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October 2024 Astrology Predictions You Can't Miss

October 2024 Astrology Predictions You Can't Miss

Message for October 2024

As we continue to navigate the choppy waters in life, there is a sense of calm and serenity rising up to the surface as we find ways to live more wholeheartedly with the ebb and flow.

Despite the uncertainty, finding peace with ‘not knowing’ is becoming an inspiration to live life as wholeheartedly, and as consciously, as possible. None of us can know what resides around the next corner, and it’s so important to try to make the most of every single moment, so we are not left with regrets and ‘what if’s’.

As is often the case, it’s only when we’re pushed beyond our limits, and out of our depths, that we begin to find strength and wisdom. Sometimes we need to reach the stage of realizing there’s nothing to lose when we set ourselves free to live according to our truth. Of course, truth means different things to different people; there is no absolute, just different shades and textures, and it seems so important to embrace this concept now and to ‘live and let live’ as we find deeper compassion and love.

Not knowing what lies ahead can keep us frozen on the spot, but it also has the power to inspire us to live more wholeheartedly. Surely life isn’t about the things we don’t do or feel we can’t do, but about the things we embrace? There are no guarantees, but to resist and struggle can leave us trapped behind towering prison walls of our own making, as we feel too much fear to take a big deep breath of life. Sometimes, graceful acceptance is the only path to follow. Of course, there are times when we need to stand firm, but this is a time to go with the ebb and flow; to become a leaf in the autumn breeze.

When we lean into uncertainty, we can befriend it and make peace with it. This doesn’t fix things, it simply allows us to navigate life with less fear and doubt. It’s time to seek out balance and to open up our hearts and souls towards living more wholeheartedly and openheartedly. We are not isolated islands, we are all inter-connected and entwined, and every choice and thought echoes throughout space and time. In some ways this can feel like a huge responsibility, but it’s also liberating at the same time as we can stop feeling so alone and then consciously connect to the bigger picture. Life isn’t about anesthetizing ourselves to the unknown, it’s about embracing the unknown and choosing to embrace life anyway.

Instead of feeling isolated and alone, when we gaze up at the stars above, we can sense everyone else doing the same. So, just as the stars connect us, when we open up our hearts and souls, we begin to feel it when others do the same. As a result, we no longer feel alone, but a part of the universal whole, knowing that we are all a vital and integral part of the bigger picture, no one matters less; we all have a part to play.

We so often measure happiness and success by the things we achieve, do and accumulate, it’s rarely about how we feel and how we live. Of course, we frequently need ‘stuff’ to flourish and thrive, but perhaps the focus can be too squarely set on wealth and resources? This looks set to change now as we each start to look beyond the physical, towards living more spiritually and creatively. After all, we are all packed full of possibility and we each have gifts to offer the world. Some of these gifts might be shining brightly for others to see, but most are hidden and discrete, more about simple acts of kindness or living simply, than achieving global recognition.

It’s time to grab hold of life with both hands in order to fly high towards unchartered terrain as we reset and refocus, contemplating what’s truly important and letting go of the rest. The more we start to shape and cultivate happiness and joy, the more we shift the over-arching energies away from struggle and chaos towards peace and balance. Although the pendulum will always swing, it’s time now for creativity, individuality and spirituality to flourish as we find new ways for compassion and love to thrive. When we pause to seek out peace and stillness amongst the busy-ness of life, we can begin to connect to the delicate threads that weave their way in and out, twisting and turning as they go. These are the threads that connect us all and it’s only when we become one with these threads that we can begin to weave a new tapestry in life…

As always, I wish you all kinds of wonderful.

