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March 2025 Astrology Predictions You Can't Miss

March 2025 Astrology Predictions You Can't Miss

Message for March 2025

As the flowers of Spring begin to burst through the soil and the days grow slowly longer, there is a sense of renewed hope creeping up from the slumbering earth. The long darkness of winter has been felt acutely by so many this year as there is such a strong sense of challenge all around. It’s as though we have all been energetically out in a blisteringly cold blizzard trying to walk against the storm and it’s been hard work. Many of us are feeling beleaguered and weary, struggling to feel hopeful and carrying a heavy weight on our souls. This shift into Spring energy comes as a welcome relief as there is an air of hope once again.

During the long hibernation and retreat of winter, although there has been a great deal of challenge, there has also been an opportunity for reflection and contemplation, and, as the sun grows higher in the sky, it will soon be time to harness this warmth and energy to channel into new projects and new directions to explore.

It’s all too easy to feel bogged down by the global energetic climate, the 24/7 news, social media and the constant bombardment of information. Much of this information is a mixture of truth and un-truth, and although it’s hard to step back from this, sometimes we need to take a breath in order to find centre ground once again, as it creates so much ‘noise’ within our hearts and souls. When we feel balanced, we are much more able to discern truth from un-truth, and we are also more confident to ‘switch off’ for a while, putting down our phones and turning off the TV, and instead resting in stillness, connecting to the simpler things.

Life is a bewildering and complex mix of incongruent and random moments, many of which make no real sense no matter how hard we try to understand. Life has always been this way, but many of us seem almost over-focused on the finer details at the moment, losing sight of the bigger picture in the process. Yes, life is a mix of random moments, and these often collide into each other at the most inopportune moments, leaving us feeling confused and overwhelmed. Yet, if this is an inevitable part of life, surely we have to choose between being a piece of driftwood carried along by the currents, or finding our roots and following our own path?

Of course, whether these moments crash in, or bypass us completely, it’s important to acknowledge that none of them happen in isolation. Although we can single out individual moments, it’s hard to make sense of them until we step back to see the bigger picture, as it’s the larger perspective that inspires us to try to stitch them together into something more cohesive and comprehensible. It’s often a powerful quest to try to make sense of why things are the way they are, and it can consume us if we’re not careful.

Perhaps it’s the desire to understand and to make sense of life that drives us towards the quest for wisdom and evolution. Perhaps not. After all, we are all unique individuals, so the path of evolution isn’t straightforward; there isn’t an instruction manual that fits us all. There’s a need to celebrate our uniqueness, but to also find unity and compassion.

March brings us the Spring Equinox, a time of balance and equilibrium, and this is what we each need to seek out now. Equilibrium is the middle ground, the space we can retreat into in order to find calm and inspiration, wisdom and understanding. From this turning point of the year, hope is renewed and there’s opportunity to gather energy from within so we can each take a fresh look at life. When life feels busy or challenging, it’s easy to focus on keeping on keeping on, but when we step back and re-focus, we can see new terrain to explore. It’s important not to forget about the nooks and crannies, as it’s often in these forgotten places where peace and joy reside. In essence, it’s time to open up to living more wholeheartedly once again. The path to happiness doesn’t come from the eradication of unhappiness or the decimation of anything we fear, don’t like, or don’t approve of, happiness comes from within, and it needs cultivating and nurturing.

So, as the energies expand and start to flow more freely, March looks set to be a month for each of us to take some time in order to re-connect to the strength, wisdom, creativity, stillness and tranquility within. The stillness and tranquility are so often overlooked as they reside in the spaces between the spaces in life that so few of us even notice, let alone embrace. But it’s the stillness that can bring us balance in times of challenge. Even when life is chaotic and rambunctious, the stillness is always with us, offering respite and bringing calm.

Stillness isn’t necessarily about sitting in meditation, it can be as simple as breathing deeply or spending time somewhere peaceful and inspiring. When we consciously choose to let go of ‘busy’ and turn towards stillness, the 24/7 chatter fades and we come back to centre. So, during this energizing time, it’s important to let go of the inessential chatter, clutter and distractions in order to start wholeheartedly living once again. Such a shift takes courage, but it’s time…

As always, I wish you all kinds of wonderful.

