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Are You a Boggart Empath?


The title of this post may seem like an unusual question but if you are familiar with Harry Potter you may have some idea where this is heading.

In the Harry Potter books a boggart is described as a shape-shifting non-being that takes on the form of the viewer’s worst fear.

So what does this have to do with an Empath you might ask?

Well, there are some Empaths who act like a boggart but, rather than shifting their shape, they shift their behavior to fit in with the onlooker’s assumptions. From hereon in I shall refer to it as Empath morphing, as it involves unconsciously morphing personality traits to fit the profile of another person’s beliefs.

Many Empaths are misread and wrongly interpreted. Their quiet ways are sometimes seen as arrogance, snobbery or standoffishness. Depending how the Empath feels will depend on what face they show the world. When displaying their ‘face of overwhelm’ it is often misinterpreted as an air of snootiness or a distinct lack of interest in others. There are some who will take the Empath’s still ways as a sign of self-importance and grandeur. They may feel judged and awkward, when in the Empaths presence, which can lead to the most monstrous of ill-informed impressions to form. (Also similar to the mirror-effect.)

When someone has a strong opinion of who they ‘believe’ you are, they will mold it into a vibrant mental picture. Because the Empath picks up on other people’s strong beliefs, and opinions, they can inadvertently morph their personality to fit the shape of these visions.

How does it work and what does it feel like?

When an Empath starts morphing, their behavior changes: They talk in ways not typical of their usual dialogue, they feel different and sense they are acting out-of-character but cannot shake off this assumed personality. Even when aware they are portraying a manifestation of another’s beliefs, they feel unable to step away from the foreign traits they are exposing.

Most Empaths are familiar with picking up, and acting out, other people’s personality traits. They can easily rub off and they may find themselves mimicking the ways of others. But during a personality-shifting episode the Empath parades the behaviors of what the other ‘believes’ they own. Time spent in the presence of those who see them in a less-than-cheery way, creates a short transitional period for the Empath, as they act out the attributes befitted to them. These traits are a far cry from their true personality, but for a time, whilst in the other’s company, they become imparted.

When no longer in said person’s presence the Empath may be left scratching their head as to why they always act in such a way, especially after they tried to be their true-self and not the fictitious oddity of a creature they often portray.

The positive side

It may seem I have painted a negative picture of how Empath morphing looks. There is also a positive, uplifting aspect which transpires during time spent with those who hold the Empath in high regard. For example, those who see the Empath in a good light, who understand their traits and see only positive qualities in them, it will generate an uplifting morphing episode. When this happens the Empath experiences an inner-power and their positive personality traits become more vibrant, energized and inspiring. They glow with confidence and an inner-strength, not always accessible, and generally feel elevated.

Although morphing may sound a tad ‘out there’, it is just another quirky trait of the Empath and a further example showing how easily influenced they are by the suggestions of other people’s energy. Morphing is simply another aspect of energy transferral. Empaths can be manipulated by powerful energy, such as strong emotion, opinions and ideas, and this is no different.

When they find Empath balance, or just become aware of their abilities, morphing becomes easier to recognize and control, as does controlling any type of external influence.

Hope all is keeping great in your world.

Until next time.


by Diane Kathrine


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