With love,



You have been discovering a great deal about yourself over recent months (and years), trying to make sense as to why you do what you do. You have always given so much of yourself to others, it can be hard to shine the spotlight within for a while in order to reflect and contemplate your own journey, but October looks set to bring you an opportunity to see your life with fresh perspective. The warm light of your soul is shining brightly, and the more you can wholeheartedly connect to this, the more you will realize that you are on the threshold of a new beginning. This new chapter feels exciting and exhilarating, but perhaps most of all, it feels spacious and free; it’s as though you are finally able to take a big deep breath and completely fill your lungs for the first time in ages. Your tendency to focus more on those around you keeps your breath slightly tense and unable to fully exhale and inhale into the bigger picture of your own essence, and although this doesn’t get in the way of your life, your soul longs for the expansion and freedom.

So, try to embrace the light from within, let it sparkle and twinkle, shine and warm your soul from the inside, out. This is a pathway to re-connection and understanding, helping you to make some important decisions about your path ahead, particularly when it comes to living the life you intuitively know you were born to live. It’s time to dust off those aspirations and dreams in order to see if they still warm your soul, if they do, then breathe life into them once again. If they no longer excite you, then maybe it’s time to let them go and focus on something new? It’s time now for you to find ways to embrace a more wholehearted way of living and being…


There is a sense that you often feel as though you are treading water: expending lots of energy but getting nowhere fast. You seem to have clarity in terms of where you’re heading but can often feel so overwhelmed with things to do, people to see and places to go, that you can’t make much headway when it comes to getting from where you are to where you want to be. You have been caught up in a maelstrom-like energy, spinning you around and around, leaving you disorientated and bewildered as to how to create change. As a result, many of the things, people and dreams that once seemed so important have ebbed away leaving you with more ‘space’, and although your natural tendency is to try to fill the emptiness, intuitively you sense the need to accommodate this space and give it some room to breathe. It’s as though by cultivating space, you can create even more space, and this can help bring you clarity and the momentum to live your life with more purpose and passion than ever before.

Your tendency to give and over-give often leaves you feeling depleted, but it can also prevent you from prioritizing your own needs, and this needs to shift now as you need the room to flourish and thrive. You are a vibrant soul, and the more you can re-align your inner world with your outer world, the more you will be able to listen to your own wants and needs. This isn’t indulgent or selfish, it’s simply necessary in order for you to find a true sense of balance once again. After all, without balance and without listening to your true needs, how can you live your best life? It’s time now for you to realize that being happy and joyful doesn’t only come from saying ‘Yes!’ to everyone around you, it also comes from saying ‘No!’ and from giving yourself some much-needed love, compassion and priority…


As you continue to try to make sense of the kaleidoscopic lens that shapes and defines the bigger picture of your life, it seems you are beginning to find a deeper peace when it comes to the vast and unknowable nature of your consciousness. Although you seek out answers, and have a need to make sense of life, there has been a shift in the currents lately, and you have felt more at ease diving into your depths of the unknowable. It’s hard to ascertain exactly what’s behind this shift, but there has been something of a seed-change deep within your heart and soul, as you have opened up to the ebb and flow of the currents. You have also found a way to be-friend your far-reaching awareness, realizing that whilst it can bring powerful and intense emotions, it can also be a source of creativity and inspiration. It’s as though you have finally come to terms with your depths, looking at yourself with tenderness and compassion, rather than feeling as though you are not enough. Of course, there are still layers of self-doubt within you, but these seem to be fading as you find peace with being you and seek out ways to wholeheartedly accept your whole self, with imperfections, quirks and idiosyncrasies included.

Your soul is calling for more enrichment, stillness and tranquility, as you need some space to breathe and re-centre. The path you’ve travelled through life has been rocky and challenging at times, but you have evolved and grown so much as an individual, the person you are now is almost unrecognizable to the person you were just a few months ago. It’s time to use your wisdom, creativity, and intuition to re-shape a new way of living and being that dissolves the fear of your depths, and instead embraces your wonderful and magnificent self…


As you continue to recognize and re-affirm your true priorities, there is a sense that you are finding a deeper clarity when it comes to what you really want from life. As a result, you have realized just how much you need some breathing space: taking some time away from your everyday life, enabling you to re-shape and re-define your path ahead. You are something of an expert at keeping on keeping on, trying so hard to be everything to everyone, but frequently forgetting to include yourself into the equation; you have almost forgotten the need to stop, replenish, refresh and refocus, instead feeling as though you are spiraling ahead on fast forward, losing sight of yourself in the process. October looks set to be a time for some inspired thought as you begin to look at the bigger picture of your life and start to seek out ways to live with more meaning, purpose and joy. Although you will always be a support for others, it seems important for you to think about your own needs over the weeks ahead as you seem ready to start a new chapter in life.