With love,



As you continue to re-shape and re-define your sense of self, it seems you are beginning to realize just how much of your life you spend trying to be the person you feel you should be, need to be, or ought to be. It’s easy to not notice this when you bend and flex your essence to fit in with the flow of others, but over time, you can start to feel a deep sense of disconnection and discombobulation. At first, you may not have realized the cause or trigger for this disconnection, but the more you have focused on re-shaping and re-defining your true self, the more obvious it has become. The idea of not trying to be everything to everyone might feel slightly alien to you, but intuitively you know there’s a need to connect more consciously to trying to be the person you truly are. Yet, what does this mean? Surely, the person you truly are, is the person you are every day, as how can you be anyone else? This may be true, but when you spend so much of your life going with the flow of others, you can slowly drift away from living wholeheartedly, and your own dreams, goals and essence can fade from view.

March looks set to be a wonderful opportunity for you to re-connect to your courageous, creative and pioneering spirit once again as you contemplate your true priorities in life. Take some deep breaths and feel the fires within your heart and soul re-ignite, as you embark on a new chapter in life, one that keeps you, your needs, and your well-being as a central theme. It’s when your heart glows and you feel truly alive that you then are best placed to help others if you choose. This is an essential step on your path of evolution as it will help you to live your life in ways that see you flourish and thrive…


As your wisdom, creativity and inner strength continue to rise up from within your heart and soul, there is a sense that you are beginning to see the world with fresh perspective. It’s as though each of your senses have heightened, and you can hear every sound, every thought, and every moment with clarity and vision. Although this may sound overwhelming, it’s something you’ve always had an awareness of, as you have been deeply aware of life for as long as you can remember. However, this most recent shift is taking you into new terrain, and you are noticing more than ever before: from the silent majesty of the trees as they grow, to the changes in the air on your skin before the skies darken and the rains come. It’s the things that are so often over-looked or simply ‘not noticed’ in life that are now in your awareness, as they bring insight, inspiration and a deeper connection to your inner world.

As this process continues, the tapestry of your life is expanding and weaving in new directions as the pace begins to slow, bringing you some much-needed breathing space to contemplate the life you’re living and the life you’d like to be living. There is a part of you hesitant at the idea of breathing space as this gives you more time to think, and when you think, you see every nook and cranny of the bigger picture of life. As much as this is a magnificent gift, it can also feel like something of a curse, as when you start to think, new ideas surface, and this opens doorways to new opportunities. Once again, this sounds amazing, but up-ending the apple cart of life feels quite challenging for you as you do so much for so many. However, this is your moment to think about the truth within and let it be your guide…


As you continue to let go of old beliefs, there is a sense that you are also looking at ways to de-clutter your life on all levels. Over time, a great deal of ‘stuff’ has accumulated, and although this reflects life and the inevitable accumulation of things over the years, there is a heaviness about this ‘stuff’ that weighs down your body, mind, creativity and soul. This ‘stuff’ has no particular label as it reflects thoughts, objects, people and memories, it’s just a sense that you feel cluttered on both the inside and all around you. ‘Less is more’ therefore looks set to be the motto throughout March as you realize that the way to expand your consciousness, and to let your creativity flow freely, is to let go of the clutter and lighten up your life. Everyone keeps things for different reasons: things that might come in useful one day, things that have sentimental value, or gifts that once given are hard to let go…there are a myriad of reasons as to why letting go can be challenging, but surely letting go and feeling free makes it a challenge worth facing?

