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Alone Time - Card of the Month - May 2021

Alone Time - Card of the Month - May 2021

May 2021
Card #25 | Vega (Present, 2nd Era) | Alone Time

The past few years have been an intense experience to be alive on Earth. You have been rapidly moving into the shadow as a collective consciousness, in an attempt to heal yourselves and propel your civilization into a new age of higher consciousness, compassion, and love. It is easiest to see your own light in the darkness, and this is one of the reasons for this journey into the shadow. But as with all journeys, it must be done alone. You can walk with others on a parallel journey, but your experiences are yours and yours alone.

The collective consciousness on your world is now being asked to pay attention to this inner, unique journey. You’ve been distracted by a pandemic for the last year or more. In the last year, the invitation to focus on this inner journey has been presented through what you call “lockdown” – an imposed period of separation and solitude that, for those who are paying attention, was a much-needed call to reboot your life, let go of old patterns, and return to what truly matters. However, so many of you have spent that sacred time caring for others rather than yourselves. This has emptied your gas tank, and many of you are finding yourselves running on empty.

You are being asked now to turn your attention even more inward and make yourself a priority. The healing process cannot fully occur without self-reflection, self-love, and self-forgiveness. In speaking to many humans around the world, we find, however, that many don’t know how to be with themselves, and the mind continues to seek more and more distraction so you don’t have to feel.

The time has come when you cannot escape the inevitable. We have heard over and over from humans that they can’t meditate because the mind is too busy. This is exactly why meditation is necessary. You are never meant to meditate perfectly – meditation is meant to be a tool. The word “meditation” has a lot of baggage around it, for many envision harsh discipline or monk-like dedication and then tell themselves they can’t do it, thus sabotaging the process before it has begun.

Think of it instead as “Alone Time.” Sit with yourself, with no distraction. Use your breath as a bridge to focus your energy, and your mind will begin to still itself with practice. When emotions or painful memories arise, allow yourself to be fully present with the feeling and let it wash over you like a wave. This simple practice was used by your ancient Vegan ancestors as a process of awakening themselves. When you still yourself in this way, slowly but surely, the wounds, pain, and unfinished business that have been pushed down will rise up and seek the light within you for its own healing. This won’t happen without you allowing it to happen, through dedicated quiet time.

Much has been churned up within you and within the collective in the last few years, and it is time now to process it as your civilization prepares to move into a cycle of growth and healing. The cosmic energy is supporting you in this time of turning inward. Though we said you must always walk your path alone, there are others who silently support you in the darkest times. Your ancient Vegan family is here for you now. When you become inwardly quiet, you will feel their presence as a gentle intuition or a gentle guidance about the next steps of your personal healing. It is time now to rest – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

If you commit to this Alone Time and do your inner work gently (without the inner tyrant dictating it), and yet fiercely (without letting the ego protect you from fear), you will pass through this necessary period with ease and feel a long-awaited sense of renewal. Your galactic family is so excited to meet you on the other side of this journey, with our metaphorical arms open, welcoming you into our embrace.

Inspired By The Galactic Heritage Cards

Every month, we "randomly" pick a card from the Galactic Heritage Cards deck, and Lyssa (with Germane's help) channels a message for that card that is appropriate at that time.


www.lyssaroyal.net | www.solischool.org
For more information about the card meanings, go to Lyssa's YouTube channel here
Lyssa Royal Holt has been a seminar leader, channel, and author since 1985. She is the co-director, with her husband Ronald Holt, of Seed of Life Institute LLC and the SOLi School, an organization whose primary purpose is to assist individuals to understand the nature of consciousness and to put this understanding into practice in daily life – providing a road map to the process of realizing the true Awareness beyond the human identity. 
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