Instead of treading water and keeping on keeping on, your heart and soul are longing for the space and freedom to explore new terrain. When you’re so used to putting the needs, wants, wishes, and whims of others above your own, it can be hard to think about your own priorities, but it’s important to realize that cultivating and nourishing your own dreams is vital for your own well-being, as you’ve been out of balance for such a long time. At the end of the day, only you can decide which path to follow in life, but take some time to listen to your intuition, as you show yourself some of the compassion you so readily offer others. It’s time to take a big deep breath and be free…


October looks set to be a month of reflection and contemplation as you seek out a deeper sense of balance in your life. It’s hard to articulate clearly, but your sense of self is beginning to coalesce and become more ‘complete’ as you bring together the different facets of your life into a more coherent and vibrant whole. You have spent a great deal of time feeling scattered throughout space and time as you have been busy trying to juggle the different aspects of your life; you give so much of yourself when it comes to those around you and this can see you juggling things to do, people to see and places to go. Although you juggle well, there is a part of you longing to put the batons down in order to seek out a more balanced way of living and being. The juggling has become something of a distraction that’s kept you away from the vastness and depths of your true essence.

The infinity within your heart and soul isn’t a new concept for you, but you often feel quite lost in the vastness as it’s hard to find your feet and establish yourself within the depths. Yet perhaps this misses the point, as there isn’t really a need to establish yourself within your own heart and soul is there? You are already you, and this isn’t something to do, get or become, it’s who you are in this moment. So, instead of trying to make sense of this vast inner landscape, it seems more prudent to become one with it, embracing its unknowable nature and finding peace in the process. You are a vibrant, creative and intuitive soul; you have no boundaries, and your infinite nature is your gift, so embrace it, become it and live your life fully. Turn towards your inner world with tenderness and courage, and open up your heart and soul towards living your very best life…


The concept of travelling lightly continues to take centre stage throughout October as you de-clutter your life and seek out clarity when it comes to focusing on your true priorities. This sounds easy, but the reality can be more challenging as you can get a strong sense of direction, only to find yourself confused and disorientated; it’s a bit like the ebb and flow of the tides, or a moth being lured by a light only to feel the heat, back off, then try again! There is a sense that some of these patterns have been repeating on a loop throughout your life, and although there are clear reasons for this, some of these patterns carry on, as though on autopilot, without you even noticing. It seems important that you take a step back in order to notice these patterns more clearly, not to judge and berate yourself, but to gently acknowledge their role in your life and to let them go.

Self-discovery is part of the journey of evolution, and every path you walk and every step you take has significance, even those that turn out not to be what you thought. Yet, instead of feeling regret or disappointment, try to see beyond this, to the bigger picture of your life. Acceptance is a powerful force at the current time, acceptance isn’t giving up or giving in, it’s simply a willingness to travel more consciously with the flow, and the lighter you travel, the more momentum you have to re-shape and re-define your life from the inside, out. You are a wise and creative soul, and instead of letting your perfection-seeking inner critic take over, let your compassionate nature bring new flavor to your inner dialogue. Speak to yourself with love, tenderness and understanding, and you will soon realize that this approach can be far more rewarding than adding pressure or judgement. Self-compassion is the path to joy…


As the storylines of your life continue to weave their way in and out of the different facets of your being, there is a sense that you often feel as though you’re not sure if you’re coming, going or lost somewhere in between. Life is so often a complex mass of contradictions and although you know this is just the way of things, it frustrates you at the same time, as you like to be able to make sense as to why things are the way they are. As a result, this feeling of coming, going or lost in between can intensify at times leaving you feeling overwhelmed, and unsure how to proceed with your life. Yet, when you pause and take a breath, this overwhelm can fall away as clarity rises up and the pieces fit together. It’s a bit like flat pack furniture instructions when none of it makes sense until one piece suddenly fits and then everything else follows! You have spent so much time and energy trying to make sense of your life, and trying to get life right, that you have lost sight of your true priorities.