Of course, only you can make that decision, and only you can decide what you might need to release, but it’s worth taking some time this month to think about what needs to change in your life to enable you to feel more energized and creative once again. An important part of this process comes from quietening down the chatter in your mind and becoming one with your own breath. Feel you heart beating and become one with your true essence. As the chatter quietens, you will realize that it’s your true essence where the wisdom resides, and this is the space to consciously rest for a while in order to find clarity and direction. Have the courage to let go, take a deep breath and set yourself free…


As you continue to contemplate your true priorities and turn towards the things you wholeheartedly want in life, there is a little voice within your head, heart and soul that acts as the whispers of doubt. These whispers have been slowly telling you that you’re not trying hard enough, you’re not doing enough, or simply, that you’re not enough. Although this voice is quiet, it’s almost constant. Of course, this voice is a part of you, the one that believes priorities are a waste of time as the business of life doesn’t allow for dreams or goals. It’s the voice that prefers to keep on keeping on and maintaining the status quo. Yet, although you intuitively know this voice is only a tiny part of you, those whispers are slowly filtering through your consciousness creating doubt in the places where courage once stood. So, as a result, when you contemplate your true priorities, there is a sense that you are trying to approach this logically rather than intuitively, feeling as though listening to your intuition is an indulgence.

You have always been world class at giving yourself a hard time, but it really is time now to turn towards this tendency and be willing to let it go. The change in the inner dynamics of your consciousness is beginning the process of a pathway of self-discovery over the weeks and months ahead as you realize that life isn’t just about the things you can’t do or won’t do, and it’s not just about not feeling enough, life is about living, taking a chance and finally letting go of those whispers, replacing them with self-compassion, self-love and self-belief. Life isn’t about being ‘good enough’ or ‘trying harder’, life is for living in each and every moment, and it’s time now to realize that you already are good enough, whole enough and wise enough. This is your life, so live it your way…


As you continue to contemplate your role as the ‘keep-it-all-together-er’ in life (the jam in the Victoria Sponge!), there is a sense that you are finally realizing just how much of yourself you give to others in an attempt to get life right. There is no doubt that you thrive knowing that you are single-handedly keeping everything turning, but intuitively you sense that it’s time to ask yourself why this is so important to you. Why do you want to be the glue that holds everything and everyone together? Of course, there is nothing wrong with such a role, but your tendency to feel compelled to help others, often at your own expense, seems to have a deeper root cause. Do you give so much of yourself because you simply have so much capacity that you still have enough left to flourish and thrive? Do you give so much of yourself because you believe those around you will fall apart and fade if you don’t support them?

There are many questions to contemplate, and a need to go deeply within to find the answers. Of course, there are times when you do have enough energy left for yourself, but is this truly enough? There’s also a chance that those around you might falter if you’re not there to support them, but isn’t this a part of the evolution of life? You seem so tangled up in reasons that support the ‘keep-it-all-together-er’ that it’s hard to listen to your intuition that’s waving at you trying to get you to let it go. Yes, LET IT GO. Take a deep breath, let it go, find your centre, and you will re-connect to your wisdom and intuition. You’ve been stuck on a treadmill, going round and round, but March offers an opportunity for you to step off and reflect, creating new boundaries in the process. It’s time to be your own glue for a while…


Lightening the load of your life looks set to continue throughout March as you enjoy the process of de-cluttering, and welcoming the space it creates on every level of your life. The part of you that longs to fill a space as soon as it arrives is currently thankfully in the minority, as the rest of you is more than happy to breathe, rest and be still for a while. You’ve spent so long keeping on keeping on, working hard and trying to do your best, so the idea of consciously creating space in your life feels delicious and wonderful in so many ways. So, enjoy it, savor it, and know that space can be nourishing and nurturing, it never has to be filled unless you want it to be. It’s easy to get caught up on the treadmill of life, with people to see and places to go, yet this adds to the clutter and can take you away from enjoying the space. Every level of your being needs the room to breathe now as you begin the process of re-shaping and re-defining your essence, to enable you to re-connect to your passion, creativity and spark.

