January 2025 Astrology Predictions You Can't Miss
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- Written by Sarah-Jane Grace

Message for January 2025
As the wheel of the year turns once again, we inevitably contemplate the year now behind us, as well as looking forward to the year ahead of us.
Many of us make resolutions that this year will be ‘The year’ that we achieve those goals or make those long-desired changes in life. Many of us begin this process in earnest, but for many it fizzles out within a few weeks. It seems important to explore the reasons for this, presumably most of us make resolutions because we are keen to make changes, so it’s clear the motivation is present, so why does it fizzle out? Perhaps we make our goals too big or want results too quickly, or maybe we haven’t really thought things through and commit to a goal that we’re not really that ready for? Or maybe we just get caught up in a moment without really thinking through the changes we need to make to get to where we want to be?
Of course, all of the above could be true, and there are a host of other reasons that can trip us up, but maybe unless we re-frame our goals, achieving them becomes too difficult? Perhaps we need to tap into the essence of what we’re looking for (a new job, weight loss, a healthier body etc.) and instead of focusing on the finer details, we hold that essence as our inspiration instead? As an example, many people that start diets in January really want to lose weight, so when things fizzle out, that desire for weight loss is still there, but maybe taking on a radical change in lifestyle that includes restriction isn’t a great plan for the longer term? So, by focusing on how we want to feel once we’re fitter, slimmer, healthier etc., we change the shape of the goal and let the details take care of themselves?
So many spend their lives living conditionally, waiting for a better moment, hoping for a sign to know when to make changes. Yet, these signs rarely appear, and we mostly just end up waiting on the periphery of life hoping for something to change. It’s time to seize the moment, to stop hovering on the edge and to have the courage and confidence to dive into life. There are no guarantees, but life is short and what if that ‘better moment’ never actually comes? Sometimes, we have to roll up our sleeves and take a chance. The more we can find peace with the unpredictability and uncertainty of life, the more we can find new ways to live wholeheartedly and to stay connected to our goals and dreams through how we want to feel, rather than by what we think we need to do. When we look for a state of being, this doesn’t eradicate the need for doing, but it takes away a great deal of pressure in the process. Many of our goals or resolutions come from deep within our hearts and souls, but there is an expectation in life to conform to societal ‘norms’ and this can have a profound impact on self-confidence and self-belief.
So many of us spend our lives focusing on those aspects of ourselves that we feel we need to fix, beating ourselves up for not feeling good enough, trying hard enough or being enough. When we focus on the imperfections, this shapes our perspective and we can become highly self-critical and judgmental, leaving little space for growth, evolution and love. It’s time to let go of living conditionally and to stop focusing on our flaws, it’s time to start loving ourselves wholeheartedly and to let go of the idea that life is a battle. It’s only a battle if we make it one. It’s time to cultivate happiness and love, compassion and acceptance, as these are the forces that can bring true enrichment to life.
Every single one of us has a role in life, we are all integral parts of the universe and together we complete it. Even when we feel alone, insignificant or disconnected, when we take a deep breath, we can feel the universe all around (and within) us. We are all a part of the intricate and infinite fabric of life, so it becomes clear that until we love and honour ourselves, we cannot truly love and honour others.
Continuing to cultivate happiness remains a central focus, so instead of making resolutions, perhaps this is a time for connecting to the depths within and opening up to feelings and flavors of what we truly want in life, letting go of the details, just focusing on how we want to live, breathe and thrive? This takes courage and conviction, and it also takes more than a modicum of self-belief as we learn how to consciously flow with currents of life. When we choose to live wholeheartedly, we live openheartedly as well. This may leave us vulnerable to the currents, but if we try to anesthetize ourselves by building brick walls from the world, this just leaves us feeling isolated and disconnected, rather than safe, comfortable and joyful.
We are each packed full of potential, inspiration and innovation, and this flows freely when we love, encourage and support ourselves and one another. When we make space for individuality and self-expression, the world somehow flows better. It’s time for each of us to nurture our gifts and to have the courage to set them free…
As always, I wish you all kinds of wonderful.
