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December 2024 Astrology Predictions You Can't Miss

December 2024 Astrology Predictions You Can't Miss

Message for December 2024

As we begin the process of reflecting upon the year that’s nearly over and contemplating the year ahead, it would be easy to see all of the trials, tribulations and challenges we’ve experienced, both individually and collectively.

Most of us have had more than our fair share of hurdles and obstacles this year, and there have been times when the relentlessness of it all has felt overwhelming on every level. Perhaps it’s human nature to notice the struggles more easily than the positives, but when the struggles feel so heavy, it’s easy to stop noticing the little bits of positive.

In some way this is a reflection of how so many of us live our lives, often picking out the things we feel we need to fix or focusing on the things we feel are wrong with us. It seems easier to focus on our perceived ‘imperfections’, beating ourselves up in the process, rather than acknowledging the positives. Of course, many of us may feel as though the positives are so scarce that they are barely worth mentioning, but if we only see the struggles, we can begin to sink under the weight of it all.

Although we rarely talk to others this way, we can often be highly self-critical and judgmental, feeling as though we’re not trying hard enough, we’re not good enough or simply that we’re not enough. Maybe this is hard-wired into our brains, but not everyone thinks this way, so it seems more likely it’s a level of conditioning that we slip into over-time without even realizing that we’re doing it. The more of this inner criticism we throw at ourselves, the more it stifles our hearts and souls, tethering us in self-doubt and holding us back from living wholeheartedly.

We are programmed to grow, learn and evolve, and this seems like a significant turning point on the path of evolution as we each begin to shift the focus away from self-judgement and fear, and towards living life more consciously in the present moment. It’s time to let go of living life conditionally and instead open up to the bigger picture. This isn’t to say that we should ignore the challenges, nor is it a suggestion that we give up on our hopes or dreams, it’s more of a clarion call for each of us to put the armor down, to stop feeling as though life is a battle, and to start focusing on those little bits of positive, allowing them to flourish and grow.

We all have hopes and dreams, and as we open up to these more, we can begin to realize that it’s our capacity to love, learn and evolve that allows us to step beyond living conditionally. When we start the process of shedding the self-criticism and self-judgement, and start cultivating self-love and self-compassion, the light within starts to find new avenues of expression. Happiness isn’t dependent on first eradicating unhappiness as it’s a force in its own right that needs to be gently embraced and brought to life.

December looks set to be a month for setting a new intention for life as we begin to contemplate our true priorities and open up to more warmth and tenderness within. Although the challenges will inevitably keep coming, when we stand in the light within, the power of these challenges shift and we manage them with great strength and wisdom.

Although many of us may, at times, feel irrelevant, insignificant or disconnected on many levels, it’s important to know that every single one of us is here for a reason. We all matter, and together we make up the whole. Every thought, action, inaction, and decision create ripples in the ocean of life, and these ripples echo through space and time moving in every direction. Therefore, every single one of us contributes to the ocean of life and it just wouldn’t be the same without us. In addition, every moment of every day is a ripple, and everything that has happened, is happening, and is yet to happen, is also a part of the intricate and infinite fabric of life.

It’s only when we start to look at how these threads dance and weave together that those self-doubts and self-criticisms start to feel a tad silly as they in no way reflect truth. It’s time we stop trying to dam the ripples and stop hovering on the periphery of life, and instead choose to live as wholeheartedly as possible. The challenges will still come, we will inevitably trip up at times and we will often change direction, but surely this is a part of wholehearted living? If we choose to wait for a better moment, then there’s a risk that this moment may never come. It’s time to stop living on the edge and to dive into life with every ounce of energy.

The cultivation of happiness looks set to take centre stage over the months ahead as we all navigate some choppy waters of uncertainty, but with strength and resilience, unity and wisdom, we begin to let go of the conditioning and beliefs, and open up to a new way of living and being. So, this continues to be a powerful time to re-shape and re-define the very essence of happiness and to forge new pathways towards our hopes and dreams.

