to engage in more creative and spiritual activities that nurture your heart and soul. Despite the somewhat pedestrian nature of your life at the current time, your energy remains vibrant and effervescent, and you seem more connected to life on every level of your being. It’s as though you are more aware of every sound, every thought, and every fragment of a moment, leaving you feeling more alive than ever before. As a result, there is something of a dichotomy forming within you, where your essence is tingling with excitement at the tantalising opportunities before you, but the pedestrian ‘to do’ list is weighing heavily on your shoulders.

It seems clear that there’s a need for you to review this ‘to do’ list in order to focus on your true priorities and to find ways to let the rest go. Of course, there will always be things to do, but there’s a risk that you can become so caught up in ‘getting things done’ that you lose sight of the magic, effervescence and opportunity all around (and within) you. Take a deep breath and re-connect to your heart and soul as you consciously connect to the ripples of change, and have the courage to embrace the shifting currents, trusting that they will take you towards pastures new. It’s time now to embrace your free-spirit, and to dance without a care as to who might be watching; this is your life so live it your way. Be the magic, embrace the rainbow and live your very best life…


As you continue to focus on what you truly want in life, sorting the wheat from the chaff when it comes to your true priorities, there is a sense that you are beginning to discover new ways to expand your boundaries, as well as seeing the areas where you have compromised so much over the years. You are a generous and giving soul, but you often ‘over give’ and sacrifice your own needs in the process. You ‘over give’ because you don’t want to let others down, but there seems to be a deeper layer to this as well, as it seems you somehow feel that the needs of others are more important than your own, and this can feed feelings of self-doubt and a lack of self-belief. Yet, you are a wise and intuitive soul, and you already know that you often give too much of yourself away, but it feels hard to change as you are so used to focusing on others so focusing on your own needs feels almost indulgent.

It’s time to ring the bells of change! Listen to your heart and soul to guide you as you find ways to stop bending and flexing quite so much to the needs, wishes and whims of others. This isn’t about becoming self-focused or disinterested in those around you, it’s about reclaiming balance and harmony as you honour yourself and your own needs more. It’s time to break free from the cycles, beliefs and patterns that have left you putting yourself last, and to instead turn towards your hopes and dreams as you re-kindle your connection to your true essence. September looks set to be a month to open up the doors and windows to every corner of your life in order to re-shape and re-define your path ahead. You can already feel the tingling’s of change permeating through every cell of your being, so take a deep breath and know that your strength, wisdom and courage will support you through this much needed and exciting turning point…


September looks set to be a month where you open up to living more wholeheartedly as you find some new ways to dance with the light of your soul. You are a vibrant being and your vision of life has always been expansive and full of possibilities and potential, however, you have often found yourself feeling overwhelmed and weighed down by a combination of so much to do and a plethora of self-doubts. Admittedly, you have turned to face these over more recent times as you have been keen to gain more balance in your life, so you are already well aware that you often tie yourself up in knots with things to do, people to see, ought’s to carry out and perfection to chase. There is no judgement in this, just an observation that you can often not notice as you are so busy being tied up in knots.

Of course, many of these knots are not of your making and although you have stepped back a little from becoming so deeply entwined in the lives of those around you, there is a sense that you are still finding new knots and tangles as the patchwork of your life continues to weave and dance through every corner of your soul. It seems important for you to find a new pathway towards re-connecting to the light of your soul, that part of you that glimmers and shimmers, even in the darkest of times. You are a wisdom being and a creative spark, so why not use these more in order to explore new terrain and re-write the rulebook of your life? It’s time to let go of some of those knots as you establish a new way of living and being. You seem ready now to wipe away the dull hues that have caused your colour and vibrancy to fade from view. Embrace your essence, be the light and be your true and wonderful self…


Finding peace with your wild and creative inner landscape continues to take centre stage throughout September as you are beginning to see your life with a fresh perspective. This perspective has arisen as a result of many challenges that you have faced over recent months and years, and it has also come from a yearning deep within you to live ‘free’; it’s as though your heart and soul are longing for space, balance and nourishment on all levels of your being. You have reached something of a threshold where keeping on keeping on just doesn’t cut the mustard for you any longer, as deep within the core of your being is a profound and intense creative spark that needs room to breathe and thrive. Keeping your true essence boxed up inside in order to get on with the busy-ness of day-to-day life does enable you to get things done, but doesn’t ‘getting things done’ miss the point of living a meaningful and joy-filled life? It seems time now to weave together the different threads of your essence into a new patchwork of possibility and adventure. You have spent so long drifting through life, trying to be the person you’ve felt you needed to be, but the time has come for you to take the helm and focus on your true priorities.

Take a big deep breath and take a look at your life, as you seek out new ways to live more consciously. As part of this process, explore your relationship with yourself so you can be clear about what you truly want, and open up to letting go of many of the now outdated self-beliefs about feeling the need to do more and achieve more, as these beliefs can keep you tethered and restrained. As you look at the bigger picture connect to the essence of freedom within and let it take you gently by the hand as you make some big, bold and creative steps towards a brand-new way of living and being…

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