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November 2024 Astrology Predictions You Can't Miss
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- Written by Sarah-Jane Grace

Message for November 2024
As the year continues to march on, it seems important to pause for a short while in order to contemplate the path ahead of us and the path behind us.
It’s also wise to acknowledge the path we’re standing on in the here and now, as we can so easily forget the present moment; we get lost in things to do, places to go and people to see, losing sight of where we are in the here and now. We often go through life with our heads down, pushing against the storms as we handle the weathers of life. It’s a survival mechanism, but it can also become an automatic response, and we forget we’re even doing it. Of course, this can leave us feeling hollow and empty as the focus shifts to keeping on keeping on whatever the weather, instead of whatever our intuition may be telling us.
When life feels hollow, we can struggle to find any deeper meaning or purpose, feeling lost and alone, disconnected and confused. We can become so wrapped up in this overwhelm that we stop seeing the magnificence of existence and don’t even notice the opportunities that come and go. This can leave us feeling like life is heavy and a burden, as though all of the energy and joy has been sucked away. Yet, when we pause and take a deep breath, nothing has been sucked away, it’s just gathering dust in the corner.
Joy and happiness are both energies that need to be cultivated and nurtured, they are not default settings that emerge once we are lucky enough to eradicate unhappiness. It’s therefore important to take some time to breathe and re-centre in order to let go of the clutter in life and instead focus on the things and people that are truly important. Letting go of clutter can be just as liberating as it sounds, it takes courage but it’s important that we each honour ourselves, create healthy boundaries, and have the strength to live as wholeheartedly as possible.
It seems time now to face our fears head on and to turn towards our hearts and souls with love and tenderness. Once we truly feel this energy flowing freely within, it’s easier to see life with more balance and objectivity once again. Instead of trying so hard to do more, be more and achieve more, the pressure subsides, and we can each find joy in the present. So, rather than chasing rainbows, we become the rainbow…
So many of us live our lives conditionally, feeling the constraints of linear time and trying to fit our unique shaped essence into a pigeonhole of life. Trying to be someone we’re not rarely leads to contentment and placing conditions on ourselves that happiness can only come once we’ve achieved x or y can leave us feeling frustrated and empty. When we realize that it’s these conditions that can constrain and restrict us, we can begin to find ways to set ourselves free. Conditions are another form of pressure, and we so often use them as some kind of measuring stick for happiness and potential. Setting ourselves free from such conditions doesn’t mean we give up on hopes and dreams, it’s just a shift towards acceptance and a willingness to live more consciously in the present moment. Joy isn’t dependent on achieving that list of conditions, joy is a force to embrace and become.
Of course, it’s important to remember that joy and happiness are not external forces, they are within us. They are not conditional, they exist freely, it’s up to us whether we open up to them or not. Joy doesn’t judge us for not doing more or being more, we do that to ourselves. November looks set to be a month to ring the bells of change in order to live life with more passion and compassion than ever before.
This is a powerful time to re-shape and re-define the very essence of happiness and to let go of the self-beliefs and storylines that so often dictate how we live. Of course, there will always be things to see, do and achieve, but when we look at these with a fresh perspective, it’s easier to sort the wheat from the chaff and focus on our true priorities. This is a time to breathe and a time to re-connect to the wonders of life. Sometimes it’s the simpler things that can bring the most joy, so removing complexity wherever possible, helps us to live life more consciously. We are not isolated islands, we are amazing, vibrant and interconnected integral parts of the whole, and the more we acknowledge this, the more opportunities we have to live with purpose and passion.
We so often take life for granted, we rarely stop to contemplate the wonder of a beating heart, the cleansing power of the liver, the superpower of the brain or the agility of a bird soaring the thermals. We rarely even think of such things until (and if) life throws a curve ball and we’re forced to look at things differently. Yet, none of us can know what’s around the next corner, so it seems more important than ever in this topsy turvy crazy world to seize the moment and open up to the joy of conscious living. This can’t ‘fix’ anything, it’s simply a gateway that can facilitate us living wholeheartedly in each and every moment.