With love,
As you continue to break through the many layers of your multi-faceted being, there is a sense of a new vision rising up from deep within your core. This vision has been rumbling around for a long time, but it feels stronger and brighter now, and it has the energy of freedom, strength and adventure. This vision is beyond words, it’s a state of being that looks set to motivate you to make some big decisions on your path ahead. You have been hovering on the periphery of a new chapter for a long time, the main reason you haven’t taken this further seems connected to just how much you give of yourself to those around you. You try to be everything to everyone, and you try to be the one everyone relies on, whilst you are skilled at both of these, the cost to you has been great.
Giving and over-giving has seen you doubt yourself and it’s also the reason why you hover on the periphery, as you give so much of yourself to others that you often have very little left for yourself. This looks set to change in January as you shift the balance and seek out ways to accommodate your own needs and dreams. This is your time to stand in your power and to get ready to embrace a new chapter of living and being. With so much change and shift about, remember to listen to your intuition and to find ways to stay aligned within breathe deeply, exhale fully and try to pause in the brief moments between. Be gentle with yourself, love yourself and know that you are ready for something new. Feel the power within your heart and soul, trust your intuition and let this be your source of inspiration and strength. Know yourself. Be yourself. Let your inner light shine brightly…
January looks set to be less of a time for New Year Resolutions, but more of a time for a New Year Revolution as you seem ready to re-connect to your true nature. You have spent so much of your life bending and flexing to accommodate the needs, wishes and whims of others, but you have now realized just how much this has depleted you as you have often felt as though you are looking into the window of your own life, slightly detached from your hopes and dreams, trying to work out who you are, where you’re going and why. Obviously, this disconnection has been very subtle most of the time, but you still sense it. It’s as though there’s a pane of glass between the everyday you and the real you, as the real you is almost out of reach behind all of that bending and flexing for others. Now, this isn’t to say that you shouldn’t accommodate the needs of others, it’s more of a nudge to accommodate your own needs as well.
Over the weeks ahead there is a powerful sense of re-unification with your true essence as you find ways to dissolve the glass and connect to your power and energy. Remember that you are a vibrant, passionate and creative soul, and it’s time now to set your essence free to radiate and glow. Just like a star shining brightly in the night sky, let your inner world illuminate to show you a new way of living and being, as this will help you to connect to the stillness and creativity that lie deep at the core of your soul, and this powerhouse of inspiration looks set to guide you towards re-writing the rulebook of your life. Your New Year Revolution may mostly be internal, but expect the unexpected as opportunity looks set to come knocking…
As you continue to give your intuition and creativity the room to flow more freely in your life, there is a sense that you are nearing a significant turning point. January looks set to be a time for re-definition and re-birth as you contemplate how to re-shape your world and to focus on your true priorities. This could be a spiritual re-birth as you are already opening up to some new beliefs, but it seems more likely to be more of a multi-levelled re-birth that reaches deeply into the nooks and crannies of your soul. It’s hard to articulate, but there is a sense that you are ready to ring the changes and step towards pastures new. This certainly appears to be a powerful opportunity to reach deeply into your life in order to create ripples of change on every level of your soul. It’s a bit like throwing a pebble into a pool and watching the ripples flow outwards, yet although you are the pebble in this case, the ripples flow outwards, but they also flow inwards at the same time!