You are a wisdom being and have great capacity to think outside of the box whilst studying every nook and cranny within the box at the same time. In other words, being both a bigger picture and a finer details person, means you are able to see the world in ways that others couldn’t even begin to comprehend. As a result, you see the world as a kaleidoscope of threads weaving in and out, and as much as this is a blessing, it can also feel overwhelming at times as you can easily lose sight of yourself in the process. Yet, you are a weaver, and it’s time to take the helm of your life in order to create a brand-new tapestry within your heart and soul…


As your soul continues to find ways to build a stronger correlation between the life you’re living and the life you’d like to live, there is a sense that you are beginning to make some important realizations when it comes to why you do the things you do. Although you often question your choices and decisions, there is a sense that you frequently go with the flow as it’s the easiest option in a world full of obstacles, hurdles and awkward people. Yet, within your heart and soul, you don’t want to be carried along in the currents of other people’s lives, you want to set sail and let your own currents take you to pastures new. This may sound like a romantic idyll, but intuitively you sense the need to honour yourself more and to know that your dreams matter as they not only bring you hope and inspiration, but they also bring new discoveries and unexplored gifts.

You sense the magic of the world, the spaces between spaces, and the nooks and crannies of life, yet it’s easier to push these away for the sake of getting on with the busy-ness of life. However, your creativity needs unchartered terrain to thrive, and your motivation needs the tantalization of unchartered terrain to flourish. When you get lost in distractions, you can lose sight of yourself, and your purpose, and whilst it’s inevitable at times as life can be unpredictable, there’s a need for you to start cultivating the time and focus you need to look at your life with fresh perspective. Let your intuition guide you, and be open to listening to the whispers within your heart and soul, as you are on the precipice of a new chapter in your life that sees you more centered, more focused and more balanced than ever before. Believe in yourself, believe in your gifts and go with your flow…


As you continue to navigate a new path, there is a sense that you are beginning to enjoy the process of working out what you truly want from life. At the same time, as you open up more wholeheartedly to the wheels of change, you are more aware of the opportunities that change can bring, and you seem more than ready to embrace this now. March brings an air of release as you undertake something of a cosmic clear-out from every nook and cranny of your being: from physical clutter to old beliefs and thought patterns, there is a sense that you are finding joy in letting go. As always with you, you have honoured the process and acknowledged that every single thing you’re releasing has brought you to where you are now. So, this is less about throwing caution to the wind and being indifferent to everything you release, this is more about a heart-felt process of gratitude, healing and letting go. Your focus of living a simpler, but more enriching life is a powerful one.

As you continue to explore ways to create more centre ground in your life, you are beginning to feel more balanced than ever before. Acknowledging your own needs has been an important step in this journey as you’ve often been so busy trying to be the person you’ve felt you ought to be, and you’ve forgotten to be yourself. This journey of ‘remembering’ is a big one as it’s an opportunity to re-connect to your dreams, and to find a path in life that inspires and energizes you. ‘Remembering’ is the journey back to you, and, as well as letting go/de-cluttering, there’s a good chance there will be some significant and exciting decisions to make over the weeks and months ahead. You now seem more ready than ever before to navigate the shifting currents of change with grace, majesty and confidence…


Your creative spark has been surfacing in many different areas of your life over recent weeks and months, it’s as though your creativity is seeping through your everyday life bringing insight, wisdom and innovative ideas. It’s so easy for you to get caught up in the keeping on keeping on in life, but with little chinks of creativity appearing all around you (and within you), there’s a sense that you are beginning to feel more connected once again. As a result, embracing your courage looks set to take centre stage throughout March as you reach an important crossroads in your life. Any life event that involves a need for courage can cause trepidation, but courage isn’t only needed during times of challenge, sometimes courage is needed for you to turn towards those chinks of creativity to cultivate them into something bigger, brighter and better than ever before.

You are a visionary, and your creativity has the power to transform and unify, and you see the world in a unique way as you can sense the contrasts between how people live, and the potential they have to truly embrace life. This awareness comes through in your creative vision and this enables you to inspire others to live their best lives. Inspiring others comes easily to you, but finding the courage to believe in yourself is a little less easy! Yet, why? Why is it hard to believe in yourself? Why do you doubt your gifts and strengths? You are a shining light and your spirit soars, but for much of your life you’ve felt tethered and unable to fly free because of your self-doubt and lack of self-belief. It’s time to finally face this doubt with tenderness, and to let it go with love, as this is your time to let your inner light radiate into all aspects of your life, as courage takes you by the hand and leads you towards pastures new…