Sometimes not knowing how we fit into the puzzle of life can bring us more peace than a quest to find the answers. We can never truly know everything, so when we let go, we can start to breathe fully on every level of our beings. We are all over-brimming with possibility and potential, hope and joy, and when we stop hunting it, we realize that it’s already within us. When we step more consciously into the present, we become aware of the magic of life. It’s as though time stands still, and we can hear every heartbeat, every breath and every thought. This might sound overwhelming, but it’s like the moments after a storm has passed, the quiet breaths into the pause before the world re-awakens once again.
There is now a shift in the vibration of existence, a calling to live wholeheartedly and authentically. Instead of keeping on keeping on, there’s a need to awaken and live with purpose and passion. Having a focus certainly helps, but in a way, not having one is just as powerful as it means we open up to the true currents of the universe to carry us forwards. As we journey through the days and weeks ahead, there will be times of revelation and release as we each create a brand-new vibration of the story of our lives.
As always, I wish you all kinds of wonderful.
With love,
As you continue to seek out ways to live more wholeheartedly, there is a sense that the warmth from the light of your soul is beginning to take on a new, sparkly hue. It’s as though you have reached a turning point of a new chapter in your life, and everything now seems fresh, vibrant and full of opportunity. Yet, at the same time, you may look around at your life and feel as though nothing has actually changed, but it’s important to realize that it’s how you feel within your heart and soul that truly matters. You have been through a great deal over the last year, facing challenge after challenge, and there have been times when the challenges have come along with such ferocity, you have been knocked off your feet. Yet, you are still standing, and you seem wiser, stronger and more awakened as a result. You are resilient and determined to grab hold of new opportunities with your usual enthusiasm even though you feel weary of the challenges.
Living wholeheartedly really does set the tone over the weeks ahead as you have reached such a powerful turning point in your life. You simply aren’t the same person you were a few months ago, and your priorities have changed. Your willingness to turn and face life with your eyes and heart wide open has seen you feeling overwhelmed at times with the sheer force of challenges, leaving you exposed to the rawness of emotions that these challenges have brought to the surface. This has certainly been an opportunity for lots of cathartic release, and it has allowed you to find more freedom within your heart and soul. Take a deep breath and open up to the new chapter as it unfolds, let your intuition guide you as your creativity and innovation takes you to unchartered terrain, inspiring you to live your very best life…
The theme of self-compassion looks set to take centre stage throughout November as you continue to dig a little deeper when it comes to giving so much of yourself to others. You have spent a great deal of your life trying to be the person you’ve felt you ought to be, and you have bent yourself out of shape to accommodate the needs of those around you. Although you thrive by being ‘The one that gives’, sometimes the balance has to shift towards giving more to yourself. It can be hard for you to embrace self-compassion, as there’s a part of you that feels it’s self-indulgent to take care of yourself, yet intuitively you know this isn’t the case. It’s therefore time to give this inner niggle a bit of a talking to and let this inner wrestling match go. Self-compassion is an important part of the jigsaw puzzle of life and it’s a fundamental component of happiness. Sometimes, stepping back and regaining your perspective is enough to help you see just how much you give to those around you.
You will always be a giving person, but you matter too, and it’s time now to shift the balance in your life in order to re-prioritize your own needs and your well-being. Focusing on what you truly want and on living wholeheartedly are quite challenging concepts for you as you have spent so long hovering between here and there, trying to be the person you’ve felt you ought to be, and trying to be where you’ve felt you needed to be, and this has left you wondering who you truly are. This doubt shows you are now more aware of the imbalance, and it’s a good impetus to start addressing your own needs more. The time has come to acknowledge your gifts, to listen to your soul, and to shine the light of self-compassion on the pathway towards joy…
The quest for enrichment and tranquility looks set to continue throughout November as you find new ways to listen to your heart and soul. With a focus on your inner world, you’ve had the time to contemplate the bigger picture and to think about different ways to cultivate joy and happiness. You have also had an opportunity to see the areas in your life that need ‘more work’ in order to bring you a deeper sense of balance as there seems to be a longing within your heart and soul for peace. It can sometimes be unquestionably hard being you as you often feel caught up in the ebb and flow, one moment riding the currents of life with grace and wisdom, the next feeling like a piece of driftwood being tossed about by the storms. You can feel as though you are just finding your feet on solid ground when the currents carry you off again before you’ve had a chance to catch your breath, and although you manage this with your usual grace and wisdom, you seem weary and long to rest for a while in order to take stock.