Yes, it’s a conundrum being you, but it’s also a wonderful way to affirm your strengths and gifts, knowing that you have the vision and intuition to find peace within your heart and soul. Although peace may not sound like a big aspiration, for a thinker like you it’s vital, as it’s a sign that you have stopped trying so hard to try to make sense as to why things are the way they are, and instead started to accept that there will always be questions without answers, and this arena of not knowing doesn’t have to mean that you can’t still thrive. This re-birth feels potent and exciting: a gateway to a new way of self-expression and self-compassion as you let your creativity flow freely and open up to live your life as wholeheartedly as possible…
Looking back over the year now behind you, there is a sense that you have achieved much, explored new terrain and discovered a great deal about your true self in the process. Yet, when you add up your achievements, you can’t quite equate this with your reality as, in many ways, you feel as though you spent most of the last twelve months running on the spot. Of course, running on the spot means you haven’t gone backwards, but it also doesn’t suggest a great deal of forward movement either. Yet, when you take a closer look, you can see that you have made progress, it’s just that every two steps forward, you then feel as though you take two steps backwards. However, intuitively you know that despite evidence to the contrary, you are not running on the spot as you are just not the same person you were this time last year. So, if you haven’t moved backwards or forwards, how have you made progress? Well, maybe it’s time to stop measuring ‘progress’ by the distance travelled and instead look towards how you feel and how you live?
In other words, progress isn’t defined by what you do and how far you get, it’s defined by how you feel within your heart and soul. This observation might frustrate you, but intuitively you know it to be true, as although on the outside your life doesn’t appear to have progressed much, within you are feeling more alive and more inspired than ever before. You know only too well that life can become a treadmill of things to do, people to see and keeping on keeping on, and it’s easy to get lost in this and lose sight of the bigger picture. Underneath the keeping on keeping on is your sparkle, twinkle and creativity, and these are seeking new avenues of expression now…
As you continue to explore the infinity within your heart and soul, there is a sense that you are beginning to find inspiration and energy from the core of your being. You have spent a great deal of your life trying to be the person you’ve felt you ought to be, but now you are beginning to explore being the person you want to be, the shift within you has illuminated your creativity and vibrancy. There can be no denying that you have travelled through some stormy waters over recent years, and yet you have had the courage to explore your depths and faced your true self. As a result, you have grown wiser, stronger and more confident, and you seem ready now to live more consciously and wholeheartedly than ever before. Celebrate your gifts and your uniqueness, and know that your passion and enthusiasm are at your side as you step towards unchartered terrain. Pause for a moment, take a deep breath and feel your power rising up from within.
January looks set to be a month of reflection, but also a month to prepare for the road ahead. It seems that the more you connect to your true essence, the more you will realize that you already have exactly what you need in order to re-shape and re-define your life from the inside, out. Believe in yourself, love yourself and have the confidence to be yourself. This isn’t a race, so take your time, but gather together the multiple facets of your being and embrace your true nature as you turn towards a new energy of expansion and joy. Even though your path ahead feels unknowable on many levels, by embracing the present moment, the angst and uncertainty fades as you find peace from the not knowing. It’s time now for you to embrace a brand-new dawn…
The process of de-cluttering your life looks set to continue throughout January as you are realizing just how heavy all of those things to do have become. As a way of maintaining the status quo, you have become a champion at keeping on keeping on, going with the flow and working hard to balance out the apple cart of life. However, this has left you feeling stuck in a rut and tethered to ‘to do’ lists, and ‘to do’ lists of ‘to do’ lists. Yet, you seem more than ready to step beyond the apple cart in order to seek out some delicious new fruits to try. So, it seems important now to ask yourself why you are hesitant when it comes to exploring new terrain. Of course, there will always be a place for apples, but there is room for so much more. However, try not to become lost or overwhelmed when you walk through the rich orchards of life, savor the journey, and let your intuition guide you as to the path ahead.
