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Coming Full Circle - Card of the Month - April 2022

Coming Full Circle - Card of the Month - April 2022

Card #60 | Sirius (Present, 2nd Era) | Coming Full Circle

In last month's card text for #79 (Zeta Reticuli, Renewed Hope), we warned about re-establishing old dysfunctional habits and patterns when a new paradigm is ready to be born on both the personal and collective level. This card continues with that theme as it encourages you to be mindful of your evolutionary cycles.

Evolution isn't linear, nor is it circular. We know it feels as if you (and humanity) repeat the same cycles over and over again and it may sometimes feel as if no progress is made. However, from the bigger picture, evolution is a spiral. This means that while you may revisit themes over and over again, you always meet those themes from a slightly different perspective that is a product of your continued growth or denial plus your raw experience. Spirals have an implosion point – which means that at some point a type of alchemy happens whereby repeating patterns can no longer continue. Either an integration happens, or a fusion happens in which poles collide and the subsequent force of that collision creates change.

On a personal and collective level, you are all coming to one of those nexus points that represents the completion of a cycle. You are actually in the midst of many new cycles happening simultaneously. You can look at it as the finishing of the last 13,000 years of the cycle of separation, or the beginning of a new 26,000-year cycle of integration. It can feel like the death of the old and the birth of the new, even if you can't quite see what is coming over the horizon. There is both an integration (feminine principle) and a type of fusion (masculine principle) happening as well. This can account for the intensity and/or exhaustion that many of you are feeling. On an individual and collective level, you are processing tremendous amounts of resistance and integration simultaneously. That may seem paradoxical, but depending upon the quality of the transitioning civilization, it can also be quite normal for this evolutionary passage. This dynamic is one of the reasons for your prolonged pandemic and other planetary challenges – to give you a framework in which to process these conflicting energies. In the midst of arguments over who is “right,” these tumultuous energies play out underneath the surface and lay the groundwork for the new reality trying to be born.

So, on the personal level, is there anything you can do? What is the best way to navigate this roiling sea of energy? This card's energy is sourced from Sirius because your Sirian family had to navigate this sea and it was a rough one for them. They went through periods of intense polarization and separation among their people, to the point where two very different civilizations were formed. One civilization was based on service-to-self, and the other on service-to-others. As we stated above, you are not doomed to repeat these cycles, but it is important to know when you approach a nexus point in which mindful awareness of your choices is key to determining the path that you will experience. Therefore, the theme of this card, Coming Full Circle, refers to the nexus point that so many of your galactic family members have had to face as they transitioned to 4th density. You are at that nexus point now.

In the eyes of the universe, no path is wrong. If it arises in reality, it is there because somehow it needs to be there. However, if you prefer one path over another, then you will need to plant the seeds that nurture the path you prefer, rather than resist the path you don't prefer. On Earth now, there is a whole lot of resistance going on! This is a slippery slope because often people think they are nurturing a path of integration when they are really in a framework of resistance. So, if we have one piece of advice to navigate this turbulent sea, it is this: Through radically honest self-observation (not self-judgment), learn to tell the difference between choices that represent egoic service-to-self vs. integrative choices that represent service-to-others. Notice the resistance vs. integration within you. (This is a practice of learning to see one's inner polarization, and it is based more on intention rather than actions). Once you see yourself clearly, make your choices consciously. This simple ability will automatically and very clearly show you the path on which you have placed yourself and help you to understand why you see reality around you the way that you do.

As stated above, your Sirian family navigated this challenge as well, albeit with dramatic results before integration happened. Because of their deep love for you, they support you now through their communications and energy transmissions as a way for you to know that you are not alone. Consider this a planetary initiation into 4th density, and the opportunity for the start of a beautiful new integrative cycle in which the turbulent sea can finally come to rest within the collective heart of humanity.

Inspired By The Galactic Heritage Cards

Every month, we "randomly" pick a card from the Galactic Heritage Cards deck, and Lyssa (with Germane's help) channels a message for that card that is appropriate at that time.


www.lyssaroyal.net | www.solischool.org
For more information about the card meanings, go to Lyssa's YouTube channel here
Lyssa Royal Holt has been a seminar leader, channel, and author since 1985. She is the co-director, with her husband Ronald Holt, of Seed of Life Institute LLC and the SOLi School, an organization whose primary purpose is to assist individuals to understand the nature of consciousness and to put this understanding into practice in daily life – providing a road map to the process of realizing the true Awareness beyond the human identity. 

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