Although on one level you are used to the constant change, there is also a longing within you to rest for a while in order to contemplate where you’ve been, where you are, and where you’re going. You have always been keen to understand as to why things are the way they are, and to make sense of all of those incongruent and haphazard moments that come and go, but you have started to seek out acceptance that life will likely never completely make sense and it’s how you choose to live in each and every moment that really matters. So, try to let go of self-doubt and start to breathe more wholeheartedly into your depths as you allow your phenomenal intuition to lead the way…
You have always had a philosophical approach to life, quietly taking stock of the bigger picture as you keep on keeping on. You have found a sense of peace moving with the flow of life, and this has enabled you to achieve a great deal. Yet, there is a lackluster hue to all of this, a sense that you are ‘going through the motions’ rather than wholeheartedly engaging in life. Whilst it’s likely to make for an easier life to tick along, your heart and soul seem to be longing for more. It seems important to remember that it’s not just the choices you make, and don’t make, that shape your life, it’s also the actions and choices of others that can sweep you off your feet. So, when you go with the flow, it invariably means that it’s not actually your flow, but the currents are being directed by others.
Although you are a patient and affable soul, there is a growing sense of restlessness within you, longing for you to wiggle free and to stand in your truth once again. You are steadfast and strong, so why not channel these gifts into creating a life that lights up your soul? Although it might be easier to keep on keeping on, the time has come to ask yourself if this is what you truly want. Take some time to think about your own needs, wishes and dreams, and seek out ways to honour these more. Find your true path and have the courage and self-belief to follow it as you already have an inkling of a new direction, so let your intuition guide you. So much of this is internal as it’s related to your beliefs, but there is also a sense of opportunity throughout November to begin the process of creating the life you intuitively know you were born to live…
The infinity within your heart and soul looks set to remain in focus throughout November as you seek out some new ways to find peace with your inner world. It’s hard to define the indefinable, and it’s challenging to try to grasp the essence of infinity even though you intuitively know that your awareness reaches far and beyond your comprehension. You can sense the whispers of the universe, the gentle unfurling of the petals on a bud; you can hear the breath of the mountain, the thoughts of the world. Some would feel overwhelmed with such a powerful awareness, but you’ve always been this way, so it feels ‘normal’ to you. Yet, there is a sense that you have spent a great deal of your life trying to push this awareness away in an attempt to quieten the noise as it’s felt too much to handle. You are a determined soul, and you have managed to dampen down the ‘noise’ at times, but it’s always been whispering away in the background, waiting for you to hear it once again.
It seems that the key is in finding peace with this vast awareness is not to resist or deny it (it’s a part of you, after all), but to embrace it and learn how to ride the waves of it all which comes from using your intuition and your creativity to guide you. There is nothing to ‘do’, this is about opening up your heart and soul to allow your essence to flow freely. Your vastness is your greatest gift, and it has the power to transform your life from the inside, out, inspiring you to live your dreams and to live as wholeheartedly as possible. Your vast awareness is your friend, not a nuisance to get rid of. The more you be-friend your true essence, the quicker you will realize just how precious a gift you have…
November looks set to bring an opportunity for you to have a much closer look at the inner workings of your soul. As you continue to seek out ways to travel more lightly in life, letting go of clutter and focusing on your true priorities, you are beginning to gain a clearer sense as to the things that nourish you and the things that don’t. Of course, in truth, you’ve always known this, but sometimes it’s been easier just to keep on keeping on, as sorting the wheat from the chaff is often far more complex than it appears on the surface, as every aspect of your life is woven together in an intricate tapestry, so trying to unpick one part can impact the whole. However, not dealing with it because it’s complicated isn’t always the best long-term strategy as you can, over time, feel depleted and frustrated that your life isn’t moving in quite the direction you had hoped. Life is rarely straightforward, but you seem ready to open up to finding ways to bring more joy and nourishment into your life despite the uncertainty and complexity.