Don’t forget to breathe deeply and to stay connected to the wonders of life, and also to the little bits of positive, encouraging them to flourish and thrive. The world will always be topsy-turvy, but we each have the power to find balance and calm. When we let go a little and allow ‘not knowing’ and ‘imperfection’ to be a source of inspiration rather than contraction, the possibilities of life begin to expand and flow. The shift in the vibration of existence is calling us all to create a new way of living and being…

As always, I wish you all kinds of wonderful.

With love,



As the light and warmth from your soul continues to radiate and glow, there is a sense that you have reached a threshold of change. You have spent a great deal of time trying to be everything to everyone, and trying to be the person you’ve felt you ought to be, prioritizing the needs of those around you above your own. As a result, your own priorities and dreams have faded from view, and you have bent and flexed yourself out of shape. This has left you feeling disjointed and discombobulated, as you have felt unable to gain clarity when it comes to your path ahead. Although you have sensed the winds of change rising up from within your heart and soul, you’ve struggled to find the space to re-centre and re-connect to the currents of your own life. Looking back over the last year, it would be easy to feel as though you have been running on the spot, expending lots of energy and not getting far. However, if you take a closer look and allow all of the good bits to come together, you will see just how much you have grown and evolved.

You are simply not the same person you were a few months ago as your perspective has changed. At the same time, your experiences have brought you great wisdom and knowledge, and even those more challenging times have brought you to this precipice of a new and exciting chapter in your life. Perhaps the biggest lesson you’ve learned over the last few months is in connection to your own courage and strength as your inner light always finds a way of shining through. It’s true that you are often too busy and too preoccupied to wholeheartedly embrace this inner light, but the more you open up to this, the more you will realize that it’s time to live more consciously and more creatively than ever before…


As you continue to shine the light of self-compassion into all of the nooks and crannies of your life, there is a sense that December looks set to bring about a much-anticipated chapter of clarity and focus after a long spell of uncertainty and self-doubt. You have been in a period of stasis for much of this year, hovering between here and there, not sure where you are or where you want to be. This has left you feeling restless on every level of your being, wondering how to regain your usual sense of direction and purpose. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the uncertainty, but it’s important to acknowledge that a great deal of this restlessness comes from within your own heart and soul as you seek out ways to live with more clarity than ever before. Instead of hovering between here and there, it’s time to acknowledge the whispers of your soul and to re-affirm your true priorities in life as you re-define where you’re heading and why. Once you have more clarity, then you are able to sharpen and distil your focus, bringing you more insights and a deeper sense of inner knowing.

As the year comes to a close, seize the moment to honour the journey you’ve made as you condense your experiences into some clear life lessons as the focus of what you truly want from life emerges and shines. This is an exciting time to explore unchartered terrain and to boldly go where you have never gone before. Let go of self-doubt and find ways to honour your gifts and strengths. You are a vibrant and effervescent soul, full of resilience and strength, so why not channel these towards a new way of living and being that warms you from the inside, out? Self-belief takes courage, but it’s time now to shine the light of self-compassion more brightly than it’s ever shone before…


As you continue to re-shape and re-define your sense of self, it seems that you are beginning to understand yourself, and your motivations, on a much deeper level. You have always been one to try to make sense of why things are the way they are, to try to understand your choices, and to dive deeply into the universal perspective on life. Yet, such a vast outlook has often left you feeling overwhelmed and confused, wondering how to navigate your way through, frequently feeling lost and disorientated. You’ve always had a sense as to why you do the things you do, but you often feel frustrated that you continue to repeat the same old patterns. This can lead you towards thinking that you still have lessons to learn or that you haven’t resolved past issues, yet there are times when there is no higher or deeper meaning, and the quest to find one can become a distraction that keeps you away from simply going with the flow. Of course, knowing when there’s an answer, and where there isn’t, can be challenging, but if you learn to trust your wisdom and intuition more, you will realize that when you need more clarity, the answers will surface.