As you continue to re-shape and re-define your ideals and beliefs, there is a sense that you are beginning to see your life with fresh perspective. There are times when you look around you and wonder what life is really all about, as nothing much makes sense. As a deep thinker, you often contemplate the existential wanderings of humanity and frequently conclude that a great deal of the things many see as priorities, don’t really mean that much in the bigger scheme of things. It’s not that you’re judgmental, as you’re not, it’s more a bewilderment at the games people play and the tangles and knots created in the process. Of course, you see the value of individuality, and you’re a ‘live and let live’ kind of soul, but you also value honest and wholehearted living, and this is where the window-dressings and knick-knacks of life frequently irritate you. It’s the unnecessary complexity and the frivolous quest for ‘stuff’ that you struggle with, as you long for more meaning and purpose in life.

Although you see the value in having everything you need, the modern psyche feels utterly perplexing to you, as the buzz and noise of 21st century living feels empty in so many ways. Just as you might press the off button on your phone or TV to get some much-needed peace, you also need to do this in other aspects of your life, as the need to create some space seems so important for you now. Being busy with things to do doesn’t fill your soul with warmth, it’s the concept of wholehearted living that matters most to you now. Of course, it’s hard to long for a way of living and being that so many reject, but intuitively you know that the path of happiness for you comes from how you feel, not from what you have. Take a deep breath and let your intuition guide you…


The theme of being at one with the magic of the moment continues throughout March as you seek new ways to root yourself more consciously in the here and now. You are one of life’s thinkers, and you often find yourself over-thinking as you try to make sense as to why things are the way they are. However, there is a sense that you are beginning to feel more centered, and this is bringing you clarity, as well as a desire to turn towards change on all levels of your life. It’s not that you are feeling particularly restless, but you are sensing the need to walk a new path. You have spent so long trying to keep everyone else happy, trying to do everything for everyone, and doing your best to be the person you’ve felt you ought to be, that your connection to your inner self has faded from view. This has left you discombobulated and out of sorts, as your usual effervescent wisdom and intuitive prowess feel distant and out of reach. Yet, take a deep breath, and you can feel it within your heart and soul. Your intuition and wisdom are still with you, they’ve just been on the back burner as you’ve been busy with the business of getting on with life.

It’s important to ask yourself why this is the case as these gifts should form central roles in how you live your life, they are the backbone of what makes you, you. Pushing them away might make for a quieter life, but this can leave you disconnected from your heart and soul. Yet, you long to live wholeheartedly, and although this may involve stepping into unchartered terrain, it’s important to be willing to live your life as fully and as consciously as possible. Instead of trying to make sense as to why things are the way they are, trust your intuition and go with the flow…


As you continue to lighten the load on all levels of your life, you are beginning to feel a shift within your heart and soul as you let go of distractions, clutter and a great deal of ‘stuff’. You have carried some of this with you for your whole life, and although it’s a part of being human to collect and accumulate, you are feeling a deep sense of freedom as you let go. Your life has been so full of stuff and distractions that it’s been hard for you to see the wood for the trees when it comes to focusing on your true priorities, and on what makes you happy. As you lighten the load and breathe more deeply, you are creating more room to maneuver and wriggle, giving you a wonderful opportunity to contemplate your path ahead. What do you truly want? What makes you happy? What brings you joy? When life feels heavy, it can be hard to think about priorities and dreams, but it’s important to realize that unless you focus on what you truly want, you will struggle to bring it into being.

Lightening the load will allow you to stand up straight, to breathe freely and to re-connect to your inner spark and creativity. This in turn, will enable you to think more clearly, and to focus on how to get from where you are to where you want to be. Living wholeheartedly is living in accordance with your heart and soul, it’s not juggling to keep on keeping on. It’s also about living life as fully and as consciously as possible, making the most of every moment, and turning towards your gifts and dreams with self-belief and courage. March looks set to be a month of re-connection to your true essence, as you breathe deeply and let your naturally effervescent sparkle surface. It’s time to let go of the weight of distraction and focus on what you truly want…

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