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Set Yourself Free From Empath Insecurities

Set Yourself Free From Empath Insecurities

Firstly, I would just like to say Happy New Year. Let’s hope 2023 is the best year to date.

And what a way to start the new year, with the intention to free yourself from the insecurities that have been triggered by certain Empath traits. Because, believe me, there are several.

Although it often doesn’t feel like it, we are currently living in some incredible times. Times where we can move into our own authority and start living the empowered existence that we were meant to live.

However, as nice as it is to think we can sit back and watch as our lives become magically transformed, in these times of change, we still have to put in some work, if we want to see positive changes that last.

And yes, we always have obstacles to overcome in the process. One of those being facing the insecurities that have been triggered by our Empath traits.

Being an Empath, means the insecurities of others have changed and shaped our lives more than you might realise. Yes, that’s other people’s self-doubts and fears.

I have written about this before, how the insecurities of others can become embedded within our own being, and in essence become part of our biography. Especially before we became aware of our Empath traits.

The fact that, as Empaths, we can end up ‘wearing’ the insecurities, of those we spend time around, and end up carrying them through life, will probably sound utterly bonkers to those who do not have the same experience, but it really does happen.

That’s not to say we don’t have our own issues to deal with, caused by past trauma, or that all our issues stem from being an Empath. But freeing yourself from any embedded emotional scars, that were either acquired from another person or from mass-generated fearmongering, is a huge step towards emotional freedom.


To give you an example of what fear lifting looks like, I will relay one experience of an embedded phobia I picked up from another, as a child… A fear of wasps.

One of my close childhood friends had an intense dread of wasps. So much so, she would scream and run away in terror from any wasp that came near.

Initially, I didn’t share this fear, but after spending time together, I too acquired this intense phobia. I’m not entirely sure at what point it developed, but I became engulfed with dread whenever a wasp came near. This terror carried into adulthood.

I eventually realised that it was not my fear, and I let it go.

As Empaths, it’s not just other people’s worries that we take on. We are also very open to taking on the fearmongering deliberately put out by the media industry. Two in particular: the beauty and fashion industries.


The message that is put out by the above industries is that we are not good enough the way we are. We need to change parts of ourselves to be complete or buy a product that will help us become more worthy. These are industries that make millions off the insecurities of people not feeling good enough.

I remember comparing myself to the models in magazines. Working in the hair and beauty industry there were always fashion magazines in the salon. The message that was subliminally put out by them was that to be happy and accepted, we had to be perfect in every way.

Little did I know back then that all the pictures had been photoshopped, and even the models didn’t look that way.

Those who rule the world haven’t wanted us to accept ourselves. They want us to feel insecure, insignificant and fearful of being judged.

This type of insecurity not only keeps us slaves to a system, and makes lots of money for industries, but it also keeps us from being at one with ourselves. And, as I said, as Empaths, we can be very impacted by this.

We are all unique in our own special ways. As humans, we may be connected, but we are still meant to be an individual in our appearance, ideas and opinions.  Our higher self knows this, but our hive mind struggles with the concept.

Sadly, having opinions or beliefs that don’t tick the right boxes, or fit in with mainstream narratives, has been massively discouraged. So much so, many people are too afraid to speak their truth for fear of being ostracized.

In fact, I believe, one of life’s greatest realisations for all humans is that we are free to be ourselves. Just like no two sets of fingerprints are alike, so are we meant to be unique. But instead, we are pigeonholed into being the same.

Everyone has been given so many reasons to not feel good enough. Not clever enough, not pretty enough, not thin enough, not confident enough, not rich enough, etc. Society dictates that we should have the same opinions, same beliefs, same looks, and same goals. But in most Empath’s hearts, we have always known that we are not supposed to be the same as everyone else.

However, because Empaths are very open to all types of emotional energy, we take on the insecurity energy that is projected out into the world.

Even when we are awake and aware, we can still be taken off-guard by all the subliminal messages pushed out. It is a form of emotional contagion.


So, you now must be wondering, what is the magic recipe to help us release these insecurities and doubts that have been acquired from having heightened Empath abilities?

I have a few options for you to try.

One of the first is simply through self-acceptance.

Now you be thinking, well, that’s easier said than done, and I would have to agree. But when you really align with your true self, letting go of anything that doesn’t belong to you can happen naturally.

The second option is a simple line repeated whenever you feel roused by fear, insecurity or emotions. And that line is:

‘If this fear does not belong to me, leave me now.’

Generally, if a fear or insecurity does not belong to you, you are effectively telling your higher self that you no longer need to experience it and it is time for a release.

The third technique is Tapping.

Many people swear by the Tapping Technique for releasing their own negative emotions or thoughts, but it is also great to use for any type of emotional or fear clearing.

Heres a video that explains how to perform the Tapping Technique.

And as a bonus, here’s a post with ways to help keep you protected in the future: 16 Effortless Ways for Empaths to Block the Emotions of Others

From a higher perspective, it also helps to accept that any insecurities or fears that we have carried through life have actually contributed towards our path of evolvement. In that not only did they offer us an experience for growth, but they kept us looking for answers, and through this kept us working on ourselves.

But now is the perfect time to release the imprint of fears and self-doubts that have been acquired as part of being an Empath.

Hope this helps on your journey.

Until next time.


©Diane Kathrine


Diane lives in Manchester, UK. She spent the past twenty years researching everything from human anatomy to the law of attraction. She is a qualified colour and crystal therapist, massage therapist, reflexologist, aromatherapist, healing practitioner, yoga and meditation teacher, and has done in-depth research into diet and nutrition and how it affects Sensitive people.. ©Diane Kathrine

7 secrets   Empath Power  Super Powered Empath


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