So, instead of actively seeking out understanding and clarity, there’s a need to let go a little and trust the flow of the currents. There is no doubt that being true to yourself is deeply important but try not to undermine this by chipping away on a hunt for answers. It’s time to breathe more deeply into life as you express your creative and exuberant energy in new ways. December looks set to be a pivotal time to explore the relationship you have with yourself as you re-centre and re-balance in order to fly free and find a new way of living and being that feeds your soul. Take a deep breath and let your intuition gently guide you…


As the restlessness within your heart and soul continues to seek out new avenues to escape, there is a sense that there’s something of an inner rebellion going on within you as two very different facets of your personality are pulling in different directions. These facets seem to be connected to your logical, ‘keeping on keeping on’ philosophy and your free-spirited and creative nature. On one hand you long to explore the unchartered nooks and crannies of life, but on the other, caution keeps you in those ‘sensible shoes’ as it somehow feels safer and easier to manage. Yet, deep within you, the rising restlessness suggests that those sensible shoes might not be as ideal as you think, and it might be time to explore why you prefer ‘sensible’ over free-spirited. Of course, it’s not that these two facets are non-linear, as they are both moveable and ever-changing, so perhaps it’s time to get some fresh perspective by looking at things differently?

Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual, so take a deep breath and trust your intuition to guide you. Although the same old routine can feel safe and comfortable, the free-spirited, creative side of you longs for some breathing space, and it seems time now to honour this more. Listen to your heart and soul, let them be your guides as you find ways to acknowledge the restlessness and step towards peace within. Remember that these different facets are a part of you, so bring them together and seek out ways to honour both. It’s time to instill a deeper sense of peace within and be willing to love all aspects of yourself wholeheartedly as you look ahead towards a new direction in life. Don’t ditch the sensible shoes, but let your free spirit wear them to dance into new dimensions. December looks set to be a month of possibility and potential, so take a deep breath and dance…


The infinity within your heart and soul looks set to remain centre stage throughout December as you continue to seek out some new ways to find peace and tranquility. With your ability to sense so much, from the whispers of the universe to the breath of the mountains, your connection to the bigger picture of life can sometimes feel intense and profound. Yet, you have always been this way, so to you it’s ‘normal’ to sense so much. However, despite living with this for so long, you have channeled a great deal of energy into pushing this awareness away in order to get on with the business of living. It’s as though you have felt like your vast awareness is a hindrance to living well, and although it’s understandable that it may sometimes feel overwhelming, intuitively you know that your awareness brings you so much at the same time. Of course, it is hard to grasp infinity as it’s indefinable and indescribable, but when you let yourself go with the flow of this, it somehow just feels ‘right’.

It’s hard to define the indefinable, but there’s no need as you already intuitively sense that the infinity within you is a gift, so by allowing a deeper peace to flourish, you will begin to stop over-thinking this and instead feel the confidence to go with the flow. Flowing may not be your usual dynamic way of living and being, but it’s an important skill to learn as it helps you to travel with less resistance as you seek out peace and tranquility within. So, instead of pushing on and resisting this vastness within, the more you believe in yourself, the more you will realize that you have everything you need to live the life you intuitively know you were born to live. Diving deeply into the vast pool within you brings your wisdom, insight and creativity to life, so take a deep breath and be your true self…


As you continue to de-clutter your life from the inside, out, there’s a need to further explore those aspects of life that nourish you and the ones that don’t. However, it seems important that you don’t over-focus on this de-cluttering as this can leave your vision narrowed away from the bigger picture of your life. Instead, if you try to focus on your true priorities, the things that truly nourish you will shine brightly. Although there will always be elements of your life that are more depleting, try to find a deeper sense of peace with these as they are often those responsibilities or duties that you need to embrace in life, so the less resistance you can create, the better, as resistance creates stress and can leave you feeling stifled or tethered. This isn’t to say that you should be a ‘walk over’, but there are times when looking at those heavier responsibilities with a fresh perspective can help you to look beyond the four walls of life and towards the things that truly matter.

