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Orion (Present, 2nd Era) - Card of the Month - February 2024

Orion (Present, 2nd Era) - Card of the Month - February 2024

Card #57 | Orion (Present, 2nd Era) | Leap of Faith

As you continue to shift from third density to fourth, the map that you use to navigate reality must change.

We have said many times that the navigational method in third density is based on the ego and the ego’s will. This type of movement through reality is very linear and very limited. However, it accomplishes the very reason consciousness experiences a third-density reality – to feel what it is like to be unable to see the bigger picture or sense the currents and flows of one’s energetic path. In that type of reality, one can only rely on the mind as the guide. The mind alone is a poor guide and will frequently lead one to make choices based on the ego’s needs and desires.

As you are beginning to transition into a fourth-density frequency, the method of navigation has to change. The mind can still be a tool, but you may find that relying on the mind alone can be a painful choice that never fully moves you in the direction of your full potential. The navigational requirement in a fourth density reality is based more on a balance between mind, heart, intuition, and the ability to integrate those three senses into the creation of a foundation of inner wisdom that supersedes the desires of the ego. But how is that transition made? How can you, in a sense, change your inner software to move away from ego-based navigation to integration-based navigation?

We can address this question by looking more closely at two states of being and comparing them. The first is a methodology with which you are quite familiar. The ego and/or the mind makes a plan. Then you set about plotting the course on the map to accomplish that plan. Those who are really focused in the mental body have trained themselves to ignore intuition, especially if the intuition does not support the plan. This method of navigation can often feel like traveling on a rocky road. You push forward, but there can seem to be many obstacles. If this path is not a success, then usually it is only at the end when you may think, “I should have listened to my intuition.” And then the pattern continues to repeat.

There is a misunderstanding that navigating in a fourth density reality is airy-fairy – that you become irresponsible, flighty, or ungrounded. However, the opposite is true. What is required to navigate a fourth density path is a state of hyperfocus while being completely in the flow of intuition, and allowing reality to unfold as it needs to, even if it is not what the ego desires. As you move deeper into fourth density, ego desires become weaker, so this new state is easier to navigate than you may realize. What does it mean to be “hyper focused and in the flow?” The best analogy we can give you is the activity of surfing. Surfers cannot be spaced-out. They have to maintain a state of hyperfocus, otherwise they may be injured. But this hyperfocus state isn’t a mental one. As we said above, it is a state in which mind, heart, and intuition are integrated. This combined with a profound state of letting go of control by the mind. It is an ultimate state of integration and trust that shifts your consciousness outside of ego dominance. If the ego or mind tries to take control, the likelihood of wiping out on the surfboard is high.

When the Orion civilization was young, the people were very dominated by mind. This rigidity kept them locked into old patterns of behavior that exacerbated their polarization. As the frequency shift became more and more pronounced, it became too painful to maintain their previous dominance of mind. They slowly began to let go. As they did, they discovered a whole new way of being that was based on a new integration of mind, heart, and intuition. The more they surrendered and trusted this state of being, the more they experienced a deep healing of old wounds. This is the Leap of Faith referenced on this card.

You are being asked to let go in the same way that your Orion family did in ancient days. It is becoming harder and harder to keep control of your reality in the old way and continue to allow the ego to be the metaphorical driver on your path. It is time to let go and to surf the wise energy of the cosmos, but with the hyperfocus of an integrated consciousness. Step by step, allow yourself to merge with the energetic wave of your true consciousness. As you do, you’ll feel all your extraterrestrial and interdimensional surf buddies riding the same waves with you side-by-side.

Germane -- through Lyssa Royal Holt

Inspired By The Galactic Heritage Cards

Every month, we "randomly" pick a card from the Galactic Heritage Cards deck, and Lyssa (with Germane's help) channels a message for that card that is appropriate at that time.


www.lyssaroyal.net | www.solischool.org
For more information about the card meanings, go to Lyssa's YouTube channel here
Lyssa Royal Holt has been a seminar leader, channel, and author since 1985. She is the co-director, with her husband Ronald Holt, of Seed of Life Institute LLC and the SOLi School, an organization whose primary purpose is to assist individuals to understand the nature of consciousness and to put this understanding into practice in daily life – providing a road map to the process of realizing the true Awareness beyond the human identity. 

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