Trust your instincts and know that it’s time now to lighten the load of your life in order to breathe in freedom once again. Whilst this might mostly be an inner journey, don’t be surprised if you see some changes emerge in your day-to-day life as opening up to new possibilities (fruit!) will likely illuminate your heart and soul, bringing to life your creativity and wisdom once again. In a way, this is a time of re-birth and re-awakening as you step from the treadmill of keeping on keeping on and seek out a new way of living and being that brings you joy and a renewed sense of purpose once again. When you are fully present in the moment, your true priorities become clear and the rest falls away, leaving you free to enjoy the magical journey of life and to live as wholeheartedly as possible…
January looks set to mark the start of a journey towards lasting and life-affirming change. This feels both exciting and a little nerve-wracking as although you are more than ready for change, you are not as yet sure what this might actually mean. Of course, change is happening all of the time, but this feels more significant as you can sense a shift in direction and a new path to discover. Although you are not keen to up-end your life, you are also very keen to upend your life as you want something new, fresh and vibrant! The complexities of being you can make life challenging at times! In some ways this shift feels like an inner revolution, but change seems to be flowing in all directions, and on all levels at the moment, as you finally seem able to breathe fully and expand into being you. For such a long time you have hovered on the periphery, not quite sure where you fit, what you truly want or need, but these doubts are fading now as you realize that the magic and sparkle comes from your heart and soul, it’s not something to do, get or find; it’s within you.
So, when you feel exuberated by life, your energy surges into every aspect of your being and your intuition shines brightly, and this inner illumination lets you know that you are on the right path. It’s therefore important to let this light guide you, as with a busy mind like yours, it’s easy for your head to take over and ignore the more subtle signs within. When you close your eyes and breathe deeply, you can feel the core of stillness rising and falling with your breath, so when your mind gets busy, try to pause, breathe and re-focus. You are a beautiful, talented and gifted soul and the time has come to let the seeds of creativity within you blossom…
As you continue to explore the bigger picture of your life, you look set to begin a new process in January that involves creating a new vision of your priorities, goals and dreams. Your outlook on life has changed, and you seem ready now to focus on things that feel life-affirming, delicious and enriching. So, instead of trying to be everything to everyone around you, you are beginning to see the importance of honouring your own needs and well-being. This feels empowering and inspiring, and it’s a sign that you are stepping beyond the storylines and patterns that have shaped and defined your life for so long. It seems that the more you open up to your own needs, the more you are shifting the dynamic of your life towards creativity, love and happiness. As a result, you are seeking out ways to live the life you love and to love the life you live.
Although you still have so much you want to achieve, much of the ‘clutter’ is falling away now as your true dreams start to surface, and this is bringing you a sense of clarity you haven’t experienced before. As you continue to evolve and blossom, you are stepping more consciously into your essence and celebrating your uniqueness and your gifts. You see life and the world very differently to those around you, and you often try to hide this and fit in, now you realize there is nothing to fit into and your uniqueness is a superpower. So, no more trying to squash your vast consciousness and infinite creativity into a little box marked ‘normal’, try to let your essence flow freely and see where it takes you! Be proud of all that you are, and allow a new storyline to unfold that gives you a new sense of purpose and passion once again…
You have always been a freedom-seeking free-spirited soul with a passion for life and a zest for adventure. You thrive on spontaneity and actively seek out new possibilities and ideas. Over time, you have collected ideas, dreams, goals, things to explore, things to do, books to read and spiritual ideals to reflect, with an infinite number of things to do in-between! You’ve been so busy collecting all of this that you haven’t really had the opportunity to do very much with any of it. As a result, there are metaphorical piles of opportunities, ideas, dreams and goals all around you and it’s feeling a little overwhelming. Although you take this in your stride, there is a part of you yearning to let it all go and become the freedom-seeking free-spirit that you know yourself to be. Intuitively you know that the more you carry in life, the heavier you become, and this acts more like an anchor than a launch pad. So, why do you keep collecting rather than diving right in?
You already know that the path to joy comes from stepping beyond the chatter and distractions and re-connecting with your essence. You want to feel whole again, but this great big heap of ‘stuff’ has become more of a challenge than an opportunity. It seems time to contemplate what you truly want from life and if you are ready to lighten the load in order to fly free once again. ‘Stuff’ can be physical, emotional or energetic, and you have plenty of all types, and whilst you will always carry some of this, as it’s a part of you, have the self-belief and self-love to let go and breathe. You are a beautiful being and this is your time to shine brightly and to live as wholeheartedly as possible. It’s time now to honour your magnificence and to connect to the essence of all that you are…
Letting go of self-doubt looks set to be an important theme for you over the weeks ahead as you seek out new ways to re-define yourself and your life. You have spent a great deal of time trying to do more and be more in order to feel whole, but you haven’t realized that you are already whole, exactly as you are. It seems clear that some of this self-doubts have come from life experiences, but the rest has come from some core beliefs that you must ‘try harder’. This has acted as something of a measuring stick for you and it’s seen you pushing yourself to do better and be better, often focusing on the gap between where you are and where you feel you ought to be, rather than on where you are now. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with aspirations, but focusing on the gap can create feelings of lack, and over time, this feeds into self-doubt.
What you do and achieve doesn’t define you, you do that. If you ease off the pressure, you can begin to focus on cultivating happiness and joy instead. These are not a by-product of keeping on keeping on, they need to be nourished and cherished in their own right. Happiness is not a luxury, it’s a necessity for your well-being. Self-doubt has been a hard task master, but self-belief and happiness might feel harder as you’re not familiar with them. However, this isn’t a reason to hide in self-doubt, it’s a reason to open up to change. Take each day as it comes, be kind to yourself and with each passing day you will find yourself growing wiser and more content. At the same time, your gifts will begin to flourish once again as you feel a stronger sense of purpose and destiny. Self-belief brings creativity and adventure as new doorways open and new adventures begin…
You have always been a thinker and a philosopher in life, you see the world from a unique perspective that so few others could even begin to comprehend, let alone understand. This perspective has enabled you to ride the waves of life with wisdom and creativity, but there have been times when you have felt isolated and disconnected, as so few others really ‘get’ you. However, instead of this overwhelming you, it has acted as a source of inspiration to seek out new ways of living and being that ‘bridge the gap’ bringing your vision and perspective into everyday life. As a result, you have been on an accelerated path of awakening, and you are evolving with each passing day. You have realized that you are so much more than the sum of your past, present and future, as your inner world is infinite and beyond understanding.
Opening up to the magic of being you should be easy, but your tendency to over-think, over-analyze and often push for perfection can act as obstacles. Although you intuitively know the need to trust the process, you’re thinking side just gets carried away! Of course, your thinker and your infinite consciousness are both facets of you, so they are not opposing forces. It’s time to find ways to bring them together and to let your true, vibrant and beautiful power flow freely. Try not to get lost in the details, take a deep breath of now and open up to living your truth in order to live as wholeheartedly as possible. Prioritize your own needs and give yourself some much-needed breathing space as you contemplate your path ahead and acknowledge what you truly want in life. You seem ready to breathe more deeply into life as you let go of the need ‘to do’ and instead focus on the more expansive desire ‘to be’…
You have been standing at a crossroads in your life for quite some time, feeling ready to explore new pastures, but feeling unsure as to how to go about it. As a deeply sensitive and intuitive soul, you have often felt overwhelmed with the currents of life and the kaleidoscope of different threads as they weave their way in and out. It’s as though you feel as though you sense too much, although intuitively you know that you sense exactly what you need to sense. This is hard to explain, but it’s as though you feel like a piece of driftwood that’s been carved into a majestic ship! This has left you tied up in uncertainty rather than tapping into the vast and deep pool of potential within you. As you stand at this crossroads, it’s somehow been easier for you to believe that you are powerless as you drift with the currents, even though you know you are a creator of the currents.
As January progresses, a need begins to arise from deep within you inspiring you to step back a little from this dynamic in order to see the bigger picture of your life. This will enable you to connect to the energy of creation, and the essence of happiness, as you shift your perspective away from powerlessness and back towards inspiration, expansion and possibility once again. Believe in yourself and know that you are beginning to experience a new level of awareness that will help you step from where you are to where you want to be. Dance with the kaleidoscope of threads, feel the joy of being at one with the currents and flow, and know that you are very much a vibrant, passionate, strong and courageous soul. Take a deep breath and become one with your true essence as you step from the crossroads into unchartered terrain…
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