You often have such high expectations for yourself to do more, be more and achieve more, but it’s time now to let go a little in order to find acceptance and joy in the here and now. Sometimes de-cluttering your life can feel like too much of a hassle, but you seem ready now to truly travel more lightly, leaving you with the freedom and confidence to define new boundaries and re-shape some of those less nourishing aspects in life. Let your intuition guide you and know that you have the resources and resilience to find a new way of living and being that lets you thrive. Look outside of the box, see things with fresh perspective and those seemingly immovable hurdles will shift and change. Believe in yourself…
There are times when you stand sure-footed in life, with your heart and soul filled with clarity as to where you’re heading and why. And then there is the other 99% of the time! Well, it can feel like that. You spend so much of your life trying to work out the best way to live and the best way to do the things you feel you need/ought to do, and this can leave you disconnected from the core of your being. Your core is the source of inspiration that has the power to transform your life. It seems the harder you try to be everything to everyone, the less able you are to function at full throttle. Your ‘to do’ list in life is long, much of it is filled with things you feel you ought to do, rather than the things you want to do. At the same time, your list is shaped by those around you, or more accurately, it’s shaped by your perception of what you feel those around you would expect.
You tie yourself up in knots trying to get life right and doing your best to be everything to everyone other than yourself. Stop! November is a month to focus on self-compassion and to stop pushing yourself so hard. It’s time to stop feeling like you need to do more or be more, and instead take a deep breath and know that you are already enough. Surely happiness can’t be measured by what you do, it’s about how you feel? You long for the space and freedom to follow your dreams, to be creative, and to have more space to breathe. Such a way of living is now within your grasp as you start to let go of trying so hard, and instead focus on loving and honouring yourself more. It’s okay to not be okay, it’s okay to say no, and it’s perfectly wonderful to be perfectly imperfect…
As you continue to navigate your magical and mysterious depths, you are beginning to seek out new avenues of expression that nurture your creativity and spirituality. You have often been quite cautious when it comes to your gifts, holding back from embracing them and letting them flowing freely, yet you have always sensed the need to do just that. It’s hard to explain, but the resistance within you has come from a combination of self-doubt, as well as a feeling that hiding in the shadows of life is easier than shining brightly. However, instinctively you know that hiding in the shadows isn’t a place to thrive, and although it does reflect the challenges and struggles you’ve faced, you also seem ready to step out into the sunshine in order to breathe more deeply into life once again. Your mysterious inner depths are the key to this freedom, as becoming one with them and accepting them as a part of you will help you to find peace with the ebb and flow of the tides of your life. Embracing your gifts seems so important now as these gifts are your ticket towards more enrichment and joy.
Of course, nothing in life is guaranteed or certain, but when you start embracing your true magnificent and mysterious essence, everything changes as you become more willing to go with the flow, trusting that you absolutely ‘have what it takes’ to ride the waves with courage and confidence. It’s time to trust yourself, to believe in yourself, and to be yourself as you reacquaint yourself with your true nature and contemplate your true priorities in life. Find joy in the meandering currents and the ebb and flow, as these are opportunities to discover new pathways and new terrain. The more willing you are to be fluid, the more your spirit can dance freely, bringing you a renewed sense of purpose and motivation…
November looks set to be a month with a powerful sense of shift occurring from the inside, out. You have always been one to push yourself to do more and achieve more, but you have come to realize that this mostly keeps your focus on the gap between where you are, and where you feel you need to be, instead of acknowledging where you are now. Over time, this can lead to a sense of lack as you feel as though you must try harder, but in reality, the opposite is likely true. This certainly isn’t to say you should give up your hopes and dreams, it’s more of a step away from putting yourself under so much pressure as all this does is stifle and tether you. So, the more you let go of the pressure and the more you step consciously into the present moment, the more you will realize that flourishing and thriving isn’t about what you do or don’t do, it’s about how you live and how you feel. This realization has the power to be truly liberating as it shifts your focus towards your hopes and dreams once again.