What makes your heart sing? What fills you with warmth and tingles of excitement? Life will always be complex and unknowable, but there is a need for you to find your feet despite the swirling, whirling chaos all around (and within). You are a vibrant, creative and innovative soul, and it’s important to have a sense of purpose in order to channel these gifts wholeheartedly, after all, how can you live your best life when you’re not quite sure what that means? Try not to get lost in the details, let your intuition guide you as you let go of the pressure you place on your own shoulders to do more, be more and achieve more. It’s time for you to shine brightly…


As you continue to re-shape and re-frame your connection to life, there is a sense that you are beginning to feel a deeper awareness of why you do the things that you do. For a long time now, you have felt a kind of ‘drift’, as though you are travelling with the currents of other people’s lives. Yet, intuitively you know that drifting isn’t quite the same as going with the flow, as drifting can mean that your own needs, wishes and dreams are not in the equation. You have always been free thinking and open minded, seeking out new ways to live an enriching and fulfilling life, but it can often feel as though there’s little or no motivation or drive, as the energy is being channeled into keeping on keeping on, rather than exploring new terrain. It’s a fine balance between keeping those around you happy and following your own lead, but you seem to have slowly drifted away from listening to your own intuition. This has made for a quieter and more peaceful life, but it has also left you feeling a tad empty and rudderless.

October looks set to be a month where you re-connect to your magical, wonderful depths in order to seek out new ways to step back into the flow of your life. In many ways, this is more about your perspective than what you do, but there is a need to contemplate why you continually make choices that see your energy retract rather than expand. Self-belief and self-compassion take courage, but surely you owe it to yourself to live your best life? So, instead of berating yourself for not doing more or being more, try to focus on loving yourself wholeheartedly and choosing to go with the flow of your own essence. This isn’t indulgent or selfish, it’s a vital step on your path towards wholeness, peace and happiness…


As you continue to explore your ‘to do’ list in life, there is a sense that you have also been seeking out new ways to love this side of your nature rather than chastise it. Although you have a vibrant and effervescent whirlwind of a mind, you often feel as though it’s a hindrance at times as it can leave you over-flowing with ideas, dreams and possibilities. Yet, your mind is your superpower as it brings insight and wisdom, potential and open-mindedness. Your ‘to do’ list might be huge and a little overwhelming, but it represents your ‘glass half full’ outlook on life as you see possibility where others see brick walls. Of course, there are times when you can feel bamboozled and confused with the sheer volume of thoughts and things to do, but when you take a breath and step back a little, the bigger picture brings perspective once again.

Although those around you may not experience life in the same way as you, this doesn’t mean that your inner whirlwind and free-spirited outlook are wrong, just different. In fact, the more you embrace your gifts, the more you will realize just how much these gifts can enhance your life. Instead of seeing your ‘to do’ list as a mountain to climb, see it as an adventure to a new summit in life. At the same time, connect to the stillness within (yes, it’s there!) and this will help guide you even when life feels chaotic and busy. When you close your eyes, you can feel the core of stillness rising and falling with your breath, and this can help you to navigate the whirlwind of thoughts and ideas. This stillness is the true source of your creativity and intuition, so connect to these more wholeheartedly and let them be your guide. Take a deep breath, pause and re-set…


