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7 Reasons Why You Are Not A Happy Empath

7 Reasons Why You Are Not A Happy Empath

Everyone has times when they are not happy. There will always be ups and downs. Life tends to throw things our way that takes us off course or puts us in a dark place for a period of time.

Everyone experiences difficulties.

No one is exempt.

And it’s not always because you are doing something wrong.

However, there are some ways of being that will keep you unhappy if you don’t work to fix them.

The good news is they are very fixable. The problem is just figuring out what is really making us unhappy. Because, it is too easy to blame it on the wrong thing.

As the old saying goes: ‘You’re not unhappy for the reasons you think.’

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at 7 reasons why you might not be happy as an Empath:


When you feel like a victim you will live like a victim, and you will be unhappy. You will attract back more situations to match this victim vibration.

Everyone has issues from their past, involving other people, that cause them pain in the present. But constantly keeping your mind focused on these injustices, and overthinking them, only serves in keeping you trapped in unnecessary strife.

Instead of focusing on your vulnerabilities, or past injustices, keep your mind on all your positive attributes. Trust in yourself. The more you think this way, the happier you will feel.


There is a saying that if you feel like you don’t fit into this world it’s because you are here to create a new one. Which I think is very fitting for the Empaths of the world.

Being an Empath often means you will feel different. Because you are different, in many ways. But that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you.

It is difficult for anyone who has a gentle spirit to fit into a system like the one we live in, and indeed around people who are committed to misunderstanding you.

But remember, you don’t have to hide who you are or pretend to be someone else in order to fit in. When you are yourself, the right people will love and respect you.


Where focus goes energy flows.

When you feel resentful or not grateful for all that you have in your life you attract back more of the same.

Having gratitude really does change the way you feel and think.

Be grateful for everything that matters in your life and don’t focus on what doesn’t.

As Rhonda Byrne would say: ‘There is always, always, always something to be grateful for’.


One of the biggest factors that will keep you unhappy in life is holding a grudge.

If someone has hurt you, the worst thing you can do is carry a grudge around with you. All that is doing is keeping the pain alive within.

As hard as it is to do, if anyone has betrayed you or let you down, let it go. Don’t put energy into it. Otherwise, you will continue to recycle the experience, which only allows for more resentments to grow.

 Closure comes from within. You hold the power to give yourself the peace you deserve.


As you know, being an Empath means not only do you experience your own emotions, you can lift and take on those from the people you surround yourself with. This becomes a problem, in creating unhappiness, when you constantly invite these emotions in, and take them on as your own.

There are several reasons why an Empath will take on too many external emotions, which I have written about herehere, here and here.

The good news is, as discussed in the aforementioned posts, there are several things you can do to either block or diffuse these emotions, that prevents them from making you unnecessarily unhappy.


Your diet and lifestyle impact your happiness more than you may know.

Anyone who is Sensitive tends to be sensitive to many things in this modern world, and that includes chemicals in the environment, food and even stress.

Empaths get sick sooner than those who don’t feel everything so powerfully and often feel greater levels of melancholy.

Because of their sensitivities, many Empaths have to be extra vigilant with their diets and lifestyle.

Having seen, first-hand, how diet and lifestyle can negatively impact Empath traits and thus happiness, I wrote a book on the subject. Read more here and here.

 Addressing what you eat, as well as getting in some endorphin-boosting-exercise, can have a major impact on how happy you feel as an Empath.


You deserve to be happy. You don’t deserve to be around people who drain your energy and poison your soul.

You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your peace and happiness just to give others what they want, especially when they are not willing to look out for your needs in return.

If spending time with someone is making you unhappy, or if they repeatedly bring you down, they are harming your health. And it is up to you to either break the connection or confront the situation.

We cannot change others. We can only change ourselves.

If you are an Empath, chances are you have worked hard to find your happiness. Trust in the progress you’ve made. Know that every experience you have is taking you somewhere special.

Every step you take to transform your life is a step in the right direction.

Your sensitivity really is your superpower!

And finally, remember this: You matter. You are special and loved, even when your thoughts tell you otherwise, and you deserve happiness.

Until next time


©Diane Kathrine


Diane lives in Manchester, UK. She spent the past twenty years researching everything from human anatomy to the law of attraction. She is a qualified colour and crystal therapist, massage therapist, reflexologist, aromatherapist, healing practitioner, yoga and meditation teacher, and has done in-depth research into diet and nutrition and how it affects Sensitive people.. ©Diane Kathrine

7 secrets   Empath Power  Super Powered Empath


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