Your journey through life has had many twists and turns, and you have learned a great deal along the way. Even when the going has been challenging, you have found wisdom in your experiences, and your path of evolution has led to some profound revelations as to your true purpose in life. It’s easy for you to become lost in the detail of things to do, places to go or ideas to evolve, but when you step back and breathe deeply, you re-connect to the core of your being, and this is where your true power resides. Your essence resides at your core, and it’s the force that powers your intuition and creativity, so the more at peace you become with being you, the more you will feel free to wholeheartedly embrace your true priories and dreams…


As the whirlwind within your heart and soul continues to find a new rhythm, there is a sense that you are beginning to take a more philosophical approach to life. You have often found yourself caught up in the currents, trying to be everything to everyone, often ignoring your own needs and dreams in the process. December looks set to trigger the beginning of a new chapter of shedding and release as you let go of the clutter in your life. You seem ready now to focus more consciously on your dreams as you are ready to explore a new way of living and being. You have spent so long hovering between the life you once lived and the life you are living, hankering after the life you intuitively know you were born to live. As a result, you can feel ‘less than’ at times as you see the gap between where you are and where you feel you want/ought to be.

It’s time to listen to your intuition and let it guide you as you embrace the new rhythm of your inner whirlwind as it carries you towards pastures new. Although it may not feel like it at times, your whirlwind is your friend, it’s a part of you as it’s how you tick; it can feel overwhelming at times, but when you embrace the swirling within, you become less dizzy with the ebb and flow of life. It’s as though peace resides at the heart of whirlwind and although it takes courage to embrace this powerful force, intuitively you know it’s an important step on the journey of your life. Finding peace with your true nature and having the strength to be yourself will bring momentum to your dreams as you seek out new ways to find new pathways to explore. This is a time for self-belief, self-love and self-compassion…


As you continue to seek out new avenues of expression for your creativity and spirituality, December looks set to be a month for you to re-shape and re-define the ways in which you see yourself and your life. You have spent a long time holding back from embracing your full potential, preferring to hover on the periphery as it has felt somehow safer and more comfortable for you. Yet, you are a vibrant and effervescent soul, and hovering on the edge of life keeps that vibrancy and effervescence harnessed and restrained. Although there is a part of you longing to set yourself free, there is an equally strong part of you that feels as though being a free spirit will only bring you challenge and difficulty. Of course, the latter could be true, but unless you try, how would you ever know? Hovering on the periphery allows you to keep on keeping on in life, but it prevents you from grabbing life with both hands and seeking out new terrain.

At the end of the day, it’s up to you as to how you live your life, but it seems important now to listen to the whispers within as they grow louder, longing for something bigger, something more. A part of this process includes clarifying what you truly want from life. Whilst you might not know exactly where you want to be, if you have a focus, it brings momentum and energy. This momentum can bring you confidence and it gives your effervescent free spirit the room to dance freely. It seems that you have spent so much of your life hovering on the periphery, trying to keep on keeping on, you put a suit of armor on long ago to get through each day. It’s time now to put down the armor and to feel the lightness and freedom as your creativity and effervescence sparkles…


Life Is full of moments. Those moments contain moments, and moments of moments. Whilst many of these moments are pedestrian, run-of-the-mill moments that you barely even notice, there are others that stand out for a variety of different reasons. Although you have seen more than your fair share of challenges in life, you have also had a good smattering of opportunity at the same time. When you gaze back to look over the journey of your life, it’s easy to notice the challenges as they look like giant obstacles on the path of your life. It’s often easy to overlook the good stuff, and it’s extremely easy to completely forget everything else. However, the bigger picture of your life suggests that every moment is equal in terms of making you the person you are today. Of course, some moments have shaped and defined you, carving out features within your heart and soul, yet, in many ways, it’s the pedestrian moments that are shifting into focus, as these act as a kind of glue that holds everything else together.