As you continue to ring the bells of change in all areas of your life, there is a sense that you are beginning to re-shape and re-prioritize your hopes and dreams. You have spent so long trying to be everything to everyone else, running on the hamster wheel of ought’s and must’s, and this has consumed your focus and energy. Although you have never truly lost sight of your own needs, it’s been easy to become entangled in a web of busy-ness which has grown in both shape and form; this has left you feeling lost at times as your own needs have faded from view. However, October looks set to be a month to re-establish a sense of balance in order to breathe deeply once again. Intuitively you already know that life is more than just people pleasing, but it’s a hard habit to break! You seem ready now to find new ways to flourish and thrive as you contemplate how to ‘go it alone’ when it comes to prioritizing your own needs more. Instead of people-pleasing, it’s time for ‘you-pleasing’!

It’s also time to think about happiness and what brings you joy as you look beyond the four walls of your everyday life towards pastures new. You have been on fast forward for far too long, and you crave some stillness and breathing space, so take some time this month to cultivate a little time for yourself as you re-shape and re-define your path ahead. Trying to be the person you’ve felt you ought to be, has left you tied up in layer upon layer of knots and tangles, and this will take time to unravel, so don’t pressure yourself, just take each day as it comes and be open to living as wholeheartedly as you can. Be yourself, love yourself and let self-compassion be your guide…


Dancing with the light of your soul continues to take centre stage throughout October as you find new ways to make sense of the myriad of different threads that weave in and out of your life. As you deepen your connection to your heart and soul, your energy and vibrancy are beginning to condense as the blurred edges of your focus come back into view. Although you are a fluid soul, you are also fiercely independent as well, so it seems important to establish stronger boundaries as you can often feel as though you’re not quite sure where you end and where others begin. Of course, in many ways, there is no definition when it comes to boundaries as you know that everyone and everything is inter-connected in intricate ways. However, it’s easy to become lost in this inter-connection, and establishing some clearer boundaries seems an important step to help you to re-focus and to start prioritizing your own needs once again. The concept of dancing with the light of your soul takes on new meaning this month as you think about what makes your heart sing and the last time you felt the true tingling’s of joy.

There is a sense that your life has become quite ‘pedestrian’, and the light within you has faded a little from view. However, the light still shines, and the more you can find ways to dance with it again, the more you will realize how to become a master of weaving the myriad of different threads into new shapes and forms to bring your hopes and dreams back into focus. So, instead of the pedestrian greyness, your intuition and inner light can bring vibrant and effervescent colour. Of course, the landscape of your soul is a complex place, and it’s not quite as simple as just changing the colour palette, but it’s a good place to start as this can help re-ignite your passion, creativity and sparkle to explore new terrain once again…


As the wild terrain within your heart and soul continues to call you, there is a sense that you are beginning to think about ways to embrace this more in all areas of your life. For a long time now, you have been treading water, going through the motions, but not really feeling engaged with life. It’s as though you’ve shifted into autopilot without really noticing, and your consciousness has been pleasing itself as you keep on keeping on. Yet, intuitively you know that things are out of kilter, and the time has come to find out why. There are many reasons that have brought you to this point, lots of stresses and challenges in particular, but there is also a powerful disconnection within you, a sense of life being defined by ought’s and must’s rather than by possibility and potential. It’s not surprising that you feel a little flat and on autopilot, but it seems the only person that can change this is you. Life can feel like an uphill challenge, but if you can shift your perspective, you will start to see that there is so much more than this.

Loving the life you live sounds twee, but it should be at the forefront of your consciousness in order to transport you from autopilot to living wholeheartedly. It’s time for change! October looks set to be a month to re-shape and re-define your life, and to re-establish your hopes and dreams; it’s time to breathe deeply in order to re-focus, as travelling on autopilot has brought you to pastures new. As you look around and reset the balance of your life, it’s important to establish your true priorities and to have the faith and self-belief to follow your heart and soul. Of course, you can choose to stay on autopilot, but your soul is yearning for more now. Take a deep breath, turn within and let your intuition guide you…

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