You are a vibrant and passionate soul, and you need to have the space and freedom to spread your wings and fly. It’s time to shine a light of self-compassion within and to love yourself wholeheartedly; it’s important to acknowledge that you matter, and you truly are a wonderful being. This isn’t about ego, it’s just fact! Stop trying to deny yourself the opportunity to live your life wholeheartedly and have the courage to let your light shine brightly as you have so much undiscovered and exciting terrain on your path ahead. The key to discovering this unchartered terrain comes from stepping into the present moment and easing up on the self-imposed pressure. It’s time to take a deep breath and to embrace a new way of living and being…
November looks set to be a month for seeking out space to breathe and room to reflect as you focus more wholeheartedly on your true priorities and contemplate the meanderings of your life. You have been caught up in the busy-ness of the lives of those around you for a long time, and you have lost sight of your own needs in the process. Yet, the more space you can find to pause and breathe, the more you are thinking about how you live your life and why. What feeds your soul? What warms your heart? You may feel it’s indulgent to explore either of these questions as you’re so busy keeping on keeping on, but that niggle deep within your heart and soul is letting you know that it’s time to restore balance and acknowledge a need to live with more purpose, passion and creativity than ever before. You have been drifting along with the currents of other people’s lives for so long that you’ve stopped noticing the bigger picture.
Although you would do just about anything for anyone, it’s time to start honouring your own needs more; instead of being towed along by the currents, get back into the driving seat once again. This doesn’t mean you need to step away from those close, but there is a need for you to clearly define your boundaries and to make more space for yourself. November is time to re-shape and re-define the essence of your life as you travel deeply within to the core of your being, this is where your strength, courage and wisdom reside, and it’s time to befriend them and become one again. So, instead of feeling scattered and fragmented, it’s time to bring together the many different facets of your being into one magnificent and glorious whole. Try not to over-think this; feel it, become it and live it…
As the whispers of your soul grow louder and more audible, there is a sense that you are beginning to feel more inter-connected once again. Life has felt so pedestrian for you lately, quite heavy and almost ‘going through the motions’; it’s as though your spark has faded and the free spirit within you has curled up in the corner with a good book and a hot chocolate. Now, there’s nothing wrong with a good book or hot chocolate, but when you are on the precipice of change in your life, it would be good for your free spirit to be engaged and connected to the process! Going through the motions of keeping on keeping on has left you feeling flat, so it’s not surprising that your free spirit has disengaged. However, it’s time now to re-focus on all levels of your being in order to re-group and acknowledge your true priorities on the path ahead. Your free spirit re-awakening might be a bit cheeky and mischievous, and they might like to up-end the apple cart of your life, but they do this to inspire you to step beyond your comfort zone and towards your dreams.
Although it can sometimes feel as though your free spirit is a force to resist, it seems that the more you can embrace this energy, the more you will realize that it’s the source of your creativity and intuition. Take a deep breath, stretch out your arms and dance; become one with the energy and try not to overthink it. This is your inner world, so it’s your rules! Dad dance, shimmy or hand-jive, it’s up to you, but feel the joy of being free and you will soon see your world lighting up from the inside, out. Listen to the whispers of your soul as they will illuminate your path ahead…
There is a sense that you feel as though you have been walking along a precipice, balanced on the edge, teetering and wobbling as you go. This precipice feels like the boundary between the life you’re living and the life you’d long to live. With the mists of life swirling all around you, this precipice can feel like a challenging place to be as you cannot see in either direction, so you stick to the edge to be your guide as it feels ‘safer’ there. However, it seems that the mists aren’t a force to confuse you, they are a representation of your doubts and fears, keeping you on the edge, unsure of which direction to take. Yet, if you pause and take a deep breath, the doubts fade, the mists clear, and the sun can shine. This sounds easy, but you need to feel ready to become one with the mists and acknowledge that it’s often your own doubts and fears that hold you back in life.
When the sun comes out, it’s clear that the ‘precipice’ is a construct that’s enabled you to keep on keeping on, it’s not really ‘The edge’ of anything, just the boundary of your everyday life. It seems important to start acknowledging just how much your doubts can hold you back from being the vibrant, compassionate and creative soul that everyone around you can see. Self-belief takes time to cultivate, but you’re ready now to find a new path to walk in life as you embrace your gifts and let those mists fade away. Focus on your dreams, acknowledge them and let this focus be your guide and inspiration. Seek out the peace within and let go of doubts, as your heart and soul are calling for you to live with more enrichment and joy than ever before…
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