Although you would love to have an exciting adventure in life, there will always be bills to pay and things to do. As a result, it’s important to focus on the bigger picture of your life throughout December in order to gain more clarity as to your path ahead. It’s easy to focus on the excitement, but without the rest how will you achieve your dreams and goals? In other words, this is a time for exploring the glue that brings everything together, it’s the experiences that anchor you sufficiently to make important choices, and it’s the wisdom from those pedestrian experiences that can catapult you towards new pastures. So, instead of being defined by certain moments of your life, open up your heart and soul towards the bigger picture as you begin to feel more whole and more complete than ever before…


The concept of living with creativity and compassion continues in earnest throughout December as you begin the process of shifting the perspective of your life. Over recent months, you have been thinking more about how you live your life and why, and you have dived a little deeper into the recesses of your soul in order to re-connect more consciously to your intuition. You have spent a great deal of your life hovering on the periphery between here and there; there is the place you feel you ought to be, here is where you are now. Hovering on the periphery, you have a clear picture of the gap between here and there, and you have realized how tiring it is to hover between the two. December looks set to be a time to ask yourself why you hover? What draws you to the periphery and what stops you from letting go of the ought’s that shape and define your life? You are your own person and although you are inevitably influenced by those around you, it seems an important time for you to re-establish your own sense of self.

Instead of ‘ought’s’, it’s time to focus on what you truly want and to let go of thinking about the gap between where you are and where you feel you ought to be in order to put one foot in front of the other and just be where you want to be! This is a powerful time to move more consciously with the currents of life in order to let your creativity and intuition flow freely. So, rather than let the ‘to do list’ of your life grow ever longer with ought’s and must’s, why not let it go for a while and allow yourself to breathe deeply into the moment? Shift your focus towards self-compassion, let go of the list and step beyond the periphery as this is your time to shine…


You have always been a possibilities kind of person, looking beyond the obvious and seeing pathways of opportunity where others see brick walls. As a result, you often have a long list of jobs to complete in life, not just a ‘to do’ list but a ‘should/could/ought to list’ as well. It’s hard for you to cross any items off this list just in case it becomes relevant at some future point; it’s as though you keep hold of as much as you feel you ought to and then keep on building layer upon layer upon layer. Intuitively you sense your soul has a rather large sledgehammer than longs to break down this towering wall of a list, but there is a part of you that finds a sense of safety within the list, almost as though it gives your life shape and structure. Yet, this energetic sledgehammer is calling you more and more as you long to have less weight to carry through life as your free-spirited nature has had enough of dragging it around.

It seems clear that there’s a need for you to find a truce between the different facets of your being. It also seems clear that you are ready for a new direction in life and intuitively you already know that the first step involves shedding layer upon layer of stuff as you are ready to travel lightly in order for your creativity and spirituality to breathe, flourish and thrive. You are a vibrant, gifted and inspirational soul, but instead of breathing deeply into life and reaching for your dreams, your focus is on juggling that huge list. If you take a good look at this list, most of it is either not relevant or not important; yes, you might come back to a few things in the future, but in this moment, let it go. Welcome to your mini revolution as you embrace the moment and fly free…


Your heart and soul continue to seek out enrichment and joy on all levels of your being as there is a sense of a new chapter on the near horizon. Although you are still unable to give shape or form to this emerging chapter, intuitively you sense that you are ready for a new beginning. So, even though you cannot articulate what’s happening, you can feel it, and this is your guide. Of course, your heart and mind are both wanderers, meandering through the infinite array of possibilities in life, and this can feel overwhelming at times, however as much as this vastness can overwhelm you, it also inspires and motivates you as well. December looks set to be a time for you to find a deeper peace with your wandering nature, as your inner wanderer needs time, attention and love in order to flourish and thrive. Yet, you so often push away what instinctively feels right to you as you prioritize the needs of others or simply feel that to accommodate your true essence would be too unsettling and disruptive.

However, if you don’t embrace your true self, how can you ever be your true self? This may sound obvious, but it’s so easy to get distracted by life. It’s important to take ownership of your choices, actions and beliefs as this is a part of the reason you feel as though you drift through life. You don’t! You are perhaps the most intuitive, creative, innovative and vibrant individual that you’ve ever met, so why not embrace this now? This isn’t big-headed, it’s just a gentle reminder for you to embrace your gifts and to live your best life. Re-shape those self-beliefs that no longer serve you, let go of the outdated, and find a new way to live without boundaries so your essence flows free, and your inner wanderer has the